Penguins of Madagascar So Long For Now Recruits!

Col_Skipper posted on May 05, 2010 at 10:40PM
This is Skipper reporting in at 1850 hours:

Sorry to say but we must get going now! We don't know when we will return unfortunately. Anything can happen..

Sgt. SPKR689: You're in charge of telling me what all goes on here whether it be good or bad...

Rico, Private and a few more of my soldiers are coming along with me...Some are staying behind due to Kowalski's condition...

Should Kowalski come on, Sgt. will notify me...should she forget let me know ASAP!
He is well but he is still in pain! So please if he comes on don't start rushing on him or anything.

Once agian we don't know how long we will be gone.

Take care and Hope to see you recruits soon!


So long for now!


Col. Skipper P.
last edited on May 05, 2010 at 10:52PM

Penguins of Madagascar 8 replies

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over a year ago penguinfan123 said…
Good Luck Skipper! ;) don,t forgot about something on this club.. i will give you the link.
over a year ago penguinfan123 said…
link ok..
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
yes Skipper i will. and i will make ppl remind me. i will make sure that it is all alright. and i will defidently notify you if Kowalski comes on. good luck. *salutes*
over a year ago SJ_waddles said…
So long sir *Salutes*
over a year ago beastialmoon said…
How will u know when Sgt. tells u Kowalski's on? U wont exactly have ur laptop with you on the mission (altho i could be wrong) and when u DO get back on, kowalski's right in the same room, so u culd ask him.
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
Hmmm, I'm missing too much. :P

Oh well. BYE! (And this time I hope I got my good-bye right.)
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
Good luck on your mission, Sir. Hopefully nobody gets injured this time. *salutes* Goodnight
over a year ago penguinfan123 said…
*salutes* :)