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What Sign Shouldn't You Date?



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CornChips said:
You Should Never Date an Aquarius
Freaky, unconventional, and downright strange - it's likely that any Aquarius will weird you out.
And if you do happen to fall for an Aquarius, you'll probably find them too emotionally distant to connect with.

Instead try dating: Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, or Virgo

Oh wow
posted over a year ago.
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You Should Never Date an Aquarius
Freaky, unconventional, and downright strange - it's likely that any Aquarius will weird you out.
And if you do happen to fall for an Aquarius, you'll probably find them too emotionally distant to connect with.

Instead try dating: Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, or Virgo

hmmm im a sagitarius...
posted over a year ago.
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Schnusch said:
You Should Never Date a Libra
Indecisive, flirtatious, and downright deceptive - your Libra will tell you what you want to hear.
Problem is they'll be telling *everyone* what they want to hear.

Instead try dating: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Scorpio

I am with a Scorpio ;)
posted over a year ago.
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You Should Never date A Virgo
Demanding, picky, and a total perfectionist - there's no way you want to live up to Virgo's standards.
It's not that you couldn't please a Virgo... you would just hate yourself for doing it.

Instead try dating: Libra, Leo, Aquarius, or Aries

I am a Virgo...
posted over a year ago.