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stupid delena
posted over a year ago.
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Well, I actually doesnt see anything wrong here. Because, you know, in the show, there's no such thing as 'Bamon' yet. They are not even friends right now. But as soon as their relationship starts developing, I'm sure we'll see 'Bonnie & Damon' choice there. ;)

But the thing I couldnt understand there was, why the hell there is no Stelena? :S I mean, there are Stelena fans as many as the Delena fans...
posted over a year ago.
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nansoula said:
I was shocked for stelena too!
posted over a year ago.
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nsk said:
^hum no stelena? gah not fair , their fanbase is also big
posted over a year ago.
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Damon&Elena are not even a couple... What about Stefan&Elena, the OTP?
posted over a year ago.
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Wait the question was "favorite couple who should", so it's fair that DE's there. And their fanbase is huge, that's a fact.
But what's weird is that there's Damon/Katherine in "favorite couple who have" and not SE xD.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Aaaaand why is this a bad thing? umm hello? fanbased? lol, that doesn't meant that DE is the couple most likely to happen OR to have a huge chemestry so not worried
posted over a year ago.
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nansoula said:
Τhe bad news is that we didnt make it :(
@Frenchgiirl yes i had the same question :/
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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/\ I'm pretty sure you have heard of the phrase: what goes around comes around!
i guess most delena fans are internet based.
posted over a year ago.
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no esta tan mal yo la verdad soy fan de ellos como pareja en los libros la serie aun no veo nada
posted over a year ago.
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OH LOOK WHO'S HERE THE LOSER YADDAYADDAYADDA ... My God do you have parents? I bet you don't
Nansoula, how many, just how many picks have been made by 'others' that bamon wasn't on the list *not even SE and that's the show's OTP but...hey?! Who's judging?o_O* aand those votes were either repeated or half of the ppl *DB/SE* didn't vote? And just how many didn't inclued Bamon? Nothing new honey, we all know what's the difference btwn fanbased/tv rates and reality...TV always goes with the rates, egg:. if a certain ship gets too many comments from an article or interview, you as a viewer think that that's the most interesting couple on the show but when you actually see the show and the ship has nothing interesting to give you, you won't ship it right? Simple as that, childish fantasy... many ppl identify themselves as either D or E so they resolve to ship them together cause they're the cutest couple ever *or they just want to be with that certain character or be like that certain character* *rolls-eyes* you see, it's a matter of convinience...
posted over a year ago.
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nansoula said:
@Bangelusfan Im just a viewer of the percentages that's all and what I see now is that our fanbase is smaller.But it will grow bigger eventually. Im not saying it's a disaster we didn't make it to the top 5 but yet it makes me sad (in a healthy way lol) cause we deserve it
posted over a year ago.
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We do, but as I've said before TV only cares for its rates nothing else, it's normal *shrugs*, we all know what goes behind it so...Fanbase goes with "fanbase", I hope you know what I'm trying to say here, I tend to get very confusing to other ppl lool
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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nansoula said:
yeap that's true!
posted over a year ago.
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@791ATFSunflower, who the heck do you think you are!!!! Coming on our spot and insulting us!!! That was really uncalled for! Haven't heard the phrase if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all! You back the hell off I am going to report you! Then you'll see who's laughing I absolutely hate people like you! You disgust me! You mess with my friends you mess with me! You are the worst Delena fan I've Ever met!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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@791ATFSunflower: Seriously how old r you? 12? Grow the hell up and get a life outside of your stupid fictional couple. DE fans like u make me sick and give the nice, sane ones a bad name! GTFO!!

As for that list, why the hell is Damon/Katherine on "favorite couples who have" and not Stefan/Elena or even Stefan/Katherine? this makes me sad for Stefan actually. he deserves to be there 2.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Fanbase girls, fanbase...
posted over a year ago.
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@ItalianAngel89 Thank you sweetie! I Completely agree with you<3
posted over a year ago.
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well i think we should atleast be glad that we are the third biggest fanbase in TVD, even if we have lyk 30 mins of bamon time in 1 and 1/2 seasons.
don't worry guys we will grow wen we get more scenes!
posted over a year ago.
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What do you think the chances are that DE fans like 791ATFSunflower will attempt to grow up by the end of the series? I'm thinking I'll probably win the lottery before that happens. Idk, some people just need to ragequit the internet and crack open a book.

