Hetalia RP!

BeB posted on Jan 17, 2011 at 08:39AM
This is where the RP happens, and this is the REGULAR RP! :) enjoy!
This is where the RP happens, and this is the REGULAR RP! :) enjoy!

Hetalia 177 replies

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over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago TwilightKat said…
(Congratulations to everyone! We got 100 replies on the Rp XD)
over a year ago BeB said…
(XD LOL AWESOME! This calls for a pic!!!)

"Hm?" I look up and see Japan smilingly politely and I smile as well and lift the paper up to show a crude doodle of one of my many magical friends "Its a friend of mine. His name is "Flying Mint Bunny" part of me hopes that he wont judge me or question my sanity.
(XD LOL AWESOME! This calls for a pic!!!) 

"Hm?" I look up and see Japan smilingly politely and I sm
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Russia sat down and I sighed."What's wrong sister?""I'm so bored.Can't we do something fun for my birthday?""Okay.Like what?""Something fun.""I'll try and think of something.""Thank you brother."
over a year ago BeB said…
I smile as Japan exams it with a thoughtful expression and curiousity flashing across his eyes and he nods at me. For some reason, I feel a bit of pride that Japan seemed to like my drawing so much. As I was about to tell him a bit more about my flying mint bunny friend, I was interupted.

"So Japan-" I start but then a certain glutinous idiot takes the paper from my hands and blurts out

"Dude, is this the stuff you see when you get drunk?? Old man you REALLY need to see someone to help you with this!" He waves the paper and I snatch it up feeling my face turn a bit red

"S-Shut the bloody hell up you twit!!!" I glare at him while he wears that stupid, idiotic grin of his.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I sighed and frowned."It's loud in here."Russia stood and walked over to the two fighting."Excuse me,you two,"(America and England)he said with his devilish,mischievous voice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TwilightKat said…
The "flying mint bunny" as England would call it was quite an intresting creature despite the fact that I still did not know it's origin.
"It would be a great for an anime...a magical girl one at that." I thought as I stared at the creature until America took it out of Englands hands. The two argued while I kept thinking of plots for animes that would be appropriate for the "mint bunny". I wasn't until Russia showed up with that menacing look on his face that I snapped back to reality (a shame really) Russia quickly lectured us that we where "being too loud" when America responed that it was England's fault for being "delusional and old" with caused another outbursts of arguing between the two. Eventually Russia just desided to take the picture away and give to his twin as a "present"...
(Japan is showing his otaku side now =w= Well lets see what happens next :D)
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I looked at the picture and smiled."It's adorable!"I grinned and held it."Thank you,big brother!"I hugged him,holding the picture."You're welcome,little sister."He hugged me back and smiled.
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
....(being canada is a hard thing to do when your mostly invisable lol oh well im not complaining just stating the oviouse =.=) "who?" kumajiro said i sweat dropped "Canada." i said flatly.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(But I loves Canada!TwT XD)
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
;li/uk.ildy6ukts5yrzetxdufciy gojhbkn,
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
(Sorry for that,guys.I hate that damn 500 error.)
over a year ago BeB said…
(lol I love TwilightKat's repsonses XD good Japan! And I'm loving Russias twin shes funny XD same for Russia, and and CANADA..WHO?)

"...Good job you idiot, now I have to draw a new picture!" I glare at him momentarily then just roll my eyes and turn back to my desk.

"Iggy~! Come on dude, its your fault too! You get too mad too easily!" America had a point. I did get mad easily. I of course ignored this fact and started doodling one of my fairy friends but I couldn't help overhear what Russia's twin sister had said about my drawing. I smiled and looked fondly at the starting sketch of a fairy with silky long hair, so far it wasn't that long but it was getting their.

"Heeeey Iggy, dude you need to fix your hearing aide or something??" I ignored him against, though it was hard when he was leaning on me with his tremendous weight!

