House M.D. True or False :]

Irina92 posted on Sep 09, 2009 at 01:06PM
i found this on the harry potter and twilight series spot..

Here's how it goes!
The first user will make a hunch on the next user. The hunch must be related to house. Then the next user will say if it is true or false. He or she then makes another hunch for the next person. We always use the sentence the person below me

for example;

Irina92: the person below me hates Amber.

KaterinoulaLove: False
The person below me have a poster with house in his/her room.

and this is how it carries on.. KaterinoulaLove i just used your name as an example, i hope you don't mind!

so... i start!
The person below me haven't seen the first episode, "the pilot".
i found this on the harry potter and twilight series spot..

Here's how it goes!
The first user will
last edited on Sep 09, 2009 at 01:07PM

House M.D. 1033 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 1033

over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…

TPBM want to see Hameron Kiss
over a year ago Aivi said…
I love Hameron! And I'm proud of it! [but don't kill me. please...]

TPBM want to see... Hilson kiss!
over a year ago HouseJr said…
False, I don't like them as an actual relationship, too wierd

TPBM has (or is getting soon) the s5 boxset
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
False!*Cries*And Aivi everyone have our ship:)

TPBM want to see Wilson with new wife
over a year ago Irina92 said…
True, i guess, but not that much....

TPBM is happy about house's new affair! (the one from the promos..)
over a year ago KaterinoulaLove said…
true!!! I'm looking farward to!!!

TPBM can't wait for 21st of september!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Irina92 said…
Soooo true!!!!<3:D

TPBM have friends who also like house..
over a year ago Bery said…
True, they don't love it like I do though

TPBM knows she/he isn't gonna sleep the night of the 21st lol
over a year ago cudambercam13 said…
big smile
false. ill sleep but il have house dreams! lol

TPBM has all the House dvds
over a year ago Bery said…
False :'(

TPBM hopes we'll get to meet Wilson's borther on season 6
over a year ago HouseJr said…
So true!!!

TPBM hasn't been affected by any of the spoilers this summer
over a year ago Bery said…
False! I have freaked out with each one of the Wilson spoilers xP

TPBM thinks huddy will happen this season
over a year ago cudambercam13 said…
half and half... i think something unexpected will happen... it wont be like the hallusination at least. a kiss of corse, they might come close but cuddy would stop him... something totaly different...

TPBM thinks thirteen will hook up with another chick this season
over a year ago PhantomofPoker said…

TPBM thinks Lucas and Cuddy should not hook up.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…

TBM is disaointed by House....
over a year ago Bery said…
True, he does dissapoint me at times

TPBM thinks they would be good friends with House if he was a real person
over a year ago lovehugh said…
True ..OH YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and then some

TPBM...would like Wilson to join Houses team to keep an eye on him when he returns from the loony bin lol..good idea huh !!
over a year ago Irina92 said…
True!! i like seeing wilson more!;)

TPBM watches house not bacause he/she's really interesting in the medical mysteries, but just to find out what's going to happen btw the characters' relationships.
over a year ago KaterinoulaLove said…
big smile
yay Irina!!!! that's true!!:) I'm curious! what to do?:)

emmm TPBM has many house's posters in his/her bedroom!
(btw are there any boys in the game?)<lol
over a year ago PhantomofPoker said…
False. :( i just got into the whole series about a month ago.

TPBM thinks House will relapse on Vicodin.
over a year ago Bery said…
True, obviously

TPBM likes Foreman
over a year ago Aivi said…
No. That's like the biggest false EVER!

TPBM thinks that Rachel [Cuddy's baby] was a stupid idea and the writers shouldn't have write her!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…

TPBM can stop to watch House md if his\her fav character\ship die
over a year ago Aivi said…
Kind of true xD
[sadly enough...]

TPBM screams everytime he/she hears the name of one of House's characters.
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
True!When I hear Chase's or Jesse's NaME i scream♥

TPBM painting something House-related when He\she is bored in work\school\home
over a year ago lovehugh said…

TPBM.. uses Housisms on a regular basis ..
over a year ago Aivi said…
True xD
Not on a regular basis, but I use it a lot.

TPBM hated the end of season 3 becaus it was lame.
over a year ago Irina92 said…
nah it was ok!.. so false!

TPBM at the beginning was absolutely sure that hugh laurie was wearing contact lens!!
over a year ago Aivi said…

TPBM was annoyed of Cameron's constant hair changing during the 4 first seasons.
over a year ago Irina92 said…
Kind of true, i much prefered her with brown and then she turned into blonde!!

TPBM doesn't like at all that house is wearing athletic shoes
Kind of true, i much prefered her with brown and then she turned into blonde!!

TPBM doesn't like at
over a year ago Aivi said…
False, I liked them :)

TPBM want to see the flames cane again! [Altough it got lost in the bus from season 4...]
over a year ago Irina92 said…
Oh and I was wondering whrere it went!! true it was awesome!!!!

TPBM doesn't like the name of the first season 6 episode (broken)
over a year ago Aivi said…
False, I don't really have a problem with that.

TPBM hates Kutner.
[I ran out of ideas :O]
over a year ago PhantomofPoker said…

The person below me loved Chase's bachelor party.
over a year ago Aivi said…
So TRUE!!!
Pantless Wilson! :D
And Thirteen doing body shots from a stripper!
Damn, I wish I was there :O

TPBM wants to steal canes from old men just so they could have a cane like House.
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over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…

TPBM In s6 want to see Chase when he Crying
over a year ago Aivi said…
False. I don't really want to see Chase either xD
[but he comes with Cameron in the package, so...]

TPBM wants to see some more cute wedding scenes in House! :D
over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
Yep!Chameron Wedding scenes.<3
And what you say for Chase*start to run around her with knife*
TPBM want to see more promo Picks!
over a year ago Aivi said…
True, why not?
I don't have a problem with Chase, he's really hot, but he can be REALLY annoying sometimes...
I like Chameron though!

Now... TPBM wants a ship [any ship, doen't matter] to break up so badly.
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over a year ago InesHameron said…

TPBM loves 14.

over a year ago lovehousemd_frv said…
Hate!I'm more Chirteen.

TPBM want to kill a character
over a year ago peasonearth1234 said…
True! Taub, because he is u s e l e s s

TPBM is getting a bit bored of Huddy
over a year ago Aivi said…
Kind of true :O

TPBM would have get him/her self injured really badly just to have the slightest to be treated by House.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PhantomofPoker said…
SOOOO True....

TPBM wants Tritter to make another appearance
over a year ago HouseJr said…
False Tritter was a big meanie, I never want to see him again, except maybe as a patient, then House could torture him and he has a chance of dying!!

TPBM favorite episode is House's Head/Wilson's Heart
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over a year ago aceberg said…
False... but it's pretty close to the top :)

TPBM really wants to know what happened to Steve McQueen!!
over a year ago cudambercam13 said…
TRUE!!! i miss steve. I love him so much I named my kitten after him when he started tilting his head to the left :)

TPBM wants Cuddy to talk to house about his hallusination and stuff
over a year ago PhantomofPoker said…

TPBM has had a House dream one or more times.
over a year ago Aivi said…
True. It was fun :P

TPBM wants to see if Hector [Wilson's dog] died already.
over a year ago KaterinoulaLove said…
that right! It was a cute dog!!:):P

TPBM want to have one of these vicodins..:P just to taste one...

(I made the 100th replie!!!haha)