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Germany has Interesting Birthday Customs XD



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Tinekraut said:
Some spoilers:

-If somebody in Germany invites you out for their birthday, the tab is on them. And don’t try insisting on paying for yourself – it won’t work.

-If the birthday celebrant is going on thirty and still single, they have to do some menial tasks. How to be freed from doing the chores? Only by a kiss from someone of the opposite sex.

posted over a year ago.
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yoki96 said:
"16th Birthday - This birthday child should run for cover as his or her friends will undoubtedly pour flour on top of his or her head. Common in northern Germany" (O.Oll); ..................... YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!! *runs to kitchen and grabs a bag of flour*
posted over a year ago.
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25th Birthday: Once again - if you are an unmarried man, the whole town will know! A Sockenkranz, a type of garland of socks is strung outside the home and around the birthday boy’s property leading to his party. As he follows the garland of socks, he’ll down an alcoholic drink every few meters. Why socks? In German you have the expression alte Socke (an old sock), more of a derrogatory way of saying "confirmed bachelor.”

A similar experience awaits unmarried women turning this age. They follow a garland of cigarette cartons instead (or other similar-sized cartons if they are non-smokers). These single women are nicknamed eine alte Schachtel (an old box), similar in meaning to "old maid".

....-runs and hides- I refuse to turn 25~!!!!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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yoki96 said:
*looks at Ren's comment" ..... BWHAHAHA~ Sudenly, I'm very happy that I will be turning 17. Because then, none of these things will happen, BWAHAHAHAHA~
posted over a year ago.
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I have 1 more year left (I'll be 24 in December) so... I have lots of time to prepare for my fate at least. Of course that doesn't quite mean I'll be drinking in preparation.... -sniffles-

Also I must admit being nicknamed an "Old Box" or even "Old Maid" doesn't sit well with me... Let us hope I will be a married woman when my 25th birthday rolls around... Although I doubt I will be... I hope to find him someday but, that's another story~
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Tinekraut said:
X3 Kekeke I really don't mind getting called as an "Old Box".... What just bothers me is that the tab is on me and that all people knows about the birthday.
posted over a year ago.
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Ah I see. That's understandable.

As for myself, I think I'd end up being passed out drunk off my rocker before even reaching my party. -gigglesnort- I'd certainly be feeling quite the hangover the next day. Something like...

"Why won't the light just shut up? I swear I'm never going to drink again... Someone please kill me..." -England

-gigglesnort- Yep. I think I would be somewhere along those lines. A little girl like me whose had such little alcohol could never handle something like that. At least it's every few meters.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Tinekraut said:
O God. I can't drink alcohol. I wasn't joking when I said I'll end up in the hospital if I drink. It makes my whole body numb and makes me palpitate when I drink strong beverages, even just coffee. Much more alcoholic drinks. No way, even though I'm legal-aged.
Hehe, so you're like England when you get drunk. Sigh, we're both hopeless. (But I don't mind about it.)
posted over a year ago.
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To be completely honest, I've never been drunk before. I've only had mere samples of drinks before. Never any drink of my own. I have no idea what I'm like drunk. As far as I know, I could possibly be like England when I'm drunk. -gigglesnort-Drinking til I'm drunk is something I've never done before nor do I really intend to. I mean I wouldn't mind going out with friend to get a drink and chat in a nice quiet bar (that actually sounds very nice) but, not to get drunk.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Tinekraut said:
Yea, I only tasted it. I won't dare drink a full shot. I don't want that horrible experience after drinking coffee to ever happen again. So If I will meet up with a friend it better not be in a bar.
posted over a year ago.
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Understandable. I suppose I'd just be by myself on that one~ -gigglesnort-
posted over a year ago.
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Tinekraut said:
Talking about liquor, hope this doesn't mean we're getting PG here.
But since we've gotten into this. Germany. He has celebrated so many birthdays now. So I'm concerned that he might not be spared of the menial task during his birthday last week. Poor guy. Wait, it doesn't mean anything. I just pity him for having to do unnecessary chores.
posted over a year ago.
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Hm... I suppose then we should probably leave it there. Just to be safe~
Well, Germany is a bit of a clean freak so, he probably doesn't mind doing such chores. -gigglesnort-
posted over a year ago.