Penguins of Madagascar Episode Ideas!

kowalskirocks14 posted on Jul 08, 2012 at 01:31AM
i was radomly thinking of episode ideas, and i think some of them are inda cool! i thought id share them! end like only one had any type of oc in it.
acually, now that i type, i feel kinda embarased that i let my fandom go to writing episode myself, but, here goes nothing...
feminine side:
kowalski wants to show skipper he can create an invention without it failing, so he creates an atam scrambler, designed to do blah, and when he accidentally fires it on himself... well lets lt the title explain that. he fakes himself getting trasferre out so skipper think he is now a new female penguin, but thins get bad as "unwanted attention" from the lemur habitat interferes with his plans...
opposites attract:
when skipper discovers a new puffin habitat across the zoo, he immidiatley thinks its hans, but when he discovers a puffin by the name of selene, private falls head over heels for her, and skipper tries to convince him that shes evil.
AAHHH! i have so many i cant remember them!

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