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☾ QUIZ: What Lunar Phase Are YOU?



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I am sooooooo excited!!! XD I am soooo glad I took this! I really wondered if I would get my fav moon phase but there is hardly anyway i could tell of knowing as I took the quiz. It seemed up for anyone's guess! But I AM SO HAPPY! :D


You are most aligned with the full moon which represents abundance and possibilities.
You are open to the world, and that's part of what makes you unforgettable.

You are free-spirited.

You are a vibrant person who can't help but leave a mark everywhere. You want to create something amazing.

You have a kind spirit, and you bring happiness to everyone you know.

Wellllll~ I don't know about everyone, lol, would be nice, but i doubt it. lol

posted over a year ago.
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Ohhhh happy your the FULL MOON I get active on been on a full moon ;)
posted over a year ago.
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I like what I got and I'm:
You Are the Waxing Moon

You are most aligned with the waxing moon which represents new possibilities and nourishment.
You're incredibly kind, caring, and generous. You naturally put others first.

You appreciate a simple quiet moment. You can relax easily without feeling bored.
You are a forward looking optimist. You believe in the future.
posted over a year ago.
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Oh yes! Your explanation fits you VERY well-perfectly to a T. and that is very true! I love what you got! You are growth & growing -growing to the fullest extent! (such as a waxing gibbous moon!) You & your life is about growth and possibilties! I LOVE that!! <33333333333
posted over a year ago.
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You Are the Waning Moon

You are most aligned with the waning moon which represents reflection and cleansing. You enjoy spending a good deal of time alone. You like to spend a lot of time thinking.

You are independent, iconoclastic, and countercultural. You won't except the status quo. You're rational when things are chaotic, and for you, reason always prevails.
posted over a year ago.