Penguins of Madagascar How Watching PoM Made Me Smarter

PenguinCrazy14 posted on Sep 05, 2010 at 07:11PM
What inspired this was someone daring to say to me, "Watching TV will rot your brain", as I was watching PoM. I was like, :*dead silence*...What? You're joking. PoM has actually made me smarter!"

Of course, having said that, I had to prove it. And so, here are some ways PoM has made me a smarter person:

1: In the episode Miracle on Ice, when Kowalski gets slammed by that lead rat, and he says, "I'm as juxtaposed as the next hamburger," I was wondering if 'juxtaposed' was a real word, 'cause I hadn't heard it before. So I whipped out my trusty dictionary, and, lo and behold, there it was, something like the side by side positioning of something or other. I was like, "Wow, you really do learn something new every day.'
And here's where that new word coming in handy comes in. The very next day, in English class, I learned we were taking a practice test for the SATs, or something like that. And in one of the pretty hard questions was one about 'What emphasizes this person's importance in history', and the other three answers didn't make sense to me. So Answer #2 said something like "The juxtaposition of their accomplishments" and I remembered what that word meant. I was like, "That's gotta be right!" And it turned out, it was! Even when Kowalski's loopy, he's a genius!!

2: This one's rather indirect, but...When I first joined this spot, I wanted a picture of Kowalski, because I wasn't a crazed Skipper fan anymore, so my second icon picture was Kowalski and his clipboard, with the words "According to my calulations..I just divided by zero." I was like, "...So?" So I went and tried to divide by zero with my calculator, and couldn't. (Which I don't exactly get. If you can divide zero by anything, why can't you divide anything by zero? This is why I like multiplication better.)
Then one day, we had a math test, and I had to figure out what number you could use to divide by to get a certain number. Zero was one of the choices, and I knew automatically that wasn't the answer 'cause you can't divide by zero. (If you're wondering, I picked the right answer.)

3: I was having an argument with my older brother about the word "negfinity". Remember when Kowalski said it in Skorca? Well, my brother said there was no such thing, and I said "Look, negfinity most likely means negative infinity, and if you can go forward infinitively, you should be able to go backwards, too! So yeah, there is such thing."
My infuriating brother still didn't accept that. But, coincidentally, the next day in Algebra, we were going over positive and negative numbers, and I asked my teacher if there was such thing as a negative infinity. She said, "Yes, of course."
Ha, HA! Take that! Once again, Kowalski comes through for me!

....Yeah, I'm really not making these up, they all happened, and I got plenty more, I'll add them as I remember, and feel free to tell me yours, too! All in the name of proving that PoM is not mind-rotting entertainment, it has some educational (and argument-winning) benefits, too!

last edited on Sep 05, 2010 at 08:35PM

Penguins of Madagascar 27 replies

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over a year ago JediPenguin16 said…
big smile
Genius! I'm so using these next time someone tells me PoM is "stupid" It may not be their cup of tea, but it's certainly not "stupid." Thanks for posting!
over a year ago beastialmoon said…
big smile
notice how all involved Kowalski. :)

thats pure win for penguincrazy14!
over a year ago PenguinCrazy14 said…
...Funny, as I was writing this, I realized they all had to do with Kowalski...And I've got another one:
I was in North Carolina with my grandmother, and she asked me if I wanted a clipboard. I thought of Kowalski, and said, "Yes, yes, totally, yes!" So I got one, and it turns out it's made me incredibly organized, especially when it comes to art class and my story ideas, and when I learn something interesting. Also, it has all my funny quotes on it, and when I want to remember something important, on to the clipboard it goes! So I'm less forgetful, thanks again to that genius of a penguin. Sigh...what would I be forgetting to do without him...? XD
over a year ago PenguinCrazy14 said…
Oh, yeah, and lately I realized that most of the people I know don't know what the word 'recon' means. That surprises me, and they wonder why I know what it means...well, that and military terms like 'AWOL', and how I can convert normal time to military time so fast. The credit goes to Skipper on that one!
over a year ago fun123fun said…
yay now i lernd stuff
over a year ago musicluv15 said…
I agree! I mean, if you've seen Miss Understanding, then you've ehard of the Five Stages of Grief. They're really called the Five Stages of Dying, and I learned about it in Health class last year. With that episode, I learned about the five stages easily and passed my test! GO EDUCATION (not really, but in this case, it rocks)! :D
over a year ago jackandjill2 said…
Truthfully, I think my IQ goes up about .1% everytime Kowalski opens his beak. (It would be higher, but sometimes Kowalski says completely random things, like "Grrfugganuh!" - upon seeing Marlene in their periscope in "Otter Things Have Happened")
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
big smile

Ya know. Because of PoM, I got the intrest to read, and learn, and write. If I become successful in life, I'm gonna thank PoM. XD (And God, and my Mom, the internet, and Television!)

