Penguins of Madagascar Fanfiction volunteers

mostar1219 posted on Jan 03, 2013 at 12:01AM
Hey guys. Listen, i saw a clip of "Saturday Night Live" involving a bunch of broadway characters coming together in a meeting to save broadway, here's the link:link (yes, three of the actors are Taylor Swift, Kenan Thompson, and Dr. Blowhole himself, Neil Patrick Harris). Anyway, seeing that got me thinking about what would happen if a bunch of fanguins came together in a meeting to discuss how to save POM. well, I'm thinking about making a Fanfiction spoof about it and I need volunteers. Here's the list, I'm not sure which part I should play:

Phantom of the Opera:
Mister Mistopolies from "Cats":
Music Man:
Elphiba from "Wicked":
Mark from "Rent":
Writer of "Miss Sigon":
Puppet and puppeteer from "Avenue Q" (2 parts open):
Blue Man Group (3 parts open):
Ladies from "Chicago" (2 parts open):
Dude from "Stomp":
Fiddler on the Roof:

So, there's the list. Click on the link I put on here in order to see the original sketch from "Saturday Night Live" and, once you see it, first person for each part they mention they want to play gets that part, except for the parts involving more than one person, then it's the first amount of people mentioned.
last edited on Jan 03, 2013 at 01:39AM

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