Penguins of Madagascar There should be an ACTUAL penguins of Madagascar Movie!

xchiploverx posted on Apr 16, 2010 at 10:50PM
Hej there everyone and POM fans! Hoe are you? Here is my topic for this one...I was thinking and been thinking that there should be a movie made about the penguins! Think How amazing it would be to see that! I can imagine and got a couple of ideas in my head. I'm involved with fanfiction (link) and writing a story about them. So far just the prologue is up but the chapters are coming!...That would be really amazing if they did come up with a movie like that. Think of how they first started out and their backgrounds and how they met and such. It would be the best!...Who here would agree with this?...If so..write your comment below ^-^

Thanks, Kam
Hej there everyone and POM fans! Hoe are you? Here is my topic for this one...I was thinking and been

Penguins of Madagascar 3 replies

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over a year ago Lt_Kowalski said…
That would be amazing...though on my behalf I would like to give you a few details about me and what has gone on in my life to get you started*smiles*
over a year ago Annacrombie said…
yeah that would be totaly awsome!
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
big smile
SWEET! I've always wanted to know how they met, and they just don't have enough parts in the Madagascar movies.