Penguins of Madagascar What Would Kowalski Say? (WWKS)

Number1SkippFan posted on Jul 12, 2013 at 02:40AM
There is one of these for Skipper, so why not Kowalski? :D

In case you don't know how to play this its simple:
Fan: WWKS if Skipper touched his new invention and it blew up? :3
Another fan: *Gets hamer* *Goes to coffee machine*

If you don't get it, just go to the forum post: What Would Skipper Say? (WWSS)

Penguins of Madagascar 9 replies

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over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
big smile
Sounds like fun. :D Yayz! I can start! XD

WWKS if Doris started flirting with him (before The Penguin Who Loved Me happened)? XD
over a year ago sarah12499 said…
K- x_x
D- Kowalski are you ok?

WWKS if Skipper told him he couldn't invent ever again.
Number1SkippFan commented…
We posted at the same time! Wow! over a year ago
Number1SkippFan commented…
I'll let you two play, I'm going to bed soon over a year ago
over a year ago Number1SkippFan said…
K: *Kisses*
D: Woah woah! Already? Can we just take it slow?
K: *Can't hear, too busy kissing*

WWKS if another penguin flirted with him and he's too scared to say he likes Doris?
over a year ago sarah12499 said…
K: thanks thanks
Penguin: come on just one date
K: ummm I said no!
Penguin: why?!?
K: Because I don't like you!
Penguin: then who do you like?
K: *tears up* forever alone!
Penguin: O_O *walks away*

WWKS if he found out he was getting a sister (MY MIND IS AN ENIGMA)
Number1SkippFan commented…
Awww :( over a year ago
over a year ago TheRatKing1 said…
that's a scientific impossibility! my parents are incapable of hatching more eggs!

WWKS if he found out king julien had a crush on him? ( yeah.. i like the slash pairings sometimes)
over a year ago queenpalm said…
K: O_O Um.... *slowly backs away*

WWKS if Skipper grew a mustache and Private grew a beard? (Im in a random mood)
over a year ago TheRatKing1 said…
Hmmmm.........intriguing......* goes to examine them*

WWKS if someone dropped a house on his sister? ( yeah, i know, that has nothing to do with anything, but i was super tired when i wrote this)
over a year ago Cowtails said…
K: AHH!! *chases the person*

WWKS if a random fangirl named Cowtails told him all about her POM story with her friend SP, and that in it, he proposes to her? xD
over a year ago Number1SkippFan said…
(I've got nothing)

WWKS if he drank Skipper's fish coffee by accident? XD