Penguins of Madagascar HELP CHANGE THIS SPOT!!! POM NEEDS YOU!!

SPKR689 posted on Jun 06, 2010 at 08:32PM
ok its getting just way to out of hand i wont say any names but it went way to far with somthings on here. and im not the only one that thinks this. we can make this spot go back to the way it was and if we do try, it can all get better, but some of us really need to change. what happend here? i saw this site when it was all nice and peacful, nothing went wild and no one fought with one another. well? you tell me what happend, cuz sure as hell i dont know. so common, do you want this place to end up all in a mess that is worst then it already is? well shape up or else. get out there and prove to me that we can be a better spot then what we truned out to be. CHANGE!!! its somthing we can do but most of us dont do it. i want changes around here. and i want PoM to stay be that great place that is was. we can do it. CHANGE THIS SPOT GUYS!!!! FOR THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penguins of Madagascar 24 replies

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over a year ago Sandrei said…
Im absolutely with you, SPKR689! Everyone should contribute in making this place go back to the way it was, just as you said.
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
Sandrei, i thank you. i need ppl to help me out here, i cant help this place by myself, i need the other PoM fans to do somthing too.
over a year ago DrBlowhole1 said…
I am with you all. Just going to get some friends! The cast of the peng-gow-ins of mada-gas-scar should work. Got to ask them when they get back. Tom Mcgrath probably will help......if he's not on my nemisis Skipper's side right now.....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
awww thanks Blowhole :) im glad you agree with me
over a year ago JediPenguin16 said…
Well, I just joined recently, but I did notice a lot of epople aren't very nice to each ohter.
Well, these are Some of MY rules of the ifansite that I follow.
1. When Skipper or Kowlaksi or another penghuin is on, no matter how much of a rabid fangirl(or boy) you are, don't bombard them wiht marrigae propsals, confessions of loooove, or anything else like that. No one wants to hear it. Go to the Fan spot for that specific character to post that stuff.
2. If someone posts somethign insulting directed at you, take a deep breath, calm down, and let it go. The everone will hate on them and they will feel stupid, and you will be seen as the victim. It takes two to fight.
3. If you see something you don't like, don't FLAME it. Just go do something else. For example: I HATE HATE HATE slash, so I HATE Kico, but if I come upon a Kico picture of fanfiction, I say to myself "Ew gross", BUT I don;t leave ANY messages of hatred or nastiness.It's just uncalled for and ruins other peoples fun.
4. Don't attakc other fans, even if they are total jerks themselves, b/c it doens't help the situation at ALL. Be a grownup, even if your 13, you can act more mature than a thirty-something fan.
5. If you say something "insulting " but in a joking way, put "Just kidding" or J/k at least so what you said is clear.
6. When Skipper, Blowhole, and the pthers cast member are on here don't accuse them of being crazy fans who don't live in the real world. We are all tryign to have fun here, don't ruin it for the rest of us people. If you hate it, just ignore it.
( btw, I believe they are really real, for the record :D And They are all AWESOME.)

Basically just follow this Bible truth:
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Substiute "neighbor" for "fellow POM fan", and that just about sums up what I just typed.
that's my 2 cents on the matter, hope someone benefits from it. Maybe we should make a Pledge forum to follow a set of rules while on this site?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
yea even i can get that way, im addimiting my misktakes. im trying to stop this and myself. we can help this spot. thanks Jedipenguin
over a year ago JediPenguin16 said…
I can get that way to, which is why I made these rules for myself. I am always happy to help a good cause.
But we really should make some sort of Pledge forum, and everyone who wants to maek this place better will promise to, and we can all hold each other accountable.:) Infact, I think I will ,make one. Come and sign it. * runs off*
over a year ago fun123fun said…
i wasnt here when everything was awesome someone told me that fan pop is better then any other bords like 2 weeks ago!
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
Yeah, I wasn't here then either, but I've noticed that other spots are a lot different, and everything seems to go a lot better. No crazy, random outbursts, no swearing, just a bunch of fans talking about whatever that club is for, such as the Pokemon spot.
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
Sigh...I remember when I first saw this site...

I miss that feeling.
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
see? the past is great but the future is in danger. we must change this place or we could be in for it deep. we need so many more ppl to help. i feel like if we dont succed, something really really really bad could come to the show or even the fans and this spot. we must unite!! WE CAN BE OUR OWN TEAM!!! (whos got a good name for our team?)
over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
I don't know if I was here when it was awesome. Frankly, I think it only got out of hand in this past month and I STILL spend a few hours a day on here. But I do need to change myself. I mean, I keep forgetting that Blowhole is kinda here under a white flag and I can't forgive him for what he did to my best friends (yeah, I'm THAT nerdy!). But I'll try to reform, I swear.
Let's just focus on the 3 Ps: Penguins, penguins, and MORE penguins!
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
over a year ago knocktimerico said…
I don't understand how you guys can want it to go back to what it was, when you weren't even around for this site in it's hay day. You keep saying lets change this, make it go back to that, but you don't know what this or that was so how could you change it. I've been here since bascially the begining and there's no way this is going back to what it was. You're better off just spending your time doing something else.
over a year ago scifiguy1999 said…
over a year ago ggreen7295 said…
over a year ago PrivatelyFunny said…
over a year ago Flana_2 said…
*no comment*
over a year ago IceCream123 said…
i know this is really irrelevant to your solution, JediPenguin16 but you have alot of typos.
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
big smile i hear some yes's? COMMON GUYS LETS GOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago Reilly06 said…
I never got to see what it was like when the pom spot was first made. I agree with making this spot better!
over a year ago scifiguy1999 said…
You would have been so happy on the original spot.

*Almost makes me cry...
over a year ago PenguinXXX said…
SPKR689, or can i just say Lauren?, i REALLY agree with you!
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
thanks i idc what you call me :) Lauren, SPKR, Sgt. doesnt matter :)