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7 Secluded Secrets in Durarara!!

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Seven Secluded Secrets Of Durarara!-A Blank List On Things You Might Have Missed! | Anime Amino
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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Seven Secluded Secrets Of Durarara!-A Blank List On Things You Might Have Missed!
Yo guys Ryuugamine of Blank here to bring to light 5 things you didn\'t know happened in durarara. These events took place in the light novels and may or may not show up in the next season or in future OVAS.
I myself definetly reccomend you read the light novels, they can let you get ahead of what\'s to come in the next season and loads of bonus events that won\'t happen in the anime (these aren\'t in any order of like significance or anything).
1. Yes their was attempted rape in Durarara, this happened when Izaya was captured by Amphisbeana and he had the burlap sack over his head, remember when Mikage (I like to call her judo girl) and the Dragon Zombie gang (also Ran Izumii) busted in on heavens slave and amphisbeana to save Izaya?
Once he incapacitated her,he then thought it was necessary to rape her, but his intentions were quickly denied when Mikage said she\'d kill him if he tried to rape her, because violation of women is grealty against her morals. He then says he\'ll rape Mikage instead, but was intimidated by her boy-ish build and he decided to just hit the hay.
2. Ah yes I bet you all remember this event as it was just recent, Kyohei Kadota was hit in a "hit and run" and the whole city was in a mess. People were looking for who caused this hit and run, but the main detective was Walker. Walker was the most persistent to find out who did this because once he found the culprit he was going to make them regret ever living. Due to previous Yellow-Scarves problems Walker thought that they were the ones who did it, and confronted Masaomi.
Now this is the turning point because in the anime walker trusted Masaomi\'s word and left.
While in the light novel Walker fought Masaomi and Walker basically won, but then Ran comes outta nowhere ready to finish Walker off, but Walker being Walker he just set Ran on fire and got his revenge.
3. In the light novel Aoba is coming home when he sees Izaya Orihara, the one and only information broker in his home "drinking tea" with his mother. He says that he is Aoba\'s tutor at school and came to drop off the school I.D. that aoba lost. Aoba, of course not being an idiot knew he was lying and waited until they stepped outside to confront him. They immediately begin to dislike each other because they think their personality\'s are too alike ( but they are exact opposites). They then depart, Aoba thinking of what to do and Izaya thinking of what Aoba is capable of and his first impression of the little nuisance himself.
It is thought that Izaya was flirting with Aoba\'s mother because they were speaking for a prolonged time.
4. In the light novel it is introduced that Anri is not the original Saika, it is said Kujiragi was the original weilder of Saika until she sold it to Shingen. Izaya teases her for making such a mistake because her enemy now is the one and only Saika. She reveals that she has a second Saika blade and uses that one to get her own "children" (this is why she was able to control Sloan into beating up Izaya) thus causing a situation known as "Saika branching."
5. This is that last and most surprising act, the main protagonist of the new Durarara series "Durarara SH" Yahiro mizuchi gets into a fight trying to protect a friend of his called Kuon. Now Yahiro was called a monster in his homeland because he could beat gangs of people into a bloody pulp and barley be hurt. He seems to have extreme strength even though he\'s a kid. This person he ended up fighting just happened to be the strongest man in ikebukuro, Shizuo Heiwajima. Now I know we\'re all thinking "Yeah right dude I bet the kid got his ass kicked!", I myself didn\'t believe it at first, but after seeing his background I really do think it\'s legit. Yaihiro fought Shizuo and beat him until he was bruised and bloody and everyone in Ikebukuro was astonished, but of course it being Shizuo, he still won. Props to Yahiro though for not using a weapon and being a good team player.
6. So anyone who\'s seen Durarara x2 knows Aoba had a plan to take over the Dollars and reboot the Blue Squares, but this plan epically failed and Aoba himself was derived of this possibility by becoming Mikados personal lapdog, top goon, head henchmen and basically working for Mikado for no reason, he then realizes that the Blue Squares have been absorbed into the Dollars and his plans have failed. This makes Mikado extremely happy because now he has a Dollars task force free of charge and he can continue to move on with his motives. Damn what a guy.
7. We all see that Mikado has changed a little bit right? Well no, not right he\'s totally batshit insane, we\'ve seen Aoba hint to this second side of Mikado by calling it his "broken part" but it is also said that this might have always been the original Mikado and the regular mikado was just a facade (which I doubt). This Mikado is dead-bent on making the dollars a bigger and better gang. Totally indulged in his gang Mikado goes to extreme extents to make more rumors, uprisings, rucus, and problems that involve the dollars in some way or form. That\'s why he agrees to have Aoba join his gang, so that he can have the "nuisances" purged so that his plans are not delayed. Man who knew Mikado would take such a 180. He\'s like on some Izaya Orihara type shit. I don\'t think we wanna go further unless your fond of spoilers ;)
Well that\'s it guy\'s, hope you enjoyed the blog, ryuu out
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