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'The Vampire Diaries' Season 4 Spoilers: Bonnie and Elena's Transition, Bonnie's Spell



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OH YEA OH YEA *SOUNDED LIKE A BRITISH KOOL-AID MAN* OH YEA. BONNIE IN SEASON4 SOUNDS SOOO BLOODY GOOD. Who gives a flippin about CaroHoe or Elame, Im sick to death of them, and now its all about Bonnie and two hoes but that's all right. This manky s/l is bloody good. Thnks for this and thank you JP if you fail, it's alright mate, I'll just have ya manky soul for payment.
posted over a year ago.
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BB8fan said:
Wow. That actually sounds DARN amazing!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOO very excited for season 4 now!!! Wow! Sounds like our girl is going to be in EPISODE ONE this time!!!! And A LOT hereafter!!! About TIME!!!! This is DEFINITELY "Season of the Witch!!" Time to let our girl SHINE!!! NO ONE can FATHOM the AWESOMENESS Miss Bennett has in store for us! She has YET to even SCRATCH THE SURFACE on her abilities both supernatural and personal!!!

Gosh, I can hardly CONTAIN myself!!!! Spread the word people!!! Tell the Bennett Brigade, spam the Bamon tag, PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!!!! EVERYONE'S gotta tune into TVD Season 4, because it seems as if it will be featuring our girl from episode ONE!!! Support people!!!! And DON'T MISS OUT!!!! Wow. I haven't been THIS excited about TVD in a LONG time!!!! This is LONG overdue!!! But somehow, I think the timing's good. This will SAVE THE SHOW, I think! Bring on "SEASON OF THE WITCH!!!"

posted over a year ago.
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I can't wait!
posted over a year ago.
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katesbon said:
although this sounds great i still can't trust jp!
posted over a year ago.