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Ausiello Spoilers



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March 9th seems so far away now!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Yea it really does!!
Also, I am pissed they aren't going to bring the desk up again, I mean he was CARESSING it in "Painless," I wish they would at least mention it.
posted over a year ago.
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Good for Wilson. I personally don't give a damn about Wilson as long as he stays away from interfering with House and Cuddy's...wanna-be-relationship, unless he helps it because then he would be cool on my list. I can't believe they are just going to leave the desk thing like that. They have to give us something. I mean it was a big thing and now they are just going to leave us hanging?! WTF!!!
posted over a year ago.
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ha no kidding HF atleast cuddy could briefly say like thanks for the desk and house would just smile and say welcome something as frickin simple as that!!'
posted over a year ago.
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yes!!! (and its got an ER spoiler too!!!)
posted over a year ago.
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I don't suppose I'm that disappointed about the desk not coming up again. I mean...Cuddy knows it was from House, and House doesn't think Cuddy's an idiot so I'm sure he knows that she knows.

Although I do squee every time I see that scene of House stroking it. AHHHH!
posted over a year ago.
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RP_Puzzle said:
LOL yeah plus I bet Cuddy's still sore about seeing House at the end of LTEC. I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT LORD DUCKINGTON THE 8TH!!! IS HE EVER COMING BACK?! Duuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

I AM SO EXCITED HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!!!!! Who is playing Wilson's brother? Muuuuuuuuuust know!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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lovehugh said:
I am sad that Wilson finds his brother without involving House ...WHY ? ... when are we going to see the... " I know he is a jerk but he is there when his friend needs him " side of House ????? , the House Cameron said " you do it because it's right " ..House , we just seem to see the thoughtless mean House this last couple of seasons ,
posted over a year ago.
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The link won't work for me right now, so would anyone mind summarising the spoilers for me?
posted over a year ago.
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Question: Another episode of House this week with little or no Cameron and Chase. David Shore promised we'd see more of them -- but when? --Aleki
Ausiello: Soon. "I think your audience feels that we've teased them on that too many times, but this is not a tease," Shore told me yesterday. "The last four episodes of the season, [Chase and Cameron] are going to have a larger part." And what about next season? "I haven't mapped out next year yet," he hedges, "but, certainly, it would appear so."

Question: Are House and Cuddy ever going to talk about the fact that he tracked down her old med school desk and had it delivered to her office? --Zathrina
Ausiello: I asked David Shore about that, too. "No, it's too late," he says. "We had it in that one episode, and it was a wonderful thing. It turned her around and he, of course, found a different way of screwing it up, and she found a way of screwing it up, and we just left it at that."

Question: Can you give at least a hint about what's ahead for Wilson on House? --Monica
Ausiello: Big Robert Sean Leonard episode coming up on March 9 when Wilson at long tracks down his mentally ill, homeless brother. With Taub's assistance, Wilson gets his bro back on his meds and into an institution -- but he does so behind House's back. At least he tries to do it behind his back.

posted over a year ago.
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The "thoughtless mean House"?!?!?! Have you been watching the show at all?! *Mind is boggled*

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize how rude that sounded haha.

But seriously. O_O
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Thanks kellinator! *hugs*

Sounds like some awesome stuff it coming up!
posted over a year ago.
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PotterGal said:
Yay, finally a date about Wilson's brother coming to the show! I can't wait!
Sad that they'll never bring up the desk though. Whenever i see them in Cuddy's office together my mind always shoots straigt to the desk which is RIGHT NEXT TO THEM.
posted over a year ago.
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Fabouluz said:
I cannot wait for Wilson's arc, and I am happy it is coming up sooner rather than later!! I love Huddy to pieces, but some variation is always welcome in my opinion. :)

posted over a year ago.
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Wilson is getting his screen time with his brother!!! That is so awesome!!!!!!
but I'm a little bit sad with the outcome of TEH TABLE!!
posted over a year ago.
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Why does wilson wanna hide the brother thing from house?
posted over a year ago.
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lovehugh said:
The "thoughtless mean House"?!?!?! Have you been watching the show at all?! *Mind is boggled*

yes...each episode several times and then some , and I still say he comes across meaner than he used to , he would always have a reason to be rude and mean in the first three seasons , but of late he does it without reason , not all the time but more than before x

posted over a year ago.
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Hilson said:
I'm so excited!! =D I thik House will find out about Wilsons brother. :) And sounds like more screentime for Taub & Wilson!!
posted over a year ago.