"America get the bloody hell off me!!!" I pushed him back getting annoyed. God, why couldn't he be all cute and cuddly like when he was a child?... I sighed and looked down. "When he was..." I stopped not wanting to finish. Lord I've become a wreck.
over a year ago TwilightKat said…
It was a shame that Russia had to take away the picture but then again I can ask England if he could draw another after the meeting.
"Oh well, for now I can at least write down the plots" I thought as I took out my notepad and scribbling down some notes. After writing a bit I looked up to see America bothering England. I guess that was normal but before I continued on my notes I saw something...odd. Sitting next to England was a small polar bear; its black eyes pointed at me.
"Maybe I'm just imaging things" I told myself as I began to scribble more notes. However every so often I looked up from my notes to see if it was still there. With it was. After knowing for sure that this bear was staring at me I looked at the other nations for help. However they seemed oblivious to the polar bear.
"Is it that I'm the only one who can see it?!" I thought worriedly as it continued to stare at me with thoes black eyes.
(Thanks BeB ^^. Poor Japan thinks he's going crazy also hope this helped BeyondBirthday1)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I looked at England,who drew the picture,and smiled."Excuse me,England-kun?Thank you for drawing this picture."I blushed lightly,being the one who doesn't usually talk to the others ever."It's really cute....And,if you need me to get this pest off your back,I certainly will."
over a year ago BeB said…
"Aw dude your so mean!" I blink and turn to face Russias sister as she compliments my drawing and I smile again, feeling that same pride as I did when Japan complimented my picture, but as she goes on about getting said pest off my back, I can only imagine shes talking about Alfred.

"O-Oh no dear, its quiet alright. I've had to deal with this 'pest' for so many years, it doesn't seem to bother me as much" I smile and add "and thank you, you can consider it a birthday gift from me." America jumps in again putting a hand on my head squishing me down a bit

"Hahaha, I forgot it was your and Russias birthday! Happy birthday dude and dudette!" America grins like a moron and takes out a burger handing it to her, "Here! Have the food of the Heros!" I push his hand off my head try not to lash out at the Lad, he did already get hit in the face. But then I notice Japan looking... unsettled. I move back in my chair a bit and whisper to him

"Japan? Are you alright? You don't look too well, you look a bit unnerved."
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I looked at the burger curiously and blinked."Um....America-kun?What is this?"

(I say Russia has had no burger!XD)
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
sits quietly , is japan stareing at me or at kumijiro? oh well,

(oh my gosh thank you for including meh!! XD twilight kat is awesome! and everyone else is awesome too :D)
over a year ago BeB said…
"Huh?? Dudette you never heard of a burger?! Are you isolated from the rest of the world or what?!" I sigh and shake my head "you twit, not everyone likes that disgusting garbage you call FOOD."
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I blushed,feeling embarrassed."A....Burger?....Brother.­You never told me of this food."Russia rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled."Sorry sister."I smiled a bit and took a bite,then my eyes and face lit up."America-san.....How did you ever come up with this?It's incredible!"
over a year ago TwilightKat said…
I stared bewildered at the polar bear. Was it just me or was there something behind it? I shock my head to get the thought out. "No there is nothing there, just an empty chair!" I kept telling myself. Trying to keep my mind occupied I looked over at America trying to explain the "amazing hamburger" to Russia's twin with England muttering something beside him. Slightly more at ease I turned to comfront the polar bear. Instead I was greeted with a person who looked similar to America holding said polar bear. I literally jumped out of my seat because I could see right through him. After this meeting I'm definatly calling an exorcist!
(No problem BeyondBirthday1 I just want everyone to be included since we don't got a whole lot of people on the forum at the momment. Poor Japan thinks he's going insane XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BeB said…
I turned and saw Japan looking frightened and looked to what he was looking at

"Oh dear Lord! C-Canada! You scared the bloody hell out of me!" I held onto my chest feeling my heart pound from him popping out of nowhere! America childishy replied to Russias twin

"Hehe its all because it came from the dudes back at home, Ronald McDonald! Hes wickedly smart and came up with it, I think he was visted by God or something!" I ignore the chance to correct his statement by saying his food makes people vist our Father upstairs quickly due to its fatty chemicals.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I giggled and shook my head."I think you're delusional America-san.I don't think anyone who be visited by god."

(Do Russians believe in god?)
over a year ago BeB said…
"Hahahaha! Its true! I mean this food came from heaven dudette! And hey guys, just wanna say I hope you can make it to my birthday bash! ;D" America grins and I blink. As Canada was about to say something I look at America, I almost forgot, it was almost 4th of July...

"Bloody idiot..." I mumble and glare at him, but it doesn't go unnoticed by him at all

"Huh? What'd I do now?!" I cross my arms and swirve my chair facing the other direction, idiot still cant read the mood.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"You're birthday is coming up?"I looked at him curiously.

Russia then secretly left,going to find me the perfect present.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
over a year ago BeB said…
"Yup! 2 more days!!! July 4th baby! Hehe its gonna be awesome! Your coming right??" I try to tune him out but find it difficult to do so. And since the meeting has been so slow I get up and put all my papers back standing to leave when America blocks my line of sight "Dude, whats up? You leaving?? But we haven't even started!" I glare and go past him, I cant bare to look in his eyes, I just cant.