Oh and for the record, you can claim victory by internet voters all you want, but hell our ship has been mentioned REPEATEDLY by interviewers, despite them not having as many scenes as DE has. That's a better victory than having mediocrity shoved down our throats.

AND LOLOLOL @ shipping real life actors/actresses together. Grow up, it's a tv show for crying out loud. Get over your "NIAN" fantasies lol.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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AND LOLOLOL @ shipping real life actors/actresses together. Grow up, it's a tv show for crying out loud. Get over your "NIAN" fantasies lol.

Haha exactly. Delena shippers are going nuts on their "dating" rumors. *rollseyes* and I'm a bit creeped out by that wedding picture manip. : | lol
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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jereimy said:
"Oh and for the record, you can claim victory by internet voters all you want, but hell our ship has been mentioned REPEATEDLY by interviewers, despite them not having as many scenes as DE has. That's a better victory than having mediocrity shoved down our throats. "

Well said CrazedBamonfan
posted over a year ago.
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Ian is too old for Nina.
posted over a year ago.
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aceg said:
pattykirsche: age is not a problem. There are plenty of older women/younger man and older man/younger women relationships in the world. Besides 10 years is not like a big gap.
posted over a year ago.
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Yep Aceg is right, but I do think that they make their relationship God-like, I mean I just want to see D/B together... either Ian is dating Nina, I do not care, I'll be happy for them, but I just want the characters Damon and Bonnie to be together.
posted over a year ago.
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hinata26 said:
Âge can be a problem sometimes it's depend on the degree of maturity .
It's true that age ain't nothing but a number but you can't denied that in general we don't want the same thing when we're 20 years old that when we're 30 or 35 years old. My big bro is nearly 10 years older than is girlfriend and I think being involve with her might be the biggest mistake of is Life. She too immature for him .
I think he is with her he doesn't want to grow up. Like I said earlier it can work it depend on the maturity of the people and what we expect of the relationship.
posted over a year ago.
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Meh...I don't mind. Obviously in the show we weren't gonna win but that doesn't mean in the books we don't have a chance. :D
posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
Oh and for the record, you can claim victory by internet voters all you want, but hell our ship has been mentioned REPEATEDLY by interviewers, despite them not having as many scenes as DE has. That's a better victory than having mediocrity shoved down our throats.

<--- Love this, heh heh..

Bamon hasn't even had a real taste of what we know they can be but when they do get there chance, we're gonna knock it across the ball park. Vampire Diaries is still at the beginning of it's tale and once this whole Katherine thing passes, I'm sure they'll be able to focus on some other characters too instead of s/e/d.. in the mean time, we just bide our time a little and don't stress to much about these internet polls... there are so many of the same thing out there, it's laughable! and admit, I'm addicting to throwing my vote in to support... lol
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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@ Patty I care less about Celebs personal life, If Ian is with Nina and he is happy, as a Ian fan, I'm happy but I really don't like when Ian/Nina fans don't understand difference between real life shipping and On-screen shipping.10 years is not old, My boyfriend is 6 years older than me.Lol...

For me ,I'm watching Bonnie and Damon. What Kat and Ian do is none of my concern or interest.

But the bad thing is some DE fans and Nina/Ian fans are so obsessed that I got always tweet like they are god's creation or like they are Brangelina,or sth like Ian is Jesus or sth, because of this Lunatic fans, one day other fandoms will hate him and I really love Ian, I don't want this thing happen to him because of these Lunatics, I mean give that poor guy a freaking break lunatics, let him live.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Guys if I were you I wouldn't waste your breath on a thing that just got out of a mental institution lmao!! I'm thinking someone clearly needs to go back for a labotomy LOL!!!
posted over a year ago.