Grey's Anatomy Mark-Aholics :)

GA-19 posted on Feb 26, 2009 at 05:57PM
- Nina (GA-19)
- Sara (FashionVitcim)

- Kasia (Snick)
- Sophie (xSOFAx)
- Maria (FanDlux)
- Emma (mj22)

Basically a Little Place for all the Mark Fans Out there :)
last edited on Mar 01, 2009 at 03:25PM

Grey's Anatomy 763 replies

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over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Hy twin! Hy Sophie :D
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Hey Twin :D
I'm going until Tuesday :D
What's up Sara?
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Hey Sara! :D
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Oh you are going to Barcelo, it's so cool :D In the end of the month I'm also going to Spain, in my senior trip :D
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Awesome! At leats when you go, it'll be hotter!
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Ok have fun then!
I should've gone to Barcelona for a school trip. but they put me at the survival in belgium -_-
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I thought so fun when you said Nina that you don't like Robbie Williams very much because I also don't like him..I hate him xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GA-19 said…
OMG High Five! We all dislike stinky Robbie right?

Hmm.. i've never been to belgium before. It might be fun Sophie :/
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
I like some of his songs but i don't like the person itself. xD
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Yeah you know, with you friends you can make everything fun right? :P at least i hope so.. when i tell people i'm going on survival they're all like: YOU? xD
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Yeah your right, when you go with your friends it's usually fun!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Oh your cat is soo cute :D Do you lie Hugh Jackman?
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Yeah :D and we're in chalets without teachers so we can do anything we want :]
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Thanks, my cat is a little rebel! She's so naughty!
OMG I LOVE Hugh Jackman! Did you watch the Oscars... *Sighs and daydreams*
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Yeah in Barcelona the teachers are letting us do anything we want! So everyone is gonna go out and get drunk during the night, but not me :D
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I'm so in love with Hugh!! The Oscars was AMAZING, he was just fabolous :D
over a year ago GA-19 said…
OMG i gotta agree with you 100 and 1 percent! I love him too!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Did you see Australia? OMFG I would kill to be Nicole!
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Haha! LOL nope i haven't seen that film. But i might see it
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
I only know Hugh Jackman from Australia. x] He's not that popular here.
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I saw it today, it's so lovely <3 Do you like to see 90210?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Oh really Sophie? He's very popular here, because of Wolverine.
over a year ago GA-19 said…
I Love his accent, so nice and australian! Like Julian McMahone
over a year ago GA-19 said…
90210!!! Yes! I so watch that :D
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Girls I'm going to dinner, I come back in a couple minutes :)
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
xD Never heard of wolverine. I do watch 90210 :)
over a year ago GA-19 said…
OMG!!! Seriously Sophie! Wolverine!! X-Men?!?!

Anyways i gotta go to dinner too. Be back later :D
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
OH! XD *Is been living in a cave*
Yeah i've heard of that :P
Bon Appetite to the both of you :D
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
You should see X-Men, it's very good :D started to watch 90210 last week :)
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Okay :D i watched 90210 from the beginning. at which episode are you?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Just in the second :S
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Okay :) it's still getting better, i didn't really liked the first one.. but the other ones where great x]
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I liked Ethan and the girl ewith the blue eyes, Silver I think...
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Hey i;m back now :D
90210 rocks! I like Dixon and Silver!!
And yes Sophie! you need to watch X-Men, it's pretty awesome :D.
Eric Dane is in the thrid one XD
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Oh really? I never saw the third one :S I saw very few movies with Grey's stars.
over a year ago GA-19 said…
LOL yeah he's in the third one but only for a minor role. I always look out for grey's actors or i imdb them then go and watch their film :D

So whatcha doing now?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
I'm seeing Ugly Bettyy : ) But I'm going to bed now!
Talk to you tomorrow twin :D
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Okay, bye then Twin :D
Goodnight, Have nice Dreams ;)
I'm gonna go too!
over a year ago mj22 said…
Hi is anyone here?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Hy girls :S Is anyone here?
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Hey! I'm here :D
over a year ago lil-becks said…
umm, helloo. Can i join?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Hy girls :D
over a year ago Locita said…
just wanted to say hi
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Hi Girls! Anyone here? :B
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Hy :D :D
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Hey! I'm back from Barcelona :D
Why haven't you guys been talking :(
Hey Lil-Becks, you can join
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Hy twin :D
I've been so busy with school works and exams :S Ive been so tired that I barely can come to Fanpop.
over a year ago mj22 said…
Hi Sara hows your exams going?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Today I had a Maths exam and was pretty hard :S But will see