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NARRATION OF 4x19- the whole episode before your eyes by ivthegreatest @ tumblr



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And I'm going to copy paste it here as well:



Chuck and Blair have ZERO interaction in the episode. The Prince arrives in NYC and has a box delivered to Blair which contains the Roger Vivier shoe she left him in Paris. Blair is giddy because he’s come to visit and he wants to see her but it has to be a secret since no one knows, esp his family, that he’s in NYC. Blair agrees to be discreet and they decide to meet at a dingy coffee house by NYU. Meanwhile…Dan tells his Dad that he’s taken a job for Paris Match. Paris Match, a french magazine, has an exclusive scoop that the Prince is in NYC and they’e hired Dan to tail to him discover what he’s doing here etc. (the irony!. eyeroll) Meanwhile….Vanessa at the end of the previous episode left a voice message for Serena letting her know that Dan and Blair kissed. Serena thinks Vanessa is lying but enlists her cousin Charlie (who we meet in 4x19 and has a sparkle when she sees Dan) to follow Dan just in case (Charlie and Serena were scrolling over Gossip Girl’s old posts and Charlie kept seeing that Dan and Blair were spotted all over the place. Serena believed it was all innocent and coincidence but either way sends her cousin to spy). Charlie follows Dan to the NYU coffee shop who in turn had followed the Prince to the coffee shop. Blair shows up and of course all Charlie sees is Dan enter followed by Blair. She informs Serena of what she’s seen. Meanwhile in the coffee house Blair sees Dan and yells at him for being there and then informs him that she has a date with a Prince. Dan leaves but Charlie doesn’t see that. Serena then turns up at the coffee house and sees that Blair is with the Prince and Blair tells her he’s secretly here to see her and that she has to keep it hush hush. Serena promises to and tells Charlie that she must have been mistaken and it wasn’t Dan with Blair. Charlie decides to follow Dan because she knows she wasn’t mistaken. The Prince tells Blair that his family found out he was there and that he can’t be seen with her because the family will know he came to see her. Blair tells him she has a plan. She calls Dan and tells him its his fault for ruining her perfect date and he has to make it up to her . He confesses he realized it was the Prince’s family that tipped off Paris Match that their son was in NYU and they were manipulating the magazine to find out if he was with Blair which was why he quit the gig (sidenote: awwww). Blair says he needs to help her by pretending to be with her at the Pink Party, stage a kiss so that the Prince’s butler (or whomever was sent to take him back to Paris) sees it and then they will go away satisfied that he’s not with Blair. Dan doesn’t think it is a good idea at all but Blair scoffs at it. She takes him shopping to Paul Smith to find a pink tie and Charlie (who’s been following Dan) takes a pic of them together to form more evidence for Serena. At the Pink Party the Prince and Blair arrive separately and yet are texting. Charlie meanwhile is trying to convince Serena that Blair/Dan are an item but Serena says that she’s with the Prince and that is why she’s avoiding him. (that it’s secret romance 101) Charlie decides to flirt with Dan to see if it bothers Blair. When the Prince’s butler comes for him at the party she grabs Dan to drag him upstairs for the fake kiss knowing the butler will follow to see with his own eyes. Charlie follows both of them and records the kiss with her phone and sends it to gossip girl. Everyone’s phone at the party buzzes and all of them see it and look at Blair and Dan in horror. They both go running to find Serena. Serena finds the Prince and tells him that this isn’t the first time she has used the Prince, that she did it in Paris too blah blah blah (bitter speak). Dan and Blair corner Serena in her room and tell her that the kiss meant nothing and it was a cover for Blair’s relationship with the Prince. They also confess to hanging out since Christmas and that all they ever hid was their friendship. That yes they kissed twice but only the first time was to see if there was anything and both agreed that there was nothing there. Serena was angry that both of them lied to her and after Dan leaves tells Blair something mean (can’t remember) and Blair retaliates that her friendship with Dan has nothing to do with Serena and that Dan and Blair truly have a connection that doesn’t involve her and Serena is just pissed that she isn’t the center of attention anymore. That Blair is going to nab a Prince and Serena can’t handle that for once she has to be Blair’s shadow. At the very end of the episode Charlie and Dan are in his apartment and Charlie tells Dan that she knows he has feelings for Blair that it was obvious by the way he kissed her and he tells her it’s true. Vanessa comes by an Dan tells her to fuck off, that he knows she’s the one who told Serena about the first kiss and that they’ll never be friends again. Serena calls the prince’s family and clearly there is a bitter scheme coming. Blair and the prince are in the limo and the prince decides to go public with blair and they exit a limo together for all the paps to take photos. So as I’ve stated…this isn’t the end of Blair and Dan but when you throw CHuck redemption into the mix I just don’t know if Dan will make the cut. Clearly his feelings for her will linger, the question is whether Blair will admit to feelings for Dan.

posted over a year ago.
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Dark4eva said:
im begining to like charlie just bc of "Charlie tells Dan that she knows he has feelings for Blair that it was obvious by the way he kissed her and he tells her it's true". Go CHARLIE!!
posted over a year ago.
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lily348 said:
On the contrary, I'm really starting to dislike Charlie. I don't want her to be Dan's shoulder to cry on. So does this mean that when Blair realized who she was destined to be with in the episode before she chosed Chuck?BUMMER
posted over a year ago.
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I have mixed feelings about this report...

It was a HUGE disappointment to read that the first kiss made them think that there is nothing there!! Of course I know that that's a lie, because obviously Dan has feelings for Blair and Blair is in denial, but still I wanted them to admit it at that point!

Also it's definitely a bummer that the second kiss was staged!!:( But then again Dan agrees because he wants to kiss her and Blair has this idea because deep down she wants to kiss him too!

I definitely had great expectations that this particular episode doesn't fulfill!! I want to see Blair admiting to herself that she's in love with Dan!! Serena will temporarily ruin it for us, I know I'm hoping that the S4 finale will fix it all over again!! What I mean, is that I really want to believe that Blair won't do the marriage because of DAN!! That they'll leave the door OPEN for them in the next season!!!I WANT HIM TO FIGHT FOR HER!! I'm telling you guys that if they end it this season, I'll say f**k off to them, but I won't give up on it, we'll have to organize something BIG to show OUR BIG FAT DISAPPOINTMENT!!!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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big smile
Dark4eva said:
ohhhhh detty4ever i could not agree more with you. We should for a fb page of something to show the world that Dair is AWESOME also so that the writers will have enough time (summer) to rewrite the script in our favor. Just thinking. If u have anything in a proud supporter.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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gracery said:
I don't know how accurate all this is but she posted this later:

He says to her that the kiss was like a social experiment gone wrong and that it didn’t mean anything to him either (this is epi one before his own revelation in epi 2) and she responds with “Oh.”

and Dan certainly doesn’t know (and neither does the audience) whether Blair actually has feelings on not…or even if she cares all that much about him, if he wasn’t actually there when she defended him, twice

Yes, Dan is still there for part of it, the part where she confronts Chuck about the scheme and tells him that “Dan may not be royalty but at least he’s not a child”

“Your prince is out there waiting for you, it might not be me or Chuck but he’s out there.”

At the end of the episode Dan tells Charlie, alone in his apartment, she says “I saw the kiss, I think you really like her. He responds with ” You might be right, I’ve been trying to convince myself that I can handle being friends with her but I realized tonight that I can’t" then later “I just never thought the person that I want would be Blair Waldorf.

I guess I was in denial, I didn’t want to admit that I begun to understand the Humphrey appeal”, “I’m sorry to break it to you but Dan and I have a real connection.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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ReaderZ said:
Even if it's not true, I can read it over and over just to fulfill hopes for Dair as something more than bickering acquaintances.
posted over a year ago.
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OMG!!!!!!Does he really say that??? "I JUST NEVER THOUGHT THE PERSON I WANT WOULD BE BLAIR WALDORF"????? I'm so freaking excited right now!!! How can we not looooove Dan when he says so wonderful things!!! So he must fight for her!!!! He has to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Dark4eva said:
Actually i take that back....i HATE CHARLIE!! what was i thinking especially after the new can i not. She has taken Dan away from Blair AND caused a sick make out session with her indirect cousin(ew that is ur family members), and made Dan seem like a total weirdo (which he is not). I think that nothing happens between them though bc if u look at the new promo he tells Vanessa that they are not friends and he is wearing the same shirt that he was when charlie was taking it off. So obviously he doesnt go through with it cuz we all know that Dan is not like Chuck (at least i hope the writers dont make him so)
posted over a year ago.