House M.D. True or False :]

Irina92 posted on Sep 09, 2009 at 01:06PM
i found this on the harry potter and twilight series spot..

Here's how it goes!
The first user will make a hunch on the next user. The hunch must be related to house. Then the next user will say if it is true or false. He or she then makes another hunch for the next person. We always use the sentence the person below me

for example;

Irina92: the person below me hates Amber.

KaterinoulaLove: False
The person below me have a poster with house in his/her room.

and this is how it carries on.. KaterinoulaLove i just used your name as an example, i hope you don't mind!

so... i start!
The person below me haven't seen the first episode, "the pilot".
i found this on the harry potter and twilight series spot..

Here's how it goes!
The first user will
last edited on Sep 09, 2009 at 01:07PM

House M.D. 1033 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 1033

over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…

TRBM loves Chase's accent!!!!
over a year ago huddysmacked said…

TPBM likes laughing with or at people
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…

TRBM wants to be a doctor!
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
true! but more of a plastic surgeon

TPBM likes munch mellows

over a year ago huddysmacked said…
False, I don't know what they are.

TPBM has seen the movie or the musical: HAIR!
over a year ago joejonasfan001 said…

TPBM would love to save lives
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
True, though I don't think I would be a doctor

TPBM has learnt a lot of things about psychology by watching House.
over a year ago Chaneke said…
big smile
True! ;)

TPBM has hugged the TV before when something sad happened.
over a year ago Wolfdreamer9 said…

TPBM likes the TV show Frasier.
over a year ago Steve_McQueen64 said…
False, I don't know what that is!

TPBM has a House t-shirt/poster/something like that...
over a year ago Chaneke said…
True, I have a poster!

TPBM has taken a "Which House MD Character are You?" personality quiz.

Carcharien: I can't remember what they were, but House can speak five languages.
over a year ago Irina92 said…
True! In one I was Wilson, in another Cuddy, in another Chase....=)

TPBM believes that House will be alone in the end *shivering*
over a year ago 3lzyx said…

TPBM thinks that Cuddy will end up marrying somebody.
over a year ago Irina92 said…
True! And I really really really hope that this somebody will be... House!♥<3♥

TPBM wants again an Amber-Hallucination
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Steve_McQueen64 said…
False, I loved the Amber hallucinations, but if House ended up like he did last time then no.

TPBM has House episode veiwing parties
over a year ago Irina92 said…
big smile
False but I'd love to!=)

TPBM supports five or more house ships!
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…

TPBM hates lucas
over a year ago Irina92 said…
False, I don't like him but I don't hate him either!

TPBM thinks the new new team is the best. (chase, 13, foreman, taub)
over a year ago Andrianna said…
False, I like them but I prefer the old team.

TPBM thinks that the 6th season is better than the others
over a year ago Steve_McQueen64 said…
False, I think I prefer the old team and the old episodes, and the CLINIC PATIENTS <3

TPBM thinks Kutner commited suicide and was not murdered...
over a year ago lovedrchase said…
yes after 6 years it become a little bit boring

TPBW doesn't believe that cameron will return in her original job permanently
over a year ago Wolfdreamer9 said…

TPBM Favorite Character is Cuddy ♥
over a year ago Irina92 said…
False, I love her but my FAV character is Wilson!!!♥

TPBM was scared of that patient's-hallucination kid in "Black Hole".
over a year ago lovedrchase said…

TPBM hates Amber
over a year ago chameron4ever said…

TPBM would like be a patient in priceton plainboro
over a year ago Steve_McQueen64 said…
False (sorry)

TPBM likes Wilson more than House
over a year ago Irina92 said…
big smile
True but I love them both I just ADORE Wilson!;)

TPBM wants an Easter episode
over a year ago Steve_McQueen64 said…
True! I have never thought about that but it would be great!

TPBM has seen spoilers for the next episode
over a year ago Irina92 said…
True I just couldn't resist!;)

TPBM wants a Luddy marriage proposal
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…
FAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalse better not happen sth like this at the series for everybody's shake

TPB hates the breaks between episodes
over a year ago Irina92 said…
True who doesn't?=/

TPBM would definitely not like a chameron reunion
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…
False >i wouldn't mind if chameron get back together!Actually i find this good idea!

TPB doesn't like taub
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
eeehhhhh...hmmmmm...I'm gonna go with true. He got on my nerves in seasons 4 and 5 and while he's better this season, I still dont like him all that much.

TPBM is super dee duper stoked for "Lockdown!!!"
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…
hmm, yeah!

TPB finds 13 awkwad
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…
kinda false

TPB thinks that Cameron should get together with Chase!
over a year ago Irina92 said…
Totally true!!;)♥

TPBM thinks Taub will get a divorce
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…

TPB prefers House over Chase!
over a year ago glee_lover_96 said…

TPBM loves chases accent.
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
So TRUE!!!!! <3

TPBM loves Chameron.
over a year ago Steve_McQueen64 said…
False, sorry!

TPBM likes Thirteen/Chase.
over a year ago mchuddymerderek said…
Partially true!I don't love it, but i like it!!

TPB wants 13 out of House's team and being replaced by Cameron!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Irina92 said…
I guess false if there WAS one episode per week! in fact for me this means one new episode per week cause my country shows revisions of the other seasons!=)

TPBM will stay up late (if she/he isn't from the US) to watch the new house ep!
over a year ago Andrianna said…
False I'm from Greece and the 6th season's episodes will probably be showed the next year.

TPBM likes Lydia.
over a year ago Irina92 said…
False, I'm not really into her but she's not but either... Something between the middle!

TPBM loved the Cuddy-finding-baby scene in "Lockdown"!^_^

[@adrianna: I'm from greece too but I download the episodes! I couldn't wait a year to watch them on TV!=O kai einai kalutera n akous tis fwnes ts agglika live para n exeis tous upotitlous!=)]
over a year ago barbarxvolf said…
True it was nice to see her solve the puzzle :)

TPBM Likes Chase's old hair better then the new
over a year ago Carcharien said…

TPBM is watching House online
over a year ago life_rehab said…
tralse (i download them, i don't actually watch them online)

TPBM thinks Cameron's an idiot for breaking up with Chase
over a year ago Carcharien said…
definitely true

TPBM loves the "lockdown" epi
over a year ago huddyislove said…
I liked it, yes :)

TPBM Thinks that Hugh's British accent faded away a bit, throughout the years
over a year ago Carcharien said…
idk, is he talking like this all the time or just for TV?
(I haven't listen to an interview for ages)