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'Harry Potter' Poll: Do You Secretly Wish That Harry And Hermione Ended Up Together?



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No! I like Harry and Hermione as friends! I love Ron and Hermione and Harry and Ginny! The books are not being rewritten.
posted over a year ago.
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Absolutely. Ginevra was just a silly fangirl. Even at the end of book six she said that perhaps the reason why she loved him was because she knew he eventually had to fight Voldemort. Hermione cared about HARRY, not about "the-boy-who-lived".
posted over a year ago.
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@Stargaryen - Ginny was never a fangirl. And that quote shows about how much Ginny understands him, not that 'she is a silly fangirl'.

The hypocrisy is astounding. If in book 1 Ginny had a fangirl reaction, then Hermione had one too. And then she should be judged accordingly also as being a 'silly fangirl'.

Neither Ginny or Hermione were ever fangirls.
posted over a year ago.
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HAHAHA. Hermione had a fangirl reaction? She was the only one who did not ask Harry to show his scar! And then there's Ginevra who goes all "Oh mommy, can I see him" when she hears The Boy Who Lived is on the train but did not notice him at all on the platform. It's the name that made the difference. And let's not even talk about the silly Valentine card:

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord

Again, it's not about Harry Potter the person, it's all about the hero. Say whatever you want, but Ginevra IS nothing more than a stupid fangirl. If she truly was Harry's soulmate, she would have gone with him on his journey. Did Harry seriously think she would not be Voldemort's target after he broke up with her at the end of book 6? She'd still be the little sister of his best friend, so Voldemort could still use this against him. But no, Ginevra just accepted, because the hero knows better. So that's another reason why Hermione is better: She has brains and is not willing to let Harry to carry this burden all alone.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Hermione went on and on about how Harry was in three different books.
Your claim that Ginny is a fangirl when Hermione isn't is a double-standard.

There is no proof whatsoever that Ginny sent the Valentine. It was most likely from Draco Malfoy. Or from Fred and George.

She does understand Harry since book 2. And that understanding grows. And Harry and Ginny are soulmates. He broke up with her out of love. I do think that it was the wrong decision, but he did not want to do that. And Ginny understood but she did not agree.

Are you implying that Ginny doesn't have brains? And have you even read book 5? It's Ginny that brings him out of depression TWICE.

Read the books!!
posted over a year ago.
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"If she truly was Harry's soulmate, she would have gone with him on his journey."

How in the hell could Ginny have gone with the trio on their journey when she, being 16, still had the trace on her?
posted over a year ago.
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I'm not the writer but undoubtly JKR could have come up with something out of the blue, just like the love-story coming out of the blue after Ginevra only saying about ten sentences in the previous books.
posted over a year ago.
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Stargaryen, Harry/Ginny did not come out of the blue. There are anvil-sized hints in the previous books that they would get together. That's an interesting definition for 'out of the blue', right?
posted over a year ago.
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Very interesting misquotes. The 'anvil-sized hints' JKR was talking about was about Ron and Hermione.("Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I do feel that I have dropped heavy hints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this point.") Also, JKR herself stated that the Valentine card came from Ginevra. For one so keen on stating that canon is true and JKR's word are holy, you know surprisingly little facts. So, instead of copying and misquoting JKR's words about Ron and Hermione, come up with some anvil-sized hints from the book that shows there was more between Harry and Ginevra between her being saved from the Chamber of Secrets and his sudden jealousy against Dean, because apparently we're reading different books. But of course, for a stupid stalker like you it's much easier to attack than to defend.
posted over a year ago.
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'Very interesting misquotes. The 'anvil-sized hints' JKR was talking about was about Ron and Hermione.("Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I do feel that I have dropped heavy hints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this point.")'

Could you please show me where I quoted JKR as saying that there were anvil-sized hints for Harry/Ginny? I must have had a blackout if I did that. I just said that there WERE anvil-sized hints for Harry/Ginny.

Not that she would disagree, of course...

'Also, JKR herself stated that the Valentine card came from Ginevra.'

What does this have to do with what I said above?

