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It's official, LJ. Smith isn't TVD writing anymore



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Hmmm so she doesn't want us to boycott them? She must be still getting money off them or something...

Well maybe I will try the new books, but only if a fellow Bamon fan tells me it's worth it. And I will of course be picking up Midnight...
posted over a year ago.
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tO QUOTE 'And remember, for fans of Bonnie and Damon, and strict Stefan and Elena fans, the immediate dynamics may be more to your liking.) '

In short, our ship has fairly good chances. LJ can't give any guarantees since she is not writing the sequels herself, but the bamon plotline is getting continued.
It's awesome news.
posted over a year ago.
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Okay, she says we will have Damon and Bonnie but what about what she said in the email? Really LJ?
posted over a year ago.
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Also LJS is hinting that Bamon fans might enjoy the ghost writer's version of Phantom more than one she had in mind. It's a pretty solid indication our fanbase got luckier this way. At least on short-term. But then, LJS was not exactly guaranteeing Bamon as endgame neither's entirely possible our ship is in for a brighter future.
posted over a year ago.
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yeah, i don't get what she was trying to obtain neither. By the way she spoke, it sounded like anyone but Stefan and Elena was going to be cut out of the story...which, naturally, was absurd.
I never buyed her previous books but i think i might give Phantom a chance... just to see how whole this mess gets straightened out.

i have a realòly good feeling about this.
posted over a year ago.
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nsk said:
so its finally official :( lol not even a word about delena LOL
YEAH BAMON ! "strict stelena fans" lfmao xd
posted over a year ago.
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@skysamuelle: I think I may be be more happy for myself than sad for her now. Thank God I waited before buyng the new trilogy. I only have the first four books. I fell sorry for the SE fans because she talked about them as if it wasn't important. At least she seems in how the ghostwriter will develope Bamon.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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IM very glad we will probaly get endgame, which surprises me because i didnt expect L.J to want delena for endgame, but i am also very sad she wont be writing anymore.
posted over a year ago.
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I don't get how LJS could even have just considered to cut out completely SE- SE made her famous and now she wanted to destroy Stefan's character and play the new books all around a new triangle... she speaks of SE like they are a problem for the story, when in reality they were its core... no wonder she is been fired ...and i say this without any malice.
She was simply taking the series in a direction where it did not make any sense at all.
posted over a year ago.
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i would not be too sad... she has so many other book series going for her right now, i'm sure she will heal from this pain right fine...
posted over a year ago.
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No boycott? Is she kidding? Gosh. I cant believe this. This is really unfair and Im so sorry for her...
posted over a year ago.
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Well now, this should be interesting. *tries so very hard not to laugh*

I feel sorry for her, but the possibilities for Bamon seem so much greater than before.

But like I said, this woman clearly went back on what she said in the email she sent. She's wishy washy. She said they didn't like Bamon or Bonnie and it was going to be strictly Stelena... this woman needs to get with the program.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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big smile
Sweet cheers mates tis is flippin good news like rubbing lamb oil meh skin hehe. Surprisingly I'm happier for meh self then sad for her may b becuz of the mess, she was gonna write. Hopefully the ghostwriter will try to give Bamon a shot not a flippin try, But a bloody hell shot at endgame. Back to finishing meh own bloody story for my lawyer cheers mates!
posted over a year ago.
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I notice LJS was not fired when she introduced Bamon since she had already successfully published two books where Bonnie was very central, but when she started talking of making Stefan a secondary character... so i think, all things considered, that Damon and Bonnie will not be minimized at all... we can have centric SE without losing DB.
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
Yes we still get Bamon!!! I'm happyyy
posted over a year ago.
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helomusic said:
I'm so happy that we'll have our Bamon I was sure Bamon wasn't in danger lol!
Now I wonder what Dumb Entertainment fans thinks, I'm sure the petition is still on and it might have a lots of: "now I'm so not buying the books" or "we might write a letter because we're are more than SE and BD united" lol!
posted over a year ago.
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they can petition all they want, but even if LJS came back, she would be obliged to follow her publishers' pointers so... either way, they lose.
posted over a year ago.
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si es verdad es claro ya para mi la verdadera causa de su despido es que dejo atras a stefan y queria un libro delena no ha sido por bonnie que la despidieron sino por elena

esto me sube el animo es increible todavía ay posibilidad para nosotros no esta todo perdido
incluso tenemos una bonnie sin rival LJ lo a dicho para nosotros posiblemente es lo mejor

los siento por los fans delena
posted over a year ago.
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Hm interesting! So no Delena, we're getting Bamon after all, and Stelena is endgame? If Bamon is also endgame, I will die happy. And I'm so gonna check out these books I think.

And as for Delena fans....yeah they can start signing petitions and writing angry emails/letters all they want, its not gonna work. they can't always win. if they dont like it then just dont buy and read the books. simple as that. Stick with the tv show. At least they have their Delena there. lol
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I don't know, maybe I'll like what's going to happen, but not the way it's written.

I'm kind of prejudiced with ghostwriters, I'm sorry. Not because of them, but because for me, it's an editor book, without soul.
posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
(And remember, for fans of Bonnie and Damon, and strict Stefan and Elena fans, the immediate dynamics may be more to your liking.)

That had to be the most uplifting line. I'm kinda excited now. Lol.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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pattykirsche :

it's no different that enjoying a tv show where the writing team is varies and numerous, but the style is the same... you never know, you might even enjoy it better...

i don't know, i'm so relueved and giddy, i can't help spreading the cheeryness
posted over a year ago.
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I'm surprised that you guys are almost all happy about it. Don't you feel like even if Bamon is endgame, it won't be the same because LJS won't be the one to make this happen ? It kinda feels like a stolen victory to me ...
posted over a year ago.
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FrenchGiirl no es una victoria robada no
Lj iso mal en jugar con los aficionados y en convertir a elena en una cualquiera los editores solo tomaron el control de todo ese lio que armo

pero igual eso no implica no a muchos nos duela que la despidieran de los personajes que ella creo la historia que es suya no se lo merecia y si que me duela
pero ya esta dicho y no hay nada que aser

el que estemos contentos no es por que la ayan despedido sino por que creiamos que sin Lj Bamon acabaría y con este mensaje de confirmación nos damos cuenta que
BONNIE Y DAMON continuan
y eso nos alegra a todos
claro salvo a los fans delena
posted over a year ago.
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helomusic said:
@Céline: Je le ressent pas comme une victoire volée vu que le bouquin en soi n'était plus vraiment fameux fameux donc si le bouqin gagne en qualité c'est déjà ça de sauvé! Ensuite, LJ s'est bien amusé avec nous donc franchement le fait qu'elle ne soit plus en mesure de finir ce qu'elle a commencé est assez injuste je te l'accorde mais bon avec toutes ses simagrées elle finnissait par me donner des faux espoirs qui sont suivi de migraines cause d'ennervement et je sens que Midnight va être une longue et douloureuse lecture!
Enfin, pour moi le plus important c'est de voir l'évolution des personnages, et une évolution COHÉRENTE de préférence donc je verrais si le "ghost writer" en vaut la peine même si je sais que je vais tout lire juste par esprit de continuité et par curiosité!
Oh et la poursuite du Bamon est juste un plus qui me fait danser pour 4 décennies lol! Je suis assez contente mais avec modération en y pensant pcq ce que dit LJ et ce qu'on trouve ensuite c'est pas toujours ça!

posted over a year ago.
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I am so HAPPY!
posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
I'm surprised that you guys are almost all happy about it. Don't you feel like even if Bamon is endgame, it won't be the same because LJS won't be the one to make this happen ? It kinda feels like a stolen victory to me ...

Honestly? No. It doesn't feel like that to me. Could be the bias in me though.
posted over a year ago.
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hinata26 said:
Ouahhhh un autre bamonator français c'est trop cool.
Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec toi tel est pris qui croyait prendre.
A force de faire tourner tout le monde en bourique l j Smith a fini par tout perdre
Elle aurait du écouter sa maison d'édition et ne pas se laisser influencer par ses fans .
C'est vraiment dommage pour elle. Je suis contente qu'il y ai une réelle chance que db devienne un vrai couple ;-) !!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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nsk said:
@hinata26 et helomusic c qui un ghostwritor LOL ?
posted over a year ago.
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I didn't understood nothing what you guys are saying...
posted over a year ago.
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@Helomusic meh luvs u 4 using my nickname lol and youre right mate. I went earlier into DE spot just to snoop lol and Lizzie_jo5, said she's not buying anymore her books. An others agreeing with her said forget the books becuz DE was obivously Ljs bloody choice. Sum were saying isn't tis joyful for DB fans um let me manky think.... HELL BLOODY YEA!!! Their gonna make me spatt on them in Japanese but Go Bamon dnt let DUMB ENTERTAINMENT FANS DRAG US TO BLOODY HELL WIT EM!!! Sum of their jackaroo butts are still gonna flippin Boycott, one fan said stop or Lj will get sue. Their gonna bury her name deeper in a pile of heap. Feel free mates!
posted over a year ago.
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It honeselty doesn't feel like a stolen victory to me, because SE were the original end game. But when the show and new trilogy started, L.J started getting hoarded by the DE fans that the show created. So the original victory was SE.

I still kind of feel bad for L.J though :(
posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
Sucks for her but its not clear why they fired her and haven't seen her officially saying it was because she wanted DE or anything. It would be offensive to SE fans who also follow her story. Unless, I did miss something?
posted over a year ago.
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Smith doesn't know why she was fired! The reasons given could be as simple as downsizing or as fuzzy as missing a deadline, to be frank.

Besides, I've been reading her (alleged) emails and the reasons given aren't clear. My suggestion, if anyone wants the answers to that question, they'll have to write to the agency.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I couldn't agree more. A perfect example is V.C. Andrews (god rest her soul) books. V.C. Andrew's ghostwriter is Andrew Neiderman and her continued works are just plain awful.

Then again, 'Heaven' and 'Flowers in the Attic' weren't exactly masterpieces either, so the line between a decent read and a complete joke is pretty thin. I mean the lady (god rest her soul) pretty much wrote the same stuff in every series she penned.

But I will say this, Andrew Neiderman wrote 'The Devil's Advocate' and both the book and the movie were off the change. He's a better writer under his own name than he is under this V.C. Andrew pseudonym. The ghost writer for L.J. Smith might be equally talented but pressured to go in directions he/she may not prefer under the publishers or L.J. Smith's direction. So although I look forward to the ghostwriter's version of 'The Vampire Diaries', I will be slightly apprehensive.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Yes frenchgirl, i am a little angry that its not L.J who will be giving us endgame but ill still take it ♥I just cant believe that L.j wanted DE for endgame. Never once when reading the books did i feel like DE should be endgame. Stelena deserves endgame IMO.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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i have mixed emotions on this issue.. sad that she wont be writing the books...but happy that there is more bamon.
if bamon is endgame in the books then it gives us more hope in the tv show. :)
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
I am happy for the fact that bamon have posibilities to be endgame
posted over a year ago.
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Guys, LJS is still playing everyone for fools, I find another letter a fan sent with a reply on Tumblr...She didn't know what she was going to do...............

This one to a DE fan lol


She was going to make us wait seven more books for some nonsense that should have ended years ago. Dear god lol Playing us all like a fiddle....I feel like I've been accosted LOL
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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onlylove2 said:
Wow I’m speechless after reading some of these comments. I don’t mean to troll or to be rude to anyone here. Just here to share an opinion and I urge you not to take it too personal as it really isn’t. But I think it’s quite contrasting the reaction in this spot before and after Lj released her official statement. Before the official statement like some of you guys I actually felt bad for Lj and I still do to a certain extent but it seemed like most people here felt her pain and wanted to put “ships” aside for a much greater cause. People wanted to boycott the books and there was a petition going around that everyone was signing. The initial reaction or feeling that I felt from this spot was that most people were upset and claimed that it wasn’t really about the ships but the fact that it was Lj’s story and she should have gotten the right to end it the way she hoped to.

Now with her official Statement being out and I guess maybe some of you feel that she never really intended or wanted a Bamon endgame, now all that talk about it not being about the ships is out of the window. Now that she has let you all know that there’s a big possibility that the books might end with Bamon, people automatically feel different. Now most of you all are almost rejoicing and feeling much better about the books. Wait! Wasn’t it just a second ago we were pretending to put ships aside for the sake of the author that wrote these characters the way we love. Now so many of you could even care less what happens as long as you get a “Bamon endgame.” Never mind that it’s not the real author’s actual doing but the thing I guess that sort of irks me is the phoniness that you all displayed after the initial email. It’s very fickle and not to mention sort of tasteless. Pretending to actually care about this person’s situation when all a while some of you guys could actually care less. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’m reading comments like “Oh Delena fans can’t win everything” “the books might be better anyways if someone else writes them” I wasn’t reading any of those kinds comments before. This is from a group of people(amongst others) who pleaded that we put ships aside for the sake of supporting LJ. Now I’m not here to make you all seem like the “bad fans” every ship has their group of tasteless fans but I have to admit I never expected so many to be “happy” or even “okay” with this as long as they got their pairing together at the end. I have to admit I’m a bit shocked.

Now I really don’t ship any couples in the books, they weren’t really my kind of books but I read them none the less. I really could care less who is endgame in the books even before LJ was fired and now I care even less than I did before. But I guess that’s all I have to say

Now I know that's not how everyone feels but the overall mood here is quite different than before her official emails
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Being lied to and played around with tends to do that to you. But honestly the only reason I felt upset is because as a writer I would be a little peeved if my story was taken from me.

But after hearing her contradict herself several times, I quickly lost that feeling. Because 1. She says its not her story, that the rights belong to her publisher. And in the email she sent she acted like she didn't know how that happened. 2. She says her publisher wanted her to write something different. Well of course they do, by rights it's THEIR STORY you work FOR them. If you don't do your job, you get fired. And she knew all of this AWHILE AGO 3. She keeps making up crap out of the blue and feeding different information to people rallying to her cause...

Yeah, excuse me if I don't give a crap after the first 3 run arounds.

But yes, it sucks she doesn't get to finish what she started, but then again she wasn't PLANNING on finishing anything, from the sound of it.

And you say you don't mean to be rude or troll, but clearly coming in here to judge us on our own opinions (everyone's allowed to have one) is clearly being rude. Not everyone is going to agree, or look it the same way. We have a right to feel anyway we want to, without the judge or jury.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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onlylove2 said:
I agree that you have a right to feel anything you want to. Just like I have a right to not really care at all about the end games. But why pretend to care about her situation and pretend to feel bad and pretend to "put ships aside" for her cause when you know that you don't? How long have we known Lj to tell each fandom whatever they want to hear? I'm sure this didn't come as news to you just recently. So if you're going to act like you care about her when you're uncertain about your ship and then rejoice once you realize that your ship is safe, then that just makes it fickle and a bit phony.

If all people care about is the ships than I can respect it if you're honest. But reading back at some of the past comments before she made this announcement, everyone was "crying poor LJ, she didn't deserve this, it's not fair" Nothing changed except for the fact that she mentioned Bamon might be a shoe in where endgames are concerned. All of a sudden everything changes, all of a sudden all the people that were insisting that it's not about ships no longer care about whether or not LJ is fired o, it's all about "Bamon" and some people now even feel like her being fired is okay as long as Bamon is endgame. See where I'm coming from with this. it's not really about how you feel about it, everyone is allowed to feel however they please but don't pretend to care when its clear that you don't.

And I don't think I'm trolling I didn't come here to to insult anyone just stating my opinion. I never said you couldn't be happy but I feel like some of the comments really contradict themselves. If I'm wrong please tell me so, I was just bringing it to your attention..
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Yes it does suck that she wont be the one writing the book and that she was fired like that ...but when i know my couples going to be endgame im not gonna be devastated about that. Nobody would.
posted over a year ago.
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^Exactly. honestly I dont even care who the writer is, as long as the couples I'm rooting for are endgame, I'm happy.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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@Wow Ouch Onelove tat bloody hurt mate and guess wat? You're not wrong about tis gent I personally can give a white rabbit's ass about who's writing what. Lj trashed her own story for DE fans completely armed with a bloody pen and paper. Lj was about to take SE for a dark journey in which they wouldn't be coming back. "Do I care?" Yes not becuz I ship them to be bloody frank mate SE isn't my OTP. Now Bamon yea they are and a win is a flippin win.... Excuse me for a moment.... YABI(UH OH) SHE... OGASHI(PAYBACK). Sorry my japanese blood is stirring anyhoo would you rather read a book, where the author/writer isn't true anymore? Not tis southern brit mate becuz I'm a writer aswell and would'nt want my readers reading my story. Infact I would bloody encourage my fanbases to avoid picking up the lastest copy. Just becuz I didnt bloody follow meh own heart.. not fans but meh and stuck wit my story. You kinda pinch meh off mate saying sum of us are liars well I never hide my haterd for this flippin mess Lj did, nor did I feel geuinely sorry. As a writer yes that's the closet emotion you'll get from a mate who's been bloody hanging out to dry, threw all this pig horse.
posted over a year ago.
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Personally I don't think anyone should care who the writer is. They could have just fired LJ and left the series UNFINISHED. PERIOD. Then everyone would be even more angry at the fact that they didn't get ANY bit of closure period.

