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kiss photographer speaks...


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the kiss guy speaks…
talking with; edward przydzial
by: mark dallas

md- it's good speaking to you. been a few years since we last talked. i think i was working for kerrang at that time… anyway how have things been and what have you been up to?

ed- things have been pretty good actually. working on producing a record and still on the kiss thing, pictures and documentation. i run several kiss pages now. more then the newsletter but not so much info as it's mostly for the vintage and history of the band.

md- i see many kiss related items out there attached to your name. it's interesting to me but seems the shift is there between old and new fans and the current status of the band… what is your take on it?

ed- i draw the line. i stuck by kiss during the hungry and lean times. i never wanted peter to leave, for them to unmask or to let ace go… all this was part of the kiss world as it were and even though these things upset us as fans many of us stuck by the band and supported whatever decisions they made in regards to keeping kiss relevant. the old fan base… we see kiss differently. we see them as family. today they have turned their backs on the fans… putting the make-up on the two stand in's is unacceptable.

md- the line it seems is causing some issues with fans… i've noticed a few incidents at the shows and in the press kiss fans on both sides seem to go at each other over this issue and it's very strong… why do you think that is?

ed- kiss fans, oldschool like myself… we see kiss as the band. "the band". our band. the band we live and breath for. in those days fans like our generation were becoming rare and valuable. marketing and media are part of the publicity and all the press kiss got back then made them happen very fast. today they are just running through the numbers… typical show nothing changes much but the times are much different and in my opinion, paul and gene should have let it end after the reunion. now they openly mock peter and ace and their own past… it's a shame to see. to watch them act like we (the old fans) were never there. revisionist and substitutional… playing a part. the big show, the facade. today it's paul and gene fat bloated and over complicated system and the stage show… ridiculous. kiss 30 years ago, it meant something… today it's all just living off the legend and hoping you can fool them long enough to get them to empty their pockets… ;)

md- you run several pages on facebook… what is the primary goal of the pages and what is the future for you?

ed- i run many pages not just on kiss so i'll stay away from the actual number… lol… besides it's not how many but how good they are being run. i am number one on security and privacy. all the kiss pages i run are top notch and up to par. no issues at all. i take care of issues right away so the pages are first priority when it comes to terms of service and my role in editing.

md- how do you handle the in fighting or squabbling?

ed- i delete shit. i ban people and i take no garbage from anyone. i warn folks… ask them nice and i watch. i give changes but if you continue i can your ass and fast. i have no time for the pages to become a battle ground of opinions… mostly the pages these days are all about the images anyway. much information on other pages but most of it is incorrect or linked to the wrong pictures or period.

md- how do you keep track of the band? it amazes me but so many kiss fans and not many know what you know. how did you become such an expert on the subject of kiss?

ed- long story short i inherited "the kiss beat" from the staffers over at creem and i decided to run with it and never stopped until we discontinued the publication in '83. i keep things simple. something kiss themselves have forgotten.

md- i have to say i love your kiss pages. many amazing photos i've never seen before. most of the images on your pages are not very common… most of them i am seeing for the first time. i look at other pages but so much to weed through it all… many pages are full of bad images and tons of repeats… spam and people who just post the same old images over and over again… how are you different?

ed- first thing we do NOT allow the public to litter up the wall with bad images and horrible quality pictures. makes the page look sloppy. i don't do sloppy and i don't allow the public access because if you look at the majority of kiss pages on facebook... are unbearable to view or to try to make sense of. most of these pages are put up by people who just want to be part of the band… sadly most of them don't know enough or are just plain lazy and are in poor taste. too many kiss pages with the same old tired content…

md- there's only so much you can do unless you follow them blindly and post every news bit there is but…

ed- lol… first i don't follow current news. don't follow current kiss. i have no desire to follow or pay any attention to what they are today. i have no interest in seeing them with two fake members… sorry this is how i feel. i don't want 3000 mindless fans on my pages cluttering it up when instead i can keep it low and in control. current kiss is a joke to me and i will never support them as they are now. i will close the pages before i buy into the current kiss fiasco.

md- you were at one time considered royalty in the kiss fan circles… why doesn't this matter to you anymore? you still run the kiss museum news pages right?

ed- i was at one time called "the kiss guy"… i was a fan then. i was a supporter… a loyal fan. i know time changes things but this is betrayal as far as i'm concerned and yeah… sure, it's just a band… blah, blah, blah… heard it all before. it's serious to me. this means something to me. i'd like to see kiss as a real band not a carbon copy of puppeteers.

md- ace and peter have issues that they cannot tour or be productive in kiss anymore… what does this mean in context?

ed- ace has no problem being ace and would come back i'm sure if the money was right and they let him have some of his freedom… peter on the other hand may not be up to par for touring… maybe health issues would be in the way… his age etc. besides this, he would come back too… it requires the right amount of money and some respect on gene's part when dealing with them. he's in control so maybe he needs to lighten it up a bit and do the right thing. when it comes to money though… ruins everything i'm afraid.

md- i know you run several kiss pages. what content are you posting and how can you always have more classic or vintage content…?

ed- i edit the pages. i tried many pages that went out of control when not properly monitored. i don't allow this. i post images as i can find the time to do so. sometimes i have the time but mostly no… i do the best i can with the little time i have these days to spend on old kiss pix and info's. we stick to the classic, vintage or 'original' kiss, the kiss us first generation fans have grown to love, the real kiss. mark 4.

md- what is mark 4?

ed- mark 4 is paul, gene, peter and ace. kiss. mark 4. if you love the real kiss and you say mark 4 to another fan they will know you are a fan of the old band… the real kiss the first incarnation as it were. ;)

md- so what else are you up to and what else is happening in your world?

ed- my world is never dull. always a busy boy i am. currently working on an album for the artist known as alex lux… singer/artist/model from greece. she is putting out her first record. i produce and help her arrange her music. she has a beautiful song writing talent and i like her spirit. her songs amaze me as well. i also do my photography and my jewelry stuff. currently resettling after a long and huge move to my new home. :)

md- any new stuff in the music area?

ed- funny you should ask… well producing the alex lux record and getting my pre-production songs ready for my next record as well. also looking into re-issuing the corrupt, satanic nazi'ss, anglo material onto compact disc… new records from both corrupt and ssatanic nazi'ss in the works as well… thinking about writing a book… had some offers… many exciting things on the burner for this year, 14.

md- what's the story with the adult industry?

ed- taking hiatus was good for me. took my time and decided not to return. i am very happy… got married and see the porn industry sinking and am glad i'm out of it. the industry is going through a revolution of sorts… california voted against the industry so watch it dissolve and leave the state. the new laws and taxes send the industry on it's way… not my concern anymore. i still produce content and am still available to shoot. me personally i am out. like being married and love my wife very much. i am happy and not looking at it with any regrets. had my time. moving on.

md- it was good chatting with you. like i said it's been nearly 25 years since i last interviewed you. good seeing you and hope your future is bright.

ed- thanks i am grateful i am still here. trying to be as productive as possible. i enjoy the arts… music, art/photography… audio, song writing. love the whole aspect of just doing one thing. music. all my talents are utilized this way. i feel much more creative now then i ever have so i am hoping to leave my mark so to speak.

transcribed; mark dallas
posted over a year ago.