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Johnny Depp recording Christmas song!



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what?!?! No!!! it's just a freakin song jeez people don't need to be so offended. If you dont like it, don't listen to it. But then again as Edward Bloom said "Don't talk about religion 'cause you never know who you're gonna offend" But seriously, Johnny Depp is most definitely NOT going to hell. Do those people know how much he helps other people?!?! How much a gives back to his fans?!?! How much he donates to charity?!?! He used to walk around giving money to hobos!!!!!!!!!! Johnny Depp is an angel.
posted over a year ago.
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"...One day, Johnny Depp and his cronies will face the judgment of our Lord and they will burn in hell for this filth..."

How do they know!!??

I haven't heard the song and therefore can't comment, but growing up as a Christian myself, I think what these activist groups said here is very "un-Christian" and very unkind. Gives us a bad name, that is what I'm upset about.
posted over a year ago.
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omg!!!!!!!! johnny is NOT going to hell!!! agree with i_luv_JDepp!!!! he is an angel:D:D
posted over a year ago.
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I am a Christian too and i don't think
our Lord will judge and send him to hell
because of a christmas song :P That's ridiculous xD
Also i believe that these ppl need to shut the f*ck up =/
They are talking about Johnny like he's a trash =.=
How can they talk about him like that?Johnny's an angel
like u guys said..they HAVE to respect him =/
posted over a year ago.
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Fyrwenn said:
I agree with all of you! It's crazy! I mean come on, does this people ever watch South Park??? They joke with it ALL THE TIME! But... at least Westboru church hasn't talked about protest against him. That's something :/
posted over a year ago.