"J-Just get out of my way git!" I grab my coat and start walking to the door.

(OOC much? Can't help it, love meh Iggy ;D)
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I nod."I will,for sure,be there."I then look at England and walk to him."England-kun?Where are you going?"
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
I wonder what i should get america for his birthday? , but England seems upset. well if i try to cofort england he might mistake me for america and hit me or yell :/

(poor japan XP )
over a year ago RussiaxChina3 said…
is it okay if I rp as Turkey here BeB?
over a year ago TwilightKat said…
I was relived when England was able to see the person before me. I'm not going crazy...yet. I turn to look at "Canada" but he and the polar bear where gone. (I'm still calling an exorcist after the meeting) Still staring bewildered at the now empty chair I tuned in and out of the other's conversation. "...Birthday...4th of July..." Oh America's birthday is coming up! I should get him something...Maybe I can just pull out some anime he hasn't seen yet. That could work.
"...England where are you going?" Russia's twin asked as I turned to see England heading toward the door a tad bit red in the face.
"England, I know there aren't many people here but, we have to wait for the other's" I lightly said watching closely for his responese.
(Sorry I haven't been on for a while TTATT)
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
well the hosers forgot about me again i swear ill give them a piece of my mind *in hale* says quietly "*sigh* oh i guess i can't do much right now while England is upset" ^^' "who are you?" kumijara? said "kummitiro, im Canada."
over a year ago BeB said…
ya sure go ahead RussiaxChina3! ^^
over a year ago BeB said…
I stop when I reach it and sigh slouching a bit but straighten immediatly. I mumble over my shoulder

"I'll be right back then, I'm going to get some tea."

"Oh... okay dude..." I hear America say a bit different then his usual voice but dont look back to see. I walk out and feel the brisk morning air hitting my face and go to the nearest coffee machine hoping they have gray tea this time.

over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I looked worriedly at England,then looked at America."America-san.You're worried about England,aren't you?"

Russia saw England and walked over to him."England.I need help."
over a year ago BeB said…
"H-Huh? Hahaha w-why would ya say that dudette?? ^///^" I looked up and saw Russia

"Yes Russia...? How can I help?" Too tired for sarcasm or witty batter I kept my face a blank
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: "Because you're like his littler brother."I blushed lightly and looked away.

Russia: "I need to get something for my sister that she'll love for her birthday."
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
*sits quietly* -____-'
over a year ago BeB said…
"No!- I mean.... no... not anymore, thats what my birthday celebrates. Oh hey Mattie, your going to my party right?? I have your birthday gift their too!"

"Uh... well lets see, she likes everything you like right? Why not a poem from you to her or something? Or perhaps your heart." That time I was able to be sarcastic but then I hear America shout NO
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me:"Oh....Sorry for saying that."

Russia: "Well,she does like poems,but I wanted to give her something beautiful and perfect.....Do you have anything like that?"
over a year ago BeB said…
"H-Heh its fine dudette, its just I don't like people thinking we're brothers... but um hey isn't it cool our birthdays are so close??"

"Oh well... I actually might have something. Its in my brief case-... damn." I sigh and walk back to the conference room "you can wait out here Russia I'll just go a retrieve it."
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
Me: "Yeah.And thank you for this burger.It's very delicious."

Russia: "Thank you,England.Thank you so much."He waited outside.
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
"yeah, I-i guess i'll come to the party, America it'll be um fun." i smiled weakly yay im noticed kinda. oh well it'll work. "who?"..."Canada -___-"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Belgium: U-um I got lost could someone help me find my way
I took directions From austria and This is what I get
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
((I am totally for the BelgiumxCanada hetero pairing I wonder If I can have the canada in this role play to date Me Belgium))
over a year ago BeB said…
England: I head in trying not to look at that idiot but could feel his gaze on me. I grabbed my brief case and swiftly turned around but felt someone grab my arm,

"Idiot let go!" I turn and he has a look on his face that makes me think before I hit him with my brief case.

America: "England dude! C-Come on..." I clear my throat hoping the dude didnt hear my voice break a bit, and hold his wrist in a tight grip

"Dont be mad! I mean dude you've only come to my birthday a few times... like... twice!

England: "And? I dont bloody care just let go!" i glare at him matching his gaze
over a year ago JapanHetalia said…
Am I in the middle of something
Man am I lost. Last time I take directions from Austria.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I watched them,not sure what to do.
over a year ago BeyondBirthday1 said…
*Leaves the room and goes to get starbucks*

(im all for a Canada x Belgium)