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posted by flapjackfan54
About halfway through the mountains a strange feeling hit the air. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I got goosebumps. Suddenly, there it was. Over a hundred undead minions standing in wait for us. Redinia stepped back as well as I. For no reason I stepped forward and held up my hands. "I command you beasts. Begone!" Then, as if knowing what i wanted, the undead slowly moved aside. Redinia gasped. "How did you do that?" "Well it just kinda came to me. I don't really know how i did it," I exclaimed. Redinia looked at me in amazement then she backed away. "I have a feeling this means Hades could be your father or he has taking a liking to you". "Whats so bad about having Hades aid me?" I asked. "It means you could betray us at any moment" She said with concern in her voice. I looked down then back up. "Even if that may be so we must continue." As we finished our way through the mountains i sensed my teammates are keeping a close eye on me...
posted by flapjackfan54
As the centaur fired his arrow at the giant's eye I quickly ran forward and jumped onto the giant's back. The giant roared in anger and swung blindly about. Redinia stepped forward to try to distract him. Angry and half blind the giant smacked Redinia with his hand. She flew 20 feet and landed unconscious on the grassy ground. A sudden surge of emotion washed over me. I fiercely stabbed the giant in the open part of his armor. Out came my blade, clean and unscathed. The giant chuckled and tried to shake me off. Then i saw it. A tiny scar on the giant's neck. I swiftly climbed up to his shoulder...
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posted by flapjackfan54
This is it. The demi god was right. We have encountered a group of undead warriors sent by Hades to stop us. There are 3 in the group. 2 of them look like they just crawled out of a grave they and are just skeletons. The other one (which i believe to be their leader) looks as though he has just died. His skin slowly rotting and his eyes pure white. They are all about as tall as my chin, each wielding a short sword. They look very un-athletic but who knows... The battle has begun. I take on the leader of the group because my companions believe i am the most skilled. He moved towards me with...
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posted by flapjackfan54
Two days have passed with little to no words said between me and my companions. I have a feeling my journey is coming to an end soon. My companions don't trust me, the mountain which holds the temple lies just beyond the next forest. I turn back and make sure my companions are ready to venture into the Forest of Many Things. They simply nod and and follow me. I head into the forest wondering what surprises might await me... After walking for an hour through the thick forest our group encounters an odd stream flowing through a clearing in the trees. I found this odd because we were still in...
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posted by flapjackfan54
It has been 6 days since my companions and I joined Redinia and her companions. Before we left we were supplied with adamantine weapons. These weapons were very strong yet very light and easy to swing. I got a sword, the demigod got a dagger, and the centaur got 50 arrows. The centaurs leg was also repaired and he is walking better than ever in my opinion. Redinia herself carries a shield with a lightning bolt on it (in honor of her father im guessing) and a small sword. She brought only one companion. A short, chubby goblin. He wields a sword bigger than his whole body, but i imagine the sword is made out of adamantine as well... After 5 days of walking and 1 day of rest we finally encounter the Mountains of Despair through which we will have to venture to get to the temple. We must be wary though. Many dangerous creatures are in these mountains. With Redinia and I in the lead our group ventures forth into the dangerous mountains...
posted by flapjackfan54
I wake up to the sound of grunting. Before i can open my eyes i am gagged and tied up by a figure in the night. I am then knocked out by a ferocious blow to the head... I wake up to the smell of meat. I quickly open my eyes and look around. Its morning now and the sun has barely risen. I am still tied up but the gag is not in my mouth. A deep voice speaks, "What is your business in the Forest of Lost Souls?" I stutter a little before talking. "I and my companions seek the temple of the gods. We were only using the forest as a resting spot after a long day." The voice speaks again but this time...
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posted by flapjackfan54
After 3 days of waiting, the centaur's leg is finally healed enough to continue on. As we start to head out again I make sure we start out running. We have lost too much time waiting for the centaur to heal. My only hope is that there will be no more delays in our journey... It has been 7 hours since we set off without any rest. Everyone is tired and hungry but I tell them they must push on until it becomes night. We continue on at a slower pace than before... We stop in the middle of a dense forest. The trees taller than the largest buildings in Greece. The grass freshly cut. We think this is a good place to camp for the night. We set up camp which consists of a fire, 3 tents, food that we have brought along, and our weapons at hand. We finished our food and headed to bed. Since we were so tired we all fell asleep as soon as we closed our eyes.
posted by flapjackfan54
Today i have started my epic journey to go find the temple of the gods. Some say it is impossible to reach. Others say the gods will destroy you for entering it. I dont know who to believe but for right now i know i will be the first adventurer to try it in over a century. I have 2 companions accompanying me on this perilous journey. 1 is a centaur i met a while back and we have been best friends ever since then. My second companion is a very brave and honest man who also happens to be a demi god (half man half god) his mother is Athena the goddess of wisdom, so i feel he will be of great assistance to me throughout this journey. Well i best be off, wish me luck on this journey of mine.
posted by flapjackfan54
After another day of wandering the Forest of Many Things, we finally exit and see the Temple of the Gods. Redinia has been holding my hand the whole time now. She seems to have completely forgiven me and now is deeply in love with me. I smiled and so did she. We all ran to the temple as fast as we could. When we all had arrived there, a great trembling arose from the inside of the temple. Everyone took a few steps back. Redinia held on to me tightly. From the inside of the temple came a giant figure over 20 feet tall, wielding a giant sword half its size. "Who dares wish to enter the Temple...
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posted by flapjackfan54
Its now 3 days into this journey i have embarked on. So far nothing bad has overcome me and my fellow companions. However, my demi god friend believes we have a great battle ahead of us. We have spent most of the day preparing for the battle that might come. The demi god wields a small dagger but his agility makes him a very hard target to hit. The centaur wields a bow and arrow and he has deadly aim. I myself wield a sword fashioned just for me. It is light as a feather yet has the power of a god. As we slowly make our way towards the temple of the gods i realize this journey is going to be a lot longer than i thought it was going to be. I can only hope that the battle my companion has predicted does not come true...