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Glee Answers

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 Showing Glee questions (1 - 20 of 20)
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Answer: [i]Just saw this question now... There are rumou...
Answer: Noooo! Corey Monteith isn't Gay! He is currently da...
Answer: Nope, they are only related through their Broadway ...
Answer: Okay I don't really have alot of love for the guy t...
Answer: To be honest if the question is who is good for Rac...
Answer: Kurt and Blaine. KLAINE FOREVER <3 (':
Answer: KLAINE <3
Answer: Puck is my favorite :)
Answer: I'm a massive klaine fanfiction fan so here are som...
Answer: Jonathan Groff (the actor that plays Jesse) is gay,...
Answer: First, she has this contagious energy: you can see ...
Answer: Glee is a musical comedy television series that f...
Answer: First, he selected Jack Daniels (a brand of alcohol...
Answer: There is nothing weird about being gay, and there i...
Answer: here
Answer: Yep, he does. A cougar asks him about it in Acafell...
Answer: Can't Fight this Feeling by REO Speedwagon
Answer: When he left her alone getting her picture taken. H...
Answer: Before you ask a question,you can try to find the a...
Answer: I've shared some yesterday.Go to the Video section ...