FMA original Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 10

Simmeh said …
Best FMA. <3 Posted over a year ago
MasterOfFear said …
Does anyone else remember that dream/flashback Scar had about when he met Kimblee? Does anyone think that the way that alchemist said "Hi" sounded slightly flirtatious? Posted over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
I dont quite remember that, havent watched this in ages over a year ago
Alchemistlover said …
Full Metal love people!!!!! Posted over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
XD over a year ago
Tsunami13 said …
Hey im new and i was wondering if anyone wanted to seethe link i posted.... Posted over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
where is it? on this club? over a year ago
Dearheart said …
Don't forget October 3rd! HAPPY FMA DAY TO EVERYONE!!! Posted over a year ago
hotlia commented…
college is a fucking struggle over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
O.o???????? i would think.......but that was 100% random. over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
i didnt forget, but oct. 3 is for fma and all the other anime i like. it's like my tradition now, so i just made it for all anime instead of 1. over a year ago
Simmeh commented…
I always make sure to forget! Or so it seems so. lol over a year ago
NarutoCrypt said …
ok, 31st fan, go here! link Posted over a year ago
LinkKinuzuma13 said …
Well it's a good idea, but i wouldn't exactly say it's taking over the other club, i would just say its becoming a part of it. In my OPINION, its pointless, but at the same time a good idea. The other club can have anything to do with FMA, not just the original one. Just because it's called "FMA Club" doesn't mean it's for the original, it's for absolutely anything that has to do with the series or Manga. I'm just saying. Posted over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
i know, but this club is for ONLY the original, no offense to brotherhood fans, but i really dont fan over it :/ over a year ago
coole440 commented…
Original will ALWAYS be best. over a year ago
Simmeh commented…
The manga was good, but then along came Brohood to eff things up! It wasn't nearly as good as the manga and the manga was completed too early (also because of Brohood's fault) so the ending is shit! over a year ago
big smile
conelia said …
great club,i love the pictures here btw! Posted over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
thanx! over a year ago
Moonlight_Kitty said …
This was one of the first anime I ever watched. Needless to say it is my favorite anime. Posted over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
thanks for not reporting it. i meant no offense by making another fma club,its just that brotherhood and edwin is taking over the full metal alchemist club. i appreciate you joining! over a year ago
NarutoCrypt said …
plz plz plz dont report this club....the full metal alchemist club is just mainly brotherhood and edwin now. im not trying to be a smart ellic. im trying to make a club just for the original fma. i want peace with everyone! plz plz plz do not report me!!!!! or this club!!!!! PLZ! Posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen commented…
*rolls eyes* Then why don't you add stuff that has to do with the orignal. That club is for anything that has to do with FMA. The only reason Brotherhood is a high topic right now is because it's still on TV. So if you ask me I think you need to get over it. I don't go on the Pokemon club asting like it's only about the orignal episodes or for a shipping. over a year ago
NarutoCrypt commented…
harsh. i dont know what the problem is, i just dont want this club reported. my other club like this i used to have had over200 pics, but someone erased it. and i know brotherhood is a huge topic, but it just maks me mad no original pics are being posted anymore,its like when someone takes away your traditions. thats how i felt. over a year ago
Simmeh commented…
@NarutoCrypt Well, it's good that someone made the original club. Thank you. :) over a year ago