Grey's Anatomy Mark-Aholics :)

GA-19 posted on Feb 26, 2009 at 05:57PM
- Nina (GA-19)
- Sara (FashionVitcim)

- Kasia (Snick)
- Sophie (xSOFAx)
- Maria (FanDlux)
- Emma (mj22)

Basically a Little Place for all the Mark Fans Out there :)
last edited on Mar 01, 2009 at 03:25PM

Grey's Anatomy 763 replies

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over a year ago GA-19 said…
OMG yeah!
I'm Yoursss!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
He comes to Portugal on March, 19th and I'm going to see him :D
over a year ago mj22 said…
Hi I'm back had to go have my tea. Wow Sara your so brave singing in front of all those people, you have a great voice.

Well I had to go to physiotherapy today where I was tortured by an evil woman. I was in a car accident a month ago so I have to have therapy every week.

I am very excited to see greys!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Thanks Emma, that means a lot to me :)

But did you get seriously injured? You are better now, right?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mj22 said…
No thankfully it wasn't serious, I have whiplash my neck and the top of my back is still hurting. A stupid man drove into the back of me when I had stopped at a round about.

So do you now what your going to sing for your competition?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I want to sing I will always love you but it's such a hard song :S
over a year ago mj22 said…
Yeah that is a very hard song! My advice if your going to do that one is try not sound like whitney, and do your own version of it. So how long have you got until the competition, have you got a while to practice?
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Hey! Welcome Back Emma. Good to hear that the accident wasn't too bad :D

over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Yeah I know, when someone sings a Whitney's song everyone says that it was a imitation :S I still have two weeks to practice.
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Well good luck in advance! So have you got any other songs in mind?
over a year ago mj22 said…
Hi Nina thanks :D hope the homework is going ok

wow you have ages to practice, I'm sure you will be great! I have just been watching McDreamy on The View. I am so excited about tonights episode, it's just a shame that we don't get to see it untill tomorrow night.
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I love Listen by Beyoncé but also it's very hard :x
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Oh, that's a superly hard song!
Oh Emma did you watch the X Factor this year? I thought it was prob the best year. They had great contestants.

My HW is going nowhere!

Oh i watched PD on the View too! People keep thinking that Mark and Lexie are gonna get married :/ I hope not!
I'm hoping for a MerDer Wedding!
over a year ago mj22 said…
Yeah thats is a brilliant song! Do you see Beyonce sing it with Alexandra on X factor, they were both amazing! You have to have a big range to sing a song like that.
over a year ago mj22 said…
I agree best X factor ever, and I love Cheryl (not just beacause she is from Newcastle too lol) I amlookign forward to the next one! There better not be a Mexie wedding! There has to be a Merder wedding!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
God Mark and Lexie CAN'T get married, they just CAN'T! It would ruin Grey's :X
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Yup, they were both awesome! But i wanted JLS to win!
over a year ago GA-19 said…
I agree, it would ruin greys if they did that!!!
Yeah i love Cheryl too! she's way better than Danni.
Apparently Robbie might be the 4th judge next year... i hope not!
over a year ago mj22 said…
Sara heres a link in case you have no idea of what x factor is, not sure if it is shown in portugal
Yeah I agree Cheryl is way better than Danni! I heard its the same line up for this yearDanni isnt going anywhere apparently but the storykeeps changing!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I'm going to dinner girls, I'm back in a few minutes.
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Okay Sara.
Oh... i thought they were gonna change the pannel.
Oh do you watch Britains got talent?
over a year ago mj22 said…
Well there were loads of rumours saying Danni was going then, they said she was gong nowhere because apparently Cheryl said if Danni goes then she will walk!

Yeah I love BGT! I am so glad George Sampson won last year, his routine is amazing, and you also get to watch the Ant and the yummy Dec!
over a year ago GA-19 said…
LOL! Yeah i saw them cause i went to watch the live auditions last year! it was awesome! I was gonna go again this year but it was in west and i couldn't be bothered to go so far!