That reminds me, I got a clipboard too! :D
over a year ago SPKR689 said…

but it is interseting
over a year ago beastialmoon said…
big smile
I have an old clipboard. One time I left it at a meeting. Some person was on his way to leave it at lost and found and got his car run over by a train. Wit my clipboard in it.

So yea! I knew about military time b4 penguins, but i did not know about the five stages of dying. hooray for education hiddeness!!
over a year ago Spi_Kat_Penguin said…
big smile
I learned that without mucas your stomach would digest itself. It came in handy for science class. Science rules, math sucks!!!

over a year ago SJF_Penguin2 said…
While I had done non-fiction work, I was never a writer of fiction until I started writing "Penguins of Madagascar" fan fiction.
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
Exactly, I even learned about the chaos theory, just by looking at Kowalski's clipboard, he had the first 4 out of 34 equations in the chaos theory, which helped A LOT in science courses!!!!
over a year ago huddygirl2 said…
true true watching NCIS and Doctor makes me learn somenew stuff as well
over a year ago beastialmoon said…
Doctor? Doctor Who? What Doctor?
over a year ago PenguinCrazy14 said…
..Another win for the forum!! All right, so Friday I was in French class, and I came across the word 'traverser'. I thought about Lemur See, Lemur Do, when Kowalski said that lemur locomotion was 'ideal for traversing the hummocky Martian landscapes' or something to that effect. So my mind thought, "Well, traversing must mean traveling or crossing, right? So 'traverser' must mean that, too." As it turns out, 'traverser' DOES mean 'to cross'! Are there any who still doubt the awesome power of PoM now?!
over a year ago Annacrombie said…
If it wasnt for POM none of use would be here descussing if penguins have changed our lifes
over a year ago PenguinCrazy14 said…
...Yes, still more wins for the forum. I've learned two new words from watching PoM: 'Extrapolate' and 'Anthropomorphizing'....I think that's how you spell the last one. So, thanks so Skipper and Kowalski--once again, you have raised my IQ level. Oh! On Friday I got to flaunt my awesome math skills on my clipboard in front of the whole class. I reminded myself of Kowalski...I was so happy I got that clipboard, where would I be without it?
over a year ago EppofangirlXD said…
big smile
With out PoM, I wouldn't be reading or writing...fanfiction! It started me writing PoM fanfiction :)
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
big smile
^I know, right!!!!
over a year ago kowalskielol said…
the penguins are totaly teacherz!!!!!!! they are the bezt!!!why wont anyone respond to my comments and forum topics! its not fair. :(
over a year ago kowalskielol said…
over a year ago Annacrombie said…
i am responding right now.....OR AM I?
over a year ago AgentJazzy00 said…
Today during class my teacher asked us what regurgitate meant and I shot my hand up and told her that regurgitate meant when a pe...guy coughs something up.So even Rico teaches you stuff.
over a year ago Yamu said…
I recommend mostly all my friends and relatives to watch PoM recently,I told them PoM is more excellent than Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf(A popular Chinese animated television).I told the parents that watching PoM will improve their children 's IQ. And watching a silly animated television such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf has no that good effect.

PoM brings me much fun,what else,I have learnt many new words and improved my English by watching PoM.
over a year ago iLikeKowalski said…
My vocabulary has increased too from watching The Penguins of Madagascar.
But not only has my vocabulary improved, my grades actually get better when a lot of new episodes premiere. I don't know why, but I seem to do my homework better when new episodes come out. :) I don't know if it's because of the joy I get from watching new episodes, but all I know is I get a better GPA and that's good enough for me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago quasomeness said…
Yeah, what iLikeKowalski said. PoM makes us happy and isn't just quasome, but is also healthy.