Penguins of Madagascar The PoM MV Awards ~*Nominees*~

RockOnPenguin posted on Jun 09, 2012 at 03:52AM
Hello :D RockOn here, and I have an announcement to make! Mostar1219 and I have sat down and came up with nominees for the one and only PoM MV Awards! This year, it's going to be even better but we need your help! You could vote by sending Mostar1219 or me a Private Message via Youtube or Fanpop. Also, you can vote at my website: link
Thank you all for being awesome Fellow PoM Fans/Fanguins
and I hope you enjoy the PoM MV Awards 2012!! :)

Penguins of Madagascar 2 replies

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over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Can't wait for the show
over a year ago GoTeamSkipper said…
big smile
Saw that this morning, and have a lot of MV watching to do lol! Great job guys :)