George was awesome, but he's too cocky now. I saw him at the Marley and Me premiere...

over a year ago mj22 said…
I have met Dec! He is lovely, so down to earth he chatted to us for ages, and I completly fell in love with him lol Yeah George has got too big for his boots, fames gone to his head!
I'm watching the Klimanjaro: The big red nose day climb, all the kids are coming in to school in fancy dress tomorrow they are going to be hyper!
over a year ago GA-19 said…
LOL! Yeah my school is doing a thing too! We have to come in in a football shirt or school uniform or some crazy hair.
Do you have to dress up too?
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Hey Nina =) Hey Sara =) Hey Emma =P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mj22 said…
Hey Sophie :D

I have bought a beatles RND t-shirt, and I am guna wear it with a bright ornage tutu (black skinny jeans underneath) and I am going to have crazy hair. It should be a fun day we are doing fun activities in the afternoon
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Hy girls, I'm back :D
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
xD haha lol what do you dress up for?
over a year ago mj22 said…
Sophie to answer your question from yesterday about how come I was picking my mum up, once you pass your driving test you become a taxi service for your parents, they get you back for all the years they taxied us around lol
over a year ago mj22 said…
welcome back Sara

It's Red Nose Day for comic relief it's a day where everyone in the uk raises money for charity
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
LOL! xD i´ll keep that in mind once i pass my driving test :P
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
That's really cool :D We haven't that day in Portugal :x
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Oh That´s indeed really cool! i wish we had that day in the netherlands. to which charity does the money go to?
over a year ago mj22 said…
The charity is called Comic Relief lots of celebrities do comedy routines and things to raise money and tomorrow night from 7pm there is about 7hrs of tv devoted to comic relief and raising money.

There is also children in need day which is in November, which is very similar, where they raise money for the Children in need charity. The mascot for comic relief is a red nose, the mascot for children in need is Pudsey the bear. Its really good that everyone does a little bit to help
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Oh we also did that here last year. We raise a lot of money to help many kids :)
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Wow i´m impressed. more countries should do that!
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Anyways, i gotta go. Have fun tomorrow emma!
over a year ago mj22 said…
The money goes to children all over the world and in the UK, I have just been watching how 9 celebrities have climbed Mount Kilimajaro in Africa for this charity, they all got to the top dispite of problems with their health while doing it, they were amazing! Gary Barlow from Take That was the one who organised it the climb!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Everyone should donate just a little to help the others :) Unfortunatly there are a lot of selfish people.
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Oh man i missed you Sophie!
I keep coming in and out cause FB is addictive!!
Well what are you guys up to now?
And Emma your costume sounds fun! Although i would never be able to imagine my teachers dressing up.
over a year ago mj22 said…
Thanks Sophie bye
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Garryyy! I never knew! oh well loads of TV time to watch tomorrow :D
over a year ago mj22 said…
When I was on placement in year one (ages 5 and 6) I dressed up as a witch for halloween and I had a broom and a magic wand the kids loved it lol they were all dressed up lol it so much fun even though kids go crazy with excitment they are practically climbin the walls
over a year ago mj22 said…
yeah Garry phoned them all up and asked if they would do it with them so he will be def on the TV tomorow night, he was amazng even though he has severe pains in his back he still managed to somehow continue and reach the top!
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Awww! You just gotta love that guy! Anyways i gotta go now. I have a Chemistry coursework exam kinda thing tomorrow and i haven't revied!
I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!
Bye Emma, Bye Twin 8D
over a year ago mj22 said…
I'm off too, I have got stuff to getready for tomorrow. Good luck with your Chemistry!
Bye Nina, By Sara
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I also have to go, I need to sleep, my brain is very tired :P

Bye girls, by twin <3
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Hey! Anyone here? :D
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Sophie! I'm here!
Oh and i always spell your name wrong for some reason, Sorry