'For one so keen on stating that canon is true and JKR's word are holy, you know surprisingly little facts.'

I know more facts than you, apparently.

'So, instead of copying and misquoting JKR's words about Ron and Hermione,'

Which I have not done.

'come up with some anvil-sized hints from the book that shows there was more between Harry and Ginevra between her being saved from the Chamber of Secrets and his sudden jealousy against Dean,'

Which I have already done, in the past.

Oh and by the way, Harry's love for Ginny wasn't 'sudden', did you know that?

'because apparently we're reading different books.'

Yes, we are reading different books. You are reading the Harmony fanfiction version of them.

'But of course, for a stupid stalker like you it's much easier to attack than to defend.'

-- Stalker: 1.a person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily.
2. a person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner:
Hollywood stars often have security guards to keep dangerous stalkers at bay.

Nope, by that definition I am not a stalker.
posted over a year ago.
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"There is no proof whatsoever that Ginny sent the Valentine. It was most likely from Draco Malfoy. Or from Fred and George. "

This issue was even discussed briefly in the Mugglenet/The Leaky Cauldron interview (Emerson Spartz and Melissa Anelli) with JKR, right after the day when HBP was released in mid-July 2005. And JKR does actually say in the third part of the interview that it was Ginny who sent the Valentine. I was actually pretty surprised when I read that part of the interview a while ago, since it had not even crossed my mind that it could have been Ginny, to me it had looked more like a "false flag".

Here is the relevant part of the interview from July 2005:

Melissa Anelli (MA): Did Ginny send Harry the valentine?
JKR: Yeah, bless her.
MA: Was it a Tom Riddle thing, or Ginny Weasley?
JKR: No, Ginny Weasley.

So you can write all bullcrap you want, but there's "anvil-sized" PROOF, not just hints, that Ginny was a stupid fangirl. But oh, I'm just delusional.

And another thing:

to pursue persistently and, sometimes, attack (a person with whom one is obsessed, often a celebrity)

Notice the brackets? So, given that you persistenly attack any Harmony-page and video you can find all over the Internet (seriously, have you found out how to make a time-tuner? Because it surprises me to find you everywhere as if you don't have anything else to do in your time), yes, by this definition you are stalking.
posted over a year ago.
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have fun with this article. Probably you will say the writer has only read the 'fan-fiction' version of the books, but that version doesn't exist. It's all based on JKR's own words.
posted over a year ago.
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I'm sorry (actually I'm not), but even if Ginny did send the Valentine, that still doesn't mean that she is a fangirl. As demonstrated by her reaction to Draco Malfoy in the beginning of CoS. And other anvil-sized hints that I won't bother writing, find them yourself if you want to see them.


I probably haven't even found 1% of all the Harmony crap that's on the internet. And by the way, I'm not obsessed. You seem pretty obsessed with me actually, judging by the way you are stalking me. So don't start talking to me about 'stalking' when you're doing it yourself...


I read that "article" loooooooong ago. And it's bullshit from top to bottom.
"Ginny Weasley By the Books" is the webpage title, that's the wrong title, it should rather be called "Ginny Weasley based on my own OOC version of the books and completely disregarding her personality"

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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"I won't bother writing"... that's because you can't write them down, because there isn't any. If there was, you could all goo "Haha, see I'm right".
Yeah, keep turning the table around. Fact is, I don't go to Hinny fanpages telling everyone how awful they are for having a different opinion, while you go to every possible Harmony or Ginnyhate page attacking everyone.
posted over a year ago.
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'"I won't bother writing"... that's because you can't write them down, because there isn't any. If there was, you could all goo "Haha, see I'm right".'

No, it's because I actually have a life. I have repeated over and over again the same thing and I don't see why I need to continue.

'Yeah, keep turning the table around. Fact is, I don't go to Hinny fanpages telling everyone how awful they are for having a different opinion,'

This isn't about opinions, but more about what actually happens in the books.

'while you go to every possible Harmony or Ginnyhate page attacking everyone.'

So what should the canon-shippers do then? Let the bullshit spread?
posted over a year ago.