Ever After Club
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I adore Ever After and when the movie came out I hoped more fairy tale inspired films might be released in the same beautiful style.

Sadly that didnt happen and everytime I watch Ever After I cant help wish someone could tell Andy Tennant or 20th Century Fox to do other movies along this line; such as Beauty & the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and the Frog Prince.

Ever After told the Cinderella story in such a dreamlike way yet making it seem true. It wasnt turned into a silly comedy or musical (good as those might be).

Does anyone have any suggestions as to letting Andy Tennant or 20th Fox know how much Ever After is adored and that more fairy tale films in that style would be very welcomed and appreciated???
posted by Alg13
What first ‘drew’ me to the film Ever After, was the storyline. To say the least, my childhood was not the best. Even though I didn’t have a step-mother, my own mother treated me quite the same as Danielle, the character portrayed by Drew Barrymore. Some of the things that were said by Angelica Houston as Rodmilla, were exactly what my own mother had said to me. This really hit me hard. I felt like the film was almost a synopsis of my life, sounds crazy, but true. Just as Prince Henry had turned Danielle’s life around, so did my marrying my spouse. I was very, very lucky to have found my perfect mate. We have been married for many wonderful years. Each time I watch the film, even though it brings tears to my eyes, it reminds me how truly lucky I really am.
I adore Ever After and when the movie came out I hoped more fairy tale inspired films might be released in the same beautiful style.

Sadly that didnt happen and everytime I watch Ever After I cant help wish someone could tell Andy Tennant or 20th Century Fox to do other movies along this line; such as Beauty & the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and the Frog Prince.

Ever After told the Cinderella story in such a dreamlike way yet making it seem true. It wasnt turned into a silly comedy or musical (good as those might be).

Does anyone have any suggestions as to letting Andy Tennant or 20th Fox know how much Ever After is adored and that more fairy tale films in that style would be very welcomed and appreciated???