Giraffes Club
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Lester the Giraffe Stuffed Animal
Lester the Giraffe Stuffed Animal
Hi guys! I love giraffes so much I went and had 500 of them made off my own design. His name is Lester and he's based off my doodles. I've been handsewing him for people all of 2008 but I finally got tired of the avalanche of orders and got him mass produced. Here's his background story:

Lester grew up in the Mexican circus in Tijuana. Just imagine the stories he can tell! Unfortunately, the circus folk thought it would be funny to feed him lots of that strange, green jello and as a result, his memory and balance are a bit fuzzy. Regardless, he's a great guy to have around as long as you don't get him started telling stories about his sketchy adventures in Mexico. Then you're just asking for it.

You can have him. Visit:


and you can adopt a Lester of your very own!
Lester the Giraffe Stuffed Animal
Lester the Giraffe Stuffed Animal
Everyone Loves a Giraffe!
Everyone Loves a Giraffe!
pleez join this club 2 show support of these harmless animals! thanks so much 2 the ppl who r joining and showing support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u ppl r relli helping local all over the globe bye joing every person that joins gives any abandan animal a second cahnce have u joined yet? if u havent please join it is right below how many fans now and there is not a huge amount 2 show support pleez join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!