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Kristen Stewart Uses Her Affair To Actually Set A Good Example For Young Women



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I'm sorry but there is no way to "set a good example" when it comes to infidelity. Yes she chose to do something that was completely wrong.. did she handle it properly? Too soon to tell, but this article is a bunch of nothing.

I'm not condemning her in any way. I lost respect for her, but I'm not condemning her.. I'm human just like her. But there is no excuse. If people actually think that she is "handling this well and using it to set a good example," then I seriously don't know what is happening to the society we live in. Yeah we all make decisions that are wrong, but we can't excuse them. We have to deal with them.
posted over a year ago.
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^This is just an article I found online. It doesn't represent my opinion.
posted over a year ago.
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my comment wasn't directed specifically at you, just my opinion on this article. I seriously hope people do not believe this or justify any actions.
posted over a year ago.
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I'm not trying to justify her actions, and I don't think what she did was right, but I think Rupert Sanders is equally, and possibly more, at fault in the situation.
I mean, he was in a position of power over her. And he's like 2x her age, and married, and she's a pretty young woman. I doubt she initiated the whole affair. Young people make mistakes and do dumb stuff, and Kristen really screwed up, but a married man with kids should've known A LOT better.

Also, I really think there's something fishy about the whole situation. I mean, a lot of the photo's are sort of suspicious looking, some of them honestly do look photoshopped. And Kristen was always so careful during her relationship with Robert-like they rarely did any public PDA, yet in the pictures, Kristen was really going at it with Rupert. That's an odd behavior change.... And you'd think she'd know better than to be having an affair in public, especially since she's probably one of the most watched actresses in Hollywood. It's almost as if she WANTED to get caught....

And honestly, I was never certain whether or not the whole "Robsten" relationship was for real, or if it was just a publicity stunt for Twilight.

But anyways, I'm not trying to justify her actions. What she did was wrong, plain and simple. She definitely messed up, but I think it's unfair for people to condemn her for it. And that's just my opinion.

I've read many theories about the affair was that it's just a huge PR stunt for Breakin Dawn Part 2, another that it's for some documentary Rupert Sanders is making, and another about how Kristen is doing it on purpose so she can subtly ruin her career and quit acting. It's pretty crazy stuff! And I don't really believe any of it, but it's just interesting, :P
posted over a year ago.
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Of course they are equally at fault. Whether Rupert should get more of the blame, eh. Sure he did a scumbag move but all sins are equal.

And seriously, the theories of this whole scandal are getting ridiculous. PR stunts are supposed to create hype and secretly promote a film; if the whole "Robsten" relationship was a PR stunt, it wouldn't ruin a family, embarrass families, or ruin people's careers. Also, PR stunts are usually occurring during promotion of films. Rob and Kristen had been hanging out casually since 2009. So the whole "PR Stunt" theory is a load of bull.

A lot of this whole "getting caught" thing doesn't make sense, but people saying he forced himself on her or seduced her are reaching. The pictures show both of them equally acting in the affair.

I didn't want to believe this whole situation. I was extremely disappointed, but people trying to come up with different scenerios just because they don't want it to happen are ridiculous. Just accept it and move on. She'll be able to recover from this as have many celebrities. Her fanbase, that might be a different story as well as viewers who aren't necessarily fans of hers. Fans as well as the general public tend to be way more criticizing than tabloids.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree. Honestly, I'm not much of a forgiving person, but everyone makes mistakes. I personally think a true fan would not get mad. I mean, most people are fans because they like her acting, I'm pretty sure, and just because she cheated on Robert, who she may or may not have been dating in the first place, doesn't change that.
I think she screwed up big time, but that doesn't change my status as a fan. And I think a lot of people are being way too harsh on her.
posted over a year ago.
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Um, a true fan would like her for everything she does. I liked her, or respected her is a more proper statement, because she wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. Did I agree with the sometimes vulgarity she said? No, but I can appreciate her not hiding who she is.

But, when she made this mistake, this specific one, all of that credibility was shattered. And, she was definitely dating Rob. There was no doubt. She admitted it in a GQ interview, they were reportedly living together in an LA home, and they had personalized gifts from the other.

And yeah, some people might be harsh, but it's justified. Not saying I agree with all of the things people are saying about her like calling her bad words, but not liking her because of what she did.. it's justified. Sadly, but that's one of the prices they have to pay when they are in the spotlight.
posted over a year ago.