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Boy MLP backpack banned it's a "trigger for bullying"



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This is bullshit!!
posted over a year ago.
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If people are gonna hate on bronies, they might as well be racist. It's just pointless.
posted over a year ago.
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panisepic said:
I agree it is pointless, all this will do is empower the bullies to bully again I hope the school is taking further action, actions that would make the school a welcoming environment with people who don't give a shit about what backpack some kid has.
posted over a year ago.
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What's wrong with bringing a MLP backpack to school if you are a boy? Wow. This is why I don't like being social. At all.
posted over a year ago.
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(Uncensored Language Approaching)

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS FUCKING WORLD! What the fuck ever happened to rights and shit like that? What kind of piece of shit world do we live in where we can't bring something wherever we go because we like it. If people feel like brining MLP merchandise where ever they go, then just let them. These people who hate bronies... Well, hell, make them the next Nazi's or the next KKK. They sure fit the profile for douche bag clan >:(
posted over a year ago.
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Agreed. We live in the world of stereotypes and whoever chooses to be a non-conformist and have a different idea, or like something that the majority would find inappropriate, they will outcast this person and make him/her feel miserable. Buck conformism, deviance rules!
posted over a year ago.
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ChibiEmmy said:
Kid being bullied? Tell him he can't bring the backpack to school. Prefect solution geniuses -.(\
While the bullies run free beating up whoever they want up, at least the parents are outraged.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Sure, let's force the victim to adapt not the violent bullies.
posted over a year ago.
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glelsey said:
Victim blaming is just pathetic. It's bad enough this sort of thing happens everyday in our world, and just stupid that a school is encouraging it.

The kids at that school are going to grow up believing that if someone gets raped, it's their fault for being too good-looking. Or if someone gets their wallet stolen, it's their fault for walking past a pickpocket. We have too many adults in today's world who seriously think blaming the victim is a legit excuse. We don't need the next generation believing in that junk too.
posted over a year ago.
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@glelsey: I couldn't agree more!
posted over a year ago.
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I did it. I went to school today with an MLP shirt. everyone (Except for my four friends) were laughing. Even the teachers snickered a little. People then stared calling me names and tripping me in the halls. Just like back at Edgewood. But I didn't give a damn. I want to show everyone that I'm a brony and I'm proud. I just can't stand people who can't stand other peoples opinions. Might as well be Nazis if you ask me >:(
posted over a year ago.
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The community commends your deeds, Windwaker! You have done an excellent job with this act of untold courage! Seriously. Although bullying is not such a huge issue in Hungary, as it is in America, you've done, what I would never find the bravery for. So thumbs up for that! :)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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big smile
Thanks. I just wanted to show those haters whats what.
posted over a year ago.
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panisepic said:
Windwaker that's truly amazing of you to do that! Also to everyone looking to support Grayson through this issue this is his official facebook page, give it a like if you can! link
posted over a year ago.
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alinah_09 said:
What the hay?! If those boys want to show how they love the show,let them,it aint hurting nobody...bullies should just back off,how about they feel what the victims feel,huh? like the saying here: dont do what you dont want others to do to you

Bullying isnt really that much of an issue here...we actually get along,girl,boy,anti social,gay...its all good,heck one of our guy classmates dont really mind if we rested on their lap or called them "husband" (no love story here,its just normal to us)
posted over a year ago.
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Your country sounds very peaceful, Alinah. But sadly, I and a few others on here live in bum f**k America, and there are many times when I wish this country would just burn to the ground. Here, (Or at least in Oxford, Ohio) people judge people by appearance. The minute they see something about you they don't like, they will try to kill you... Literally. This one time, a kid was wearing glasses and this kid pointed a knife at him because he said that glasses were for nerds. That's America for you. Land of the Douches and Home of the D**ks
posted over a year ago.
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panisepic said:
^That being said, bullying changes from school to school, like it's not a very big problem at my school. Clearly it is at the school this boy is at, my school is cool with just about everything I have a friend who wears brony shirts regularly and no one cares. It's an ongoing issue in many schools and there are a lot of new laws and actions being taken to help stop it. Of course cases like this still do arise, and this is a little different because it's not the usual he's getting bullied because of popularity standing or friends, but because of his interests, which is even dumber than bullying some cause of their social standing.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago