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Full-scale TDF View-In – November 16th!!

Sit-In: A form of peaceful protest where protesters sit in an appropriate place and refuse to move.

As we know, Sci-Fi's posted schedule was incorrect and the Dresden Files did NOT air on November 9th, but the 1st Dresden Files View-In was a big success with 252 comments posted in 1-1/2 hours!!!

On November 16th, as supported by all the media TV schedules, the Sci-Fi Channel is finally airing the first repeat of the Dresden Files since the end of Season 1 - it's time for a full-scale peaceful protest of the Dresden Files' non-renewal!

Since we fans are...
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posted by zarinas1
SciFI: Just RENEW the Dresden Files!!
SciFI: Just RENEW the Dresden Files!!
HEY SCIFI! The entire nation - the entire WORLD - has wizard fever! The various television Networks have planned their Fall Seasons to capitalize and cash in on this current fascination. That's why I believe it was the most inspired moment of genius on the part of SciFi Channel to introduce a series in January based on a wizard in modern times!

Introducing the Dresden Files in January gave the series time to collect a following, to amass a fan base so that when the next to last Harry Potter movie and J.K. Rawlings last Harry Potter book were released and Wizard Fever overtook the country, the...
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