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Naruto Answers

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 Showing Naruto questions (1 - 13 of 13)
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Answer: It's most likely gonna be Sakura since Naruto has l...
Answer: I HATE her! I can't stand her. She is too annoying ...
Answer: mine are: *shikatema *naruhina *sasusaku *nejit...
Answer: Because of the Kyubi Incident,Konoha's advisors sus...
Answer: It's just a weird habit, like Naruto always says Da...
Answer: You spelled "off" wrong.... Even a horrible speller...
Answer: CHIDORI; The Chidori is Kakashi Ha...
Answer: Yes,there is one now. [url=link...
Answer: No, Madara Uchiha WAS the Mizukage but it has been ...
Answer: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont trust these people. He's not...
Answer: Madara hates Konoha because the Uchiha clan betraye...
Answer: It could be,cause' if you look at the clouds first ...
Answer: The fan named oneeyejack created this club.