Penguins of Madagascar What Would You Do? (and Why?)

penguinlover723 posted on Sep 16, 2013 at 12:17AM
This is a post where someone gives a little scenario on what's going on...Then you have to decide what you're choice will be. All posts don't have to relate to each other and you get to choose between doing Multiple Choice or Free Choice Answers. You don't have to, but you can explain why you made your decision

So a post would look like...
Kowalski is choosing between two potions... one is green and one is pink, he forgot which one was the Meguthium 240, The wrong vile could potentially destroy mankind, which one do you choose?
Someone Else...: The Pink Vile because the last Meguthium was a magenta-ish type of color...

(Then they would give the next scenario)
Any questions, Please ask in the forum!

Let's start with....
You and Private are walking down Central Park talking when a gang comes out of nowhere and beats you up, Private (angry) is yelling at them to let you go but they continue to beat you up. Then, Private throws a brick at one of the gangsters and soon they leave you behind and take Private. You witness Private being severely choked and he could die in several minutes. You have a pocketknife in your left pocket... What would you do? (and Why?)

Penguins of Madagascar 1 reply

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over a year ago Snowfrost said…
I would threaten them with the pocket knife, hoping they would let Private go. I would not want to use it, but if I had to I would, in order to save Private's life.

Next scenario: King Julien accuses you of stealing his fruit. However you know that he is wrong, and you had nothing to do with any of his mangos,bannanas, or other assorted fruit.

What would you do, and why?