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Th Dig Review

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I missed Wilson. He and House always have such great moments. Cuddy can stay gone for my money!
If 13 has been gone a year, then the House and Cuddy relationship did last almost that long. 13 left at the end of "Now What." House and Cuddy spent that day wrapped in each other while the "Team" tried to save the hospital and cure Dr Richardson.

I remember House confronting Wilson about dating again after Sam left him. It had only been 3 or 4 episodes at best, but according to House it had been 3 months. House time used to be real time, now it is TV time.

I loved that House blasted Harold with the spud gun.
I loved all the House & 13 moments. Him allowing her to see his pain in loosing Cuddy. He clearly is not over her and may never be. It was telling that she realised it and her look suggests she is a little taken aback that he showed her his pain and that he feels so strongly and deeply for Cuddy. Although in "Open & Shut", 13 is the one that picked up that House is a romantic and that he wants to be in a monogamous relationship.

His inability to comfort her the way he would have liked also shows that he is very insecure when it comes to his emotions, and terrified by the lack thereof. And 13's dig about why Cuddy left him, hits the mark.
13 has always challanged him. She is not in love with him, nor is she in awe or afraid of him, and she gives NOTHING away. That is why he is SO attracted to her, besides the fact she is drop dead gorgeous. Their new found bond is going to be interesting to watch.
I particularly liked Houses dig about her boobs. He is so clearly a boob man. Always commenting on Cuddy's and even Nora's.
I was thrilled that he was distracted enough to not need the Vicodin and I loved the fact he was wearing leather boots instead of trainers. After 3 weeks of House withdrawl, I really enjoyed this episode.
I suspect that 13 is going to give Cuddy a piece of her mind at some stage, after this bonding with House she is going to be VERY protective of him.
OH and Dominika is in Atlantic City with her "boyfriend." Is that a euphemism for PIMP do you think?

Lastly it is not possible that Hugh Laurie could be any sexier. His biceps alone are enough to make me want to do unspeakable things to him. Not to mention the rest of him!
posted over a year ago.