Ore No Imouto Ga Konna Ni Kawaii Wake Ga Nai Club
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The model middle school student is secretly a younger sister-obsessed erotic game maniac! In actuality, it’s not quite that bad, but it sure sounds more interesting when I say she poses for pictures to earn money for feeding her addiction. It’s all about taking stuff out of context. This story is about 17-year old high school student Kousaka Kyousuke (Nakamura Yuuichi), who hasn’t gotten along with his 14-year old sister Kirino (Taketatsu Ayana) for years now. However, all of that changes in very awkward ways when he stumbles upon her love for ages 18+ porn games. If that weren’t bad...
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The last thing I need in this episode is some uptight person giving me an earful about covering shows like Kanokon and kiss x sis and how I should have some shame, before going off on a tangent and preaching to me about what’s morally acceptable in this world. Even then, I’d probably have to suffer criticism on why I covered show A over show B and possibly be put on the hot seat to justify those decisions. Well tough luck! I don’t feel the need to justify anything! Also, I don’t want to be called “Divine” in real life as it sounds pretty lame just thinking about it. I’d probably...
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There’s bipolar and then there’s Kirino-level bipolar. Given the instant switch back to the Kirino of old, I’m starting to wonder how I was ever suckered in by that face. Damn that face. I can’t help but wonder if Kyousuke ever asks himself why he has to be the better person, because I sure as hell would be in his shoes. “Did you just call me a pervert when you’re the one getting porn secretly delivered!?” If that isn’t a surefire way to pop a vein, then being called an ero-gamer who holes himself up in his room on weekends should help increase that blood pressure. Let’s not...
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A mix of heartfelt drama and the usual comedic flair makes this episode of Oreimo one to remember. I still found it a bit cheesy with the way Kyousuke “put his life on the line” to defend Kirino’s unusual hobby in the face of their no-nonsense father, but the end result that shows exactly where the title of this series comes from was so sweet. It was quite possibly the ultimate “dere to the tsundere” moment of the year. Leading up to their father stumbling on Kirino’s secret, most of this episode was just peachy as far as her relationship with Kuroneko and Saori was concerned. While...
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You know how you sometimes get into an discussion with someone who seems to be beyond reason and start wishing for a gun so you can either shoot them or yourself? Well I felt sorry for Kuroneko as she had to deal with just that in Kirino, the self-proclaimed best novelist that has yet to be discovered. Those weren’t her exact words, but that’s pretty much how her confidence came off when she was convinced that short paragraphs filled with Internet lingo and emoticons was the way to go about it. Only in the blog sphere can you get away with that trashy incoherent crap! wwwww, bwaaaka bwaaaka....
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With the beautiful and respectful Ayase showing a drastically different side of her and Kyousuke worrying about her friendship with Kirino ending more than she was, I would’ve thought that receiving a swift kick to the groin was a good sign for Kyousuke to start rethinking why he’s going to such lengths for his little sister. However, it looks like his new-found opportunity to finally act like an older brother knows no bounds, as he not only goes out of his way to get them to make up, but takes another bullet for Kirino by degrading his image further. First his father, and now the one girl...
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This time we have an episode on plain old Manami that depicts how she’d probably be the perfect match for Kyousuke. Together, they’d probably make one of the dullest couples ever (albeit most normal), which was made plainly obvious when her grandparents showed more youth in them than they have. In the case of an age identity crisis, we have young geezers and old teenagers mixing things, and not a whole lot in the younger sister department. Not to be completely forgotten, there was every indication that Kirino missed having Kyousuke around to preach to about eroge and talk down to though....
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There wasn’t a whole lot of interaction between Kousaka siblings this episode, but the way that Kyousuke continues to go out on a limb for Kirino even without her knowing about it never ceases to amaze me. In fact, it’s gotten to the point that Kuroneko even wishes she had an older brother like him, which goes to show that just about everyone’s taken notice to his constant sacrifices for her. At this point, I’m really starting to wonder if the effect of this series is two-fold — to make older brothers treat their younger sisters better and to get younger sisters to appreciate their...
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