Fanpop Users The Person Below Me (TPBM) Game!

EverybodyLies posted on Apr 13, 2008 at 11:26PM
Okay, so, here's how it works.
I say something like:
"TPBM (which means the person below me) likes broccoli."
And the person who posts the post after me says if it's right or wrong, like:
"Eww, no, I hate the stuff!"
Then they say something like:
"TPBM has accidentally swallowed a bug."
And we keep going on and on. It's a nice way to find out things about each other. :]

So I'll start.

TPBM likes to dance like crazy when no one's around to see.

Fanpop Users 1229 replies

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Showing Replies 1151-1200 of 1229

over a year ago Mallory101 said…
TPBM watches Merlin on NBC/BBC
over a year ago Aviantei said…

TPBM watches Fullmetal Alchemist!
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Eh no.

TPBM is afraid of the dark.
over a year ago cmrm said…

TPBM likes Total Drama Island.
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Not really, haha.

TPBM has a pair of Converse.
over a year ago cmrm said…

TPBM never went to Greece.
over a year ago smoore23 said…

TPBM likes cheeseburgers.
over a year ago Aviantei said…
Yea, but i prefer just pplain burgers

TPBM has heard of "The S-Words" Pod cast
over a year ago tushtush said…
Nope. :(

TPBM likes both Scrubs and Glee.
over a year ago cmrm said…

TPBM is not the same person before me.
over a year ago huddyislove said…
Yes :))))

TPBM like tomatoes
over a year ago cmrm said…
No... Does ketchup counts? :)

TPBM never entered on Fanpop's Got Talent.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
Nope, becuase I've always been a judge :D

TPBM has their nose peirced ♥
over a year ago Aviantei said…

TPBM has a Gaia
over a year ago cmrm said…

TPBM has rated over 5000 stuff.
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
No. I don't rate very many things, hahah.

TPBM is in pain right now like me. ):
over a year ago Aviantei said…
No... sorry...

TPBM understands what I'm getting at when I say "+5 Fireball!"
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Nope. Dragonball Z or something? No idea.

TPBM has been to a beach before.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
I live by the sea. So I'm gonna go with yes... :P

TPBM is online before they go to school ♥
over a year ago cmrm said…
Nope. I'm online while I'm at school

TPBM is a fan of the random spot
over a year ago Aviantei said…
Very much so

TPBM thinks squirrels will take over the world
over a year ago smoore23 said…
LOL no.

TPBM likes cats.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
Loves em :D

TPBM is watching Glee ♥
over a year ago Aviantei said…

TPBM is eating a sucker.
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
A what? No.

TPBM is a facebook user
over a year ago Aviantei said…

TPBM has earbuds in right now
over a year ago tushtush said…

TPBM has a fringe
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
No, i don't have fringe, I have bangs.
Claire'll tell you.

TPBM speaks a bit of Spanish.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
She has a fringe!!!

I speak no spanish at all

TPBM is watching a DVD ♥
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Nope, I'm watching Titanic on TNT.

TBPM is excited for Halloween.
over a year ago Aviantei said…
VERY much so

TPBM is waiting for their ride (to whereever)
over a year ago the_bunkster said…
nope lol it's 12.15am, TPBM ate a fried egg today
over a year ago smoore23 said…

TPBM likes to play Guitar Hero/Rock Band.
over a year ago Aviantei said…
The first one.

TPBM has fish.
over a year ago smoore23 said…

TPBM is a vegetarian.
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
No wayyy!

TPBM has a dog that is less than 5 years old.
over a year ago Aviantei said…
Yes. (I'm pretty sure)

TPBM has randomly brought home a cat and asked to keep it.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
Once, her name was Midnight. I didn't get to keep her but we sent her to a cat lady and I got to visit her =D

TPBM is sat on a bed ♥
over a year ago Aviantei said…
not right now.

TPBM goes to college
over a year ago smoore23 said…

TPBM likes to read.
over a year ago Aviantei said…

TPBM Plays farmville on facebook
over a year ago oblix said…
yes i do... yay XD

TPBM is in bed
over a year ago Aviantei said…
I wish...

TPBM has a friend who hugs them a lot
over a year ago laureng114 said…
Nope- more of a high-five person, haha.

TPBM drank a cup of coffee this morning.
over a year ago Aviantei said…
I wish I did

TPBM probably should have gotten more sleep this weekend
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
big smile
Yep...But I don't care, I had an adventure =D

TPBM has met their favourite celeb ♥
over a year ago smoore23 said…
No, I don't really have a favorite, actually. Hmmm.

TPBM's favorite TV show is no longer making new episodes.
over a year ago Aviantei said…
I suppose you could say that...

TPBM likes "Lucky Star"
over a year ago Saritaswims said…
TRUE!!! Always curious

TPBM is in love with Candy
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Meh, not really.

TPBM has been horseback riding.