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PAUL STANLEY Says KISS's 'End Of The Road' Tour Will 'Marry Technology With An Emotional Component'

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Paul Stanley Says Kiss's 'End Of The Road' Tour Will 'Marry Technology With An Emotional Component' -
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Extra TV recently spoke to the four members of KISS about their decision to launch one final tour, dubbed "End Of The Road", in early 2019. You can watch the chat below. A couple of excerpts follow below (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).
On why KISS decided to embark on its last tour now:
Paul Stanley (vocals, guitar): "When you feel great about what you\'re doing and you know it can\'t last forever, go out on top. We can still do the greatest show ever. There are bands who wanna be KISS. They can buy a KISS show. There are rappers who do KISS shows, but you can\'t be KISS. And while we
can be, we wanna go out there. So four and a half decades later, this is a victory lap. We get to go around the world, say \'thank you\' to the people who have seen us before, and also let people who haven\'t seen us know this is the last chance. You\'re gonna regret that you haven\'t come onboard sooner. But I\'ll tell you one thing: you\'re gonna leave dazzled, blinded, deafened and just a part of this KISS world."
Gene Simmons (bass, vocals): "You said, \'This is a little sad.\' We look at it as, like, \'Let\'s do the biggest party of all time. Let\'s put on the show everybody\'s kept talking about.\' So we\'ve been spending months and months, maybe as much as a year. Looking this good — don\'t be jealous. We\'re gonna do something that\'s gonna shake the heavens, because only we can. And that\'s just not false bravado — we know we\'re that terrific — which is why we take it on ourselves to introduce ourselves every single night with, \'You wanted the best. You got the best. The hottest band in the world.\'"
in KISS, but there\'s no better band around as far as a live show. When I\'m up there on stage, I go, \'This is a fantasy fulfilled. This is the kid in the audience who dreamed of being the band he never saw, and we are that band.\'"
On what people can expect from "End Of The Road":
Stanley: "This is going to marry technology — the most modern technology — with an emotional component. Because this is a retrospective. This isn\'t us going on another tour — this is going out there and sharing an evening with people who have impacted our lives as much as we\'ve impacted theirs. What\'s always made KISS different than most bands is the reciprocity, what we share with people. So there\'s an emotional component, but make no mistake: if explosions are emotional, you\'re gonna be very emotional, because the lights, the sound, the pyro, the lasers — we\'ve got it all this time, and we will leave the touring circuit like no other band."
Simmons: "We\'re actually very shy and humble. America\'s number one gold-record-award-winning group of all time in all categories, we\'ve played to over 30 million people, the Hollywood Walk Of Fame and the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, nothing matters to us as much as getting up on stage every night at a packed stadium or an arena; we get off on it. This ain\'t makeup, babe — I can call you babe, \'cause you\'re in show business. We\'re putting on warpaint, and we take everything we do seriously. Which is why I\'m not doing my usual stuff — you know, sticking my tongue out — \'cause the floor here is a little bit dirty."
The initial "End Of The Road" announcement was made a month ago on NBC\'s "America\'s Got Talent", and earlier this week, the band revealed the first set of dates and cities in North America, produced by Live Nation. International markets were announced simultaneously.
The North American leg of "End Of The Road" will launch January 31 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at Rogers Arena and will hit an additional 43 cities.
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