Fanpop Users The Person Below Me (TPBM) Game!

EverybodyLies posted on Apr 13, 2008 at 11:26PM
Okay, so, here's how it works.
I say something like:
"TPBM (which means the person below me) likes broccoli."
And the person who posts the post after me says if it's right or wrong, like:
"Eww, no, I hate the stuff!"
Then they say something like:
"TPBM has accidentally swallowed a bug."
And we keep going on and on. It's a nice way to find out things about each other. :]

So I'll start.

TPBM likes to dance like crazy when no one's around to see.

Fanpop Users 1229 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 1229

over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
No, I'm a lonely - I mean only child lol.

TPBM likes pancakes more than waffles.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i love panckes, and i have never been a big waffle fan myself

TPBM has a birthday in July ♥
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Nope, November.

TPBM still celebrates Halloween.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
No, not really. Once in while, if I go to a party or something.

TPBM has been fishing before.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Yeah, once. I caught a fish but my cousins threw it back in cause it was too small.

TPBM loves amusement park rides that spin a whole bunch.
over a year ago cocacola said…
Hell Yeah!

TPBM is of multiple birth (triplet, twin, quadruplet)
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…

TPBM has MSN messenger
over a year ago cocacola said…

TPBM is still in school
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yes, high school

TPBM has an F in their user name ♥
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JavaJoker said…
no not one F

TPBM collects stuffed-animals :)
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
I used to, and I still have them, so sure. :p

TPBM is an obsessed Twilight fan.
over a year ago Katreader said…
No, my only experience with Twilight is seeing all the quiz questions here.

TPBM believes ghosts exist.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…

TPBM's favorite soda is Dr. Pepper.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
No, but it is my husband's favorite.

TPBM is a Taurus.
over a year ago vider69 said…
No. I'm a Cancer, lol. TPBM loves seafood.
over a year ago Katreader said…
I can't stand seafood. The only thing I like to eat that swims in the sea is duck.

TPBM enjoys reading romance novels.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
I do. Jane Austen is my favorite author! :)

TPBM is afraid of heights.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
no not really

TPBM got a new mobile phone for their birthday ♥
over a year ago iLove said…
Nope, I just got one recently though.

TPBM's favorite food has something to do with Chicken.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Ugh, nope. I'm a vegetarian :)

TPBM loves 'The Simpsons.'
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
I do! Though episodes do seem to get 'same old, same old'...

TPBM has given someone props 3 times in a row.
over a year ago ay3 said…
uuhh.... no!
TPBM has seen the gossip girl and one tree hill season starty thingys (i cant beleive i 4got what theyr called i just watched them LOL)
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yep, at the moment 303 :p

TPBM is a night person ♥
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Nah, I'm a morning person :)

TPBM is saving their money for a big purchase of some sort.
over a year ago aholic said…
Well I do save most of my money to when I get older so yeah I guess...

TPBM has never seen a "Lord of the rings" movie (like me)
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
nope, not once
well i saw the begining of the first one but i fell asleep lol doont tell flamey

TPBM supports a major sports team ♥
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…

TPBM has been on a cruise ship. :)
over a year ago aholic said…
Well yes, a very short one to Sweden and back again.

TPBM hasn't got a prop for links.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i've got 5 props for links, not many but enough :)

TPBM has a cat ♥
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Yup, got two of them, mother and daughter.

TPBM has been to three or more continents.
over a year ago Katreader said…
No, only been to 2.

TPBM takes horseback riding lessons.
over a year ago nataliejade said…
Yep, I used to have horse riding lessons when i was little. I did it for like 3 years.

TPBM likes red hair.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
True. Very true.

TPBM has never smoked a cigarette.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
not ever :)
i am afraid i wont be able to stop so i dont ever want to try one

TPBM has had a shower today ♥
over a year ago nataliejade said…
Ooo your good. I did indeed.

TPBM doesn't have a tattoo
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Nope. I want one though.

TPBM wears glasses.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
nope i have perfect vision :)

TPBM likes blueberry pop-tarts ♥
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
No, I like the strawberry ones better. :p

TPBM has homework they should be doing, but is instead replying to this forum.
over a year ago nataliejade said…
Nope, I havn't been given any homework for the summer.. I go back to school though on Friday :|

TPBH likes ice skating
over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Never been D: Want to, though.

The person below me is bilingual.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Si, senorita. Yo hablo Espanol.

I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm fluent, exactly. I can understand most of the conversations that waiters have at Mexican restaurants and I've taken for more than four years, but I need a real test.

Mexican vacation, anyone? ;)

TPBM read more than ten books this summer.
over a year ago vider69 said…
No but maybe last summer or the one before that, lol, TPBM checks this forum once a day 'at least'.
over a year ago aholic said…
Nah... At least once a week would be more correct.

TPBM see her/him self as a bit of a hippie
over a year ago Katreader said…
Yes, I think you could say that.

TPBM has never receievd a traffic ticket.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i cant no :D

TPBM has more than one die hard medal ♥
over a year ago aholic said…
haha yeah I have 9.

TPBM has a tatoo
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
No, and not planning on getting one so far. :)

TPBM plays tennis.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
No, I haven't really played much.

TPBM doesn't have an iPod.
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Nope, I have one, and his name is Logan.

TPBM still likes kid's cereals (Lucky Charms, Fruity Pebbles, Reese's Puffs...)
over a year ago ay3 said…
SI I DOO!!!!
TPBM went to the first day of school in the week