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Natalie Dormer keeps teasing Game of Thrones Season 6, submits to a Reddit AMA

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Natalie Dormer teases Season 6, submits to a Reddit AMA
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Like so many before her, Natalie Dormer has participated in
a Reddit AMA. Collected for your perusing pleasure are all the 
Q: “If you had to pick one Game of Thrones character you would want to see survive all the way to the end (besides Margaery), who would you choose?”
Q: “If you could bring back one dead character from GOT who would it be?”
Q: “The Hound. I love Rory McCann so much!”
Q: “What is it like working with Diana Rigg on Game of Thrones? Is she very like her character?”
A: “She’s like Olenna in the sense that she’s wise, seen it all, done it all and tells really great stories.”
Q: “What is your favourite outfit that you have worn on Game of Thrones or the Tudors?”
A: “I love Margaery’s prison sack cause it means I can eat as much as want at lunch! Just kidding… I loved the dress I wore in the Joffrey Bow & Arrow scene. And I loved all the Anne Boleyn dresses. They were just amazing!”
Q: “Would you rather fight 100 Tyrion-sized mountains, or one mountain-sized Tyrion?”
A: “That’s a pretty good question! One mountain-sized Tyrion because I’d probably convinced him to have a drink with me. We can just have red wine together.”
To put that in context, she mentioned that she enjoys looking at them while diving, but I prefer to think she just has an explosive love for turtles.
Dormer has been hitting the press trail lately to promote her new horror movie, 
, which opens today. So far, reviews are terrible and the movie is being boycotted for casting two white people as the leads even though it’s set in Japan, but even critics who don’t like the movie praise Dormer’s performance, so that’s good…
interviews is that Dormer has been steadily teasing 
Season 6 for weeks, since interviewers inevitably ask about it. When talking to
 recently, Dormer reiterated something she’d said before about a new scene partner. “The thing I’m excited about in Season 6 is that I have a whole new scene co-star that I spend most of my scenes with, who I really, really enjoyed working with,” she said. “
That’s what I’m excited for audiences to see.”
If I had to place bets, I’d say her new scene partner is Jonathan Pryce, who plays the High Sparrow. That’s partly based on logic, since we know Margaery will remain in holy jail until Episode 6. Who else is she going to talk to in there? It’s also based on another Reddit AMA question-and-answer.
Q: “Who has been your favourite actor to work with so far in your career?”
A: “I really love it when you can work with the older greats. Christopher Lee, Donald Sutherland, Diana Rigg,
. You learn so much from them and you get to hear all the great stories.”
So she’s worked with Jonathan Pryce, who happens to play one of the few characters who will have access to Margaery during her imprisonment. Process of elimination, people.
The closer we get to Game of Thrones Season 6, the more interviews from cast and crew members...
Natalie Dormer is still out in force promoting her new horror film The Forest, and interviews are...
Have you already read all the books and/or don\'t care about spoilers? You can reveal all the spoilers in the comments with the click of a link below.
Not to criticize, Dan.. but I notice you frequently put your spoiler warning inside spoiler tags… thus hiding the warning from those who don’t want to see spoilers. They wont click to reveal it, thinking it’s hiding a spoiler.. and will read right past it.
How am I supposed to find out about AMAs before they happen?
best bet is to follow them on twitter, browse community of the show/movie/etc.. you’re interested in, and so on.
Slizzy Mcwhizzy on Further Winds of Winter tidbits from George R.R. Martin’s Not A Blog
Slizzy Mcwhizzy on Small Council: So The Winds of Winter isn’t coming out before Season 6. What now?
Golladan on Small Council: So The Winds of Winter isn’t coming out before Season 6. What now?
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