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Downton Abbey season 5 episode 6 review/recap

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It was called Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 6 - Review
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Finally, The Episode We Have Been Waiting For! – Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 6
The storylines of the residents of the Abbey have been slowly and painfully dragging on for weeks now. Finally, we have some movement to spice things up a bit. Now I can stop complaining… for now.
We learn the answers to questions that have been looming. We see someone make a move that they have been plotting. We hear revelations we have been waiting for. Here is what we learned.
As always, let’s start with poor tortured Edith. She finally received confirmation of what she and her family have known all along, Michael Gregson is indeed dead. He was killed shortly after they parted ways but with all the chaos, his body, “or what was left of it”, was not discovered until now.
Of course this lights a fire under Edith to get to her daughter ASAP and she arrives unexpectedly yet again at the door of the Drewe’s. This time, Mrs. Drewe is let in on the secret that she is Marigold’s mother, and she plans to take her back.
While the Abbey sits empty, with the exception of Tom, Edith packs her bags, takes her daughter, and goes. The two arrive at a hotel in London and mother and daughter plan a celebration complete with champagne and ice cream.
I for one am happy they are finally together, although how this will all pan out remains to be seen. Will Edith realize caring for a toddler is harder than she had planned and return her? Will the family come and find her and convince her to return to Downton?
After receiving word that both Tony and Charles are going to participate in a local horse race and picnic, Mary decides she must be there. Whether it is to throw some salt on Tony’s wounds or stir the pot of Mr. Blake, she isn’t going to miss it. First she gets herself a new-age hair-cut to make extra sure all eyes are on her.
Apparently all Brits are born knowing how to ride a race horse because she, Tony, Charles, and the plotting Mabel Fox all participate in the race. Remarkably unscathed from the race all four plan to retreat to the Abbey for the night. What could go wrong with that plan?
When Bates comes across the birth control Anna purchased for Mary, he of course presumes it is hers. He also presumes she does not want to have a child with him because she believes he is a murderer. Wow, that’s a leap!
He confronts his wife who does not reveal the true story behind his findings but alludes to the fact that she does think he killed Green. He confesses he had every intention to but the thought of leaving her alone after he is hung for his crime was enough to convince him otherwise.
So, if he didn’t do it and she didn’t do it, who did it? This mystery is far from over and the intrigue just got kicked up a notch. Who else could it be?
Proving to be the most interesting storyline of all, Thomas is continuing to battle some sort of unknown illness, which came on following a suspicious trip to London.
Finally realizing his “condition” is out of control, he takes Baxter up on her countless offers to help. Inside the loo he reveals a box full of vials and needles he has been using to inject himself. He also reveals this “treatment” has left him with a rather nasty infection.
Baxter tells him to gather his things because they are going to see a doctor immediately. With the proper treatment, the doctor declares he is going to be o.k. However, he inquires as to why he was injecting himself with saline; which does nothing.
Thomas reveals he received shock therapy from a charlatan in London in hopes of curing his homosexuality. He was hoping they would make him a “normal” man. The injections were part of the prescribed “treatment”.
What a huge thing to have to admit not just in front of the doctor but Baxter as well. He owes her a debt of gratitude and a whole lot of apologies for the way he treated her in the past.
Of course he will probably do neither, this is Thomas we are talking about. Short of a miracle, I am not sure there is any treatment to make him an insightful and humble man.  What fun would that be anyway, we love him the way he is… well, we love to hate him.
Isobel hints to Violet she has made her decision about Lord Merton’s proposal. Feeling this is her last chance at love, she is going to accept. Violet will never admit it out right but you can see she is sad at the prospect of losing her frenemy.
Don’t feel too bad for Violet though because she receives some male attention too. When she goes to visit Prince Kuragin, her presumed ex-lover, he confesses he has always loved her, even more than he loved his wife.  Hmm… maybe a double wedding is on the horizon?
Robert’s still refusing to sleep in bed with his wife. However, after Cora bluntly points out there must have been a time during their marriage when he indulged in flattery from a suitor, he realizes he has no leg to stand on, tucks his blankie between his legs, and returns to the marital bed.
Saving the best for last, Mr. Carson makes a proposal to Mrs. Hughes. His is a real estate proposal though. He asks her to invest in a cottage with him that they can live in together when they retire.
This is the grown-up equivalent to the boy in the school yard punching you because he likes you! They are so freaking cute!
Waiting for these storylines to play out was getting tedious. So for the big changes tonight, I am grateful. Now we can move forward and see what comes next.
Finally, The Episode We Have Been Waiting For! – Downton Abbey Season 5 Episode 6 was last modified: October 26th, 2014 by
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