And that shizz isn't fun. I've had that happen in two series I loved. Wasted money on all the books and got no ending.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree crazed same wit tis mate here and half were meh own bloody stories.
posted over a year ago.
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Humans are contradictory creatures. We are an embodied paradox. No one is exempt from this fatal condition, not even the most sincere idealist.

I'm sure we all empathize with the author's plight. I'm equally convinced that we all would support L.J. Smith's continued success as a writer. However, I don't think its fair to expect readers to remain objective when reviewing her emails. I've read a great many reactions to the news/rumor and very few (including yourself, Onelove2) were able to retain their objectivity. Emotions are running high and people are reacting within a flip of a dime. On the web, that's the nature of the beast. It happens, but it certainly is no surprise.

In any case, I'm sure the author will recover from this setback.

posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
Elena was going to do a semester as “Damon’s girlfriend” when Stefan Influenced her to forget his existence, after accidentally taking so much blood from her that she almost died.

And that's the only way she would have been able to see the relationship happening? feels like a cheap cope-out to me.

Elena has to lose all sight of Stefan to be able to move on with Damon, that should say something.

As badly as I felt for L.J when I first heard all the news. I did feel sorry for her and jumped onto the bandwagon quickly but with all the contradictory e-mails that are bouncing up all over the place, I can't be bothered.

L.J doesn't sound like she knows what she wants and just how long could you still drag this mess out for? another seven books? pfft.

I'm honest - I'm happy with the idea that Bamon may actually get more scene's an a better chance, an even happier that Stelena won't be tainted either.

On the web, that's the nature of the beast. It happens, but it certainly is no surprise.

This and everything else you stated. Is pure truth! ;)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Well... I'm still not happy about this. And you know I'm not even a fan of LJS. I don't like her attitude or even her style of writing. But who's writing the story IS important. If the ghostwriter (au fait nsk, j'crois que ça veut dire "un nègre" ou un truc du genre) writes good books and make Bamon endgame, good for us. But it still won't be the same. It's like winning a game because the referee made a mistake (great comparison I know xD), it doesn't really count.
And if you add to this the fact that everything seems to show that LJS wanted to make DE endgame anyway, it's a very bitter victory.

@onlylove2 : I agree with you in a way. BUT I don't think the fact that we learned that Bamon had chances to be endgame is the only reason why some people forgot about LJS. I think it's also because a lot of people realized how disrepectfully she acts towards the fans and just thought "Yes it's sad for a writer to be in such situation, but she kinda deserved it so too bad for her".

posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB :

WORD with you... I read that email... and Gods, the series would have became a mess.
the one idea i actually liked was the Fountain of Eternal Youth, along the delivering of Caroline babies...

the way i see it, the story was going on with no sense of direction whatsoever so...i can't bring myself to ber sorry.
If you don't know where the story or the characters are going, the story loses quality anyway.

I think anyone can see that Bamon endgame is not the only reason we are not crying bitter tears of grief over LJS firing.
We probably hAD good chances with LJS as well but it was going to be sopoiled by the flightyness of storylines and chracters' feelings. I enjoy reading and watching stories about a character journey , but here it reads like there was NO deeper journey or destination, only a lot of endless, aimless wandering.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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@AngulsB I'm riding the same horse even more proudly I was turly upset about Lj at first. Then a Delena fan came into our home without malice, she confrimed what sum of us knew. Then another DE fan then another and so bloody on until we flippin saw LJ for who she is. Playing fanbases like manky slot machines is just wrong, even for the ones who put aside their ships. I wish ppl would get over how Bamon might've got a fair share becuz honestly DE, could've had the same. If she wasn't trying to kill the couple that started very well started The Vampire Diaries. I think to SE fans it was a cheap shot that should'nt ever got thoughted, But it did mate and it bloody sucks for them. Yea I flippin cared bout Lj firing but now I'm all easy mate and if you're not a real fan mate, then why are you mad? Makes no sense to me Mate.
posted over a year ago.
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I think ghost-writers are normal in lots of books, from her mail, it seems like that way, anyways here is the mail.

