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WETPAINT: 5 Reasons Why Owen and Amelia Are a Great Match

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Reasons Why Owen and Amelia Are a Great Match | Grey's Anatomy | Wetpaint
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
It’s official, guys: Grey’s Anatomy is definitely making Owen (Kevin McKidd) and Amelia (Caterina Scorsone) a thing. And while we’re still trying to draw up possible couple names — Owemelia is kind of a mouthful — we’re totally behind the idea of them becoming the show’s next greatest couple. And honestly, the two of them together makes total sense.
Why? There are tons of reasons, but here are the important ones. Read on, people...
1. They both have baggage. Between Owen’s PTSD and Amelia’s drug addiction, both halves of this couple have been through so much. Because of this, they obviously can relate to each other better than if they were with someone who’d had an easier life. They can understand the serious, tough stuff they’ve had to deal with to become the people they are today.
2. They understand the job. It’s not easy to date a surgeon, as Grey’s has shown us many times. Their schedules are crazy, they’re tired a lot of the time, and their time off is very limited. Since Owen and Amelia are both passionate about what they do and likely work very similar hours, not being home often isn’t a fight they’ll have to have.
3. The timing is perfect. Owen’s had time to get over Cristina (Sandra Oh) leaving, and he’s gotten those pesky rebound relationships out of the way. Amelia’s officially settled in Seattle and seems to be loving her new life. Is this a perfect time for them to get together or what?
4. Their futures fit together well. Owen obviously is into the whole family thing — marriage, 2.5 kids, and a dog. Amelia’s lost a baby in the past, and in that moment, it became obvious that it was something she wanted. Down the road, we could totally see them tying the knot and living happily ever after with a white picket fence.
5. They’ve both had complicated relationships in the past. If you’ve watched Private Practice, you know that Amelia’s relationships put Owen’s divorce (and attachment to Cristina) to shame. Now, they could both benefit from something easy… and this relationship could definitely be it.
Do you think Owen and Amelia are a perfect couple, or do you think they’d be better off with other people? Hit the comments and let us know!
Dan Clarendon is an assistant editor at Wetpaint Entertainment. Follow him on Twitter and Google+!
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