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your e-mail.I have not still considered any couple that they would be endgame. I just follow my heart and write. If I would write the books, I will give Bonnie the same chance to be with Damon just as Elena. But I’ve been fired from writing the Vampire Diaries. Midnight is the last L. J. Smith book in the Vampire Diaries series.

You might wonder why the book packager and Harper would do this to me. I am not sure either, but usually a book packager gets very submissive, non-assertive writers to write for them—not to mention that most of them, writers or ghostwriters, have had a lot of publishers turn their books down. Book packagers are used to do a lot of editing on their author’s books—because the books need intense editing.

I don’t know how Phantom will turn out, with a blend of my manuscript and the complete rewriting of it by the ghostwriter. But I dread it, and even more do I dread what the next books will be like. I’ve worked so hard to make Vampire Diaries a good series, only to have the unthinkable happen to me. And I have no one but myself to blame for not being submissive enough.

L. J. Smith

In response to my mail.

Dear L.J. Smith,

Thanks for Midnight, I have not read it but I heard some good spoilers of it. Is it true that you are fired because you want Damon/Elena as the endgame of the book series and publishers want Stefan/Elena? What about Damon/Bonnie in books? I thought that you love them and want them together.

With regards


posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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silvina19 said:
IA with all of you LJS messed up everything (story, work and fans).. i think that she couldnt handle.. and i truly feel sad and sorry for her and for us because she has a huge imagination some of her ideas are great but she need to focus in an objective a goal to reach..
well I feel like im going to read a ff from now on... the series end with midnight for me and then im going to read the others but are like fake TVD books to me

maybe some of our talented writers here should do a ff with some of her ideas to see how it might have been… XD

and onlylove you have to remember that not only the people can change also it could be that the fans wanting to boycott editorial are not the same fans that are not so sad for LJS got fired...

i dont know if i explain myself well the english is not my native language...
posted over a year ago.
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helomusic said:
Oie, I love how she said: "I just follow my heart and write. If I would write the books, I will give Bonnie the same chance to be with Damon just as Elena."
Seriously didn't she send mail to DE readers with all good plans she actually was about to give for DE and basically all the indication she give them was that they were endgame!
I'm not a fool and even in the end she can't actually admit what she feels about Bamon and continue to play with us!
So when I see a Dumb Entertainment fan come here and say that if our BD happen on the books it won't be legitimate because its not Liar J Smith who actually wrote it! Says who? I don't have any respect for that woman anymore! So I don't care and I think it's such hypocritical of DE fans to actually be all we're not accepting the books blablabla since they were the ones who was quite insensitive when they thought Midnight was an ultimate BD books they weren't all that supportive of her and now she's all DE supporter now: the end is illegitimate! What the heck? It's just laughable!
posted over a year ago.
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^I mean she tells us something, then tells DE fans something else and SE fans something else, I still love her writing but she always does this.Even with Night-World, she is making the closure in Strange fate, still I'm not sure that it's her last book with that series and with TVD now another three books would come where Midnight should be the last book.May be she is extremely confused.She needed to end the book with the first three TVD books, really...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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ITA with helomusic

the end will be legitimate AND choerent with the characters, something LJS could not apparently guarantee anymore, since she no longer knew what the story was about.
posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
That scene also enticed me and maybe, if we’re lucky the new writer will still throw it into the story. Damon and Bonnie helping bring new life into the world. *clutches heart fondly*

the way i see it, the story was going on with no sense of direction whatsoever so...i can't bring myself to ber sorry. If you don't know where the story or the characters are going, the story loses quality anyway.

True – much like the show, there is no way they can drag this triangle out for however many seasons it manages to remain on air. It’s going to get old and quickly. I’m already bored with it .

I don’t imagine the book would have been anymore interesting as it would have played about the same old tune anyway. Damon or Stefan? Damn or Stefan? Just how long has Elena been asking herself that now?

the end will be legitimate AND choerent with the characters, something LJS could not apparently guarantee anymore, since she no longer knew what the story was about.

I seriously hope that’s true! I have some high hopes for the ghost writer.
posted over a year ago.
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buena pregunta en tu correo pero no creo que te la responda
posted over a year ago.