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Kat Graham talks Bamon hate sex & how they could be more than friends ;)



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"Oh I Hate You So Much, Kiss Me!" Lmao! I can so see this happening! *thud*
posted over a year ago.
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^ Same. xD
Kat is amazing!
posted over a year ago.
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hahah Kat is such a Bamon fan. Love her! XD
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Oh, I hate you so much, kiss me!

They'll be together, I'm sure!!!
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
Yes Patty, they'll definately be together! I think Kat isn't "just saying" (obviously this is to ward off the crazies), she means it and ofcourse she knows what's planned for her character and they way she speaks of Damon especially this new interview, it makes it pretty concrete. I love that she said they'll be more than friends *jumps up & down*.
posted over a year ago.
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She's already being bashed at twitter for that. But I believe she's a Bamon shipper, although she doesn't want to let us know.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I firmly believe she is a Bamon shipper and I don't blame her for qualifying her answers with words that make it sound like it's nothing but pure speculation. The haterz are flipping crazy! I saw the interviewer tell the "crazies" to calm down on Twitter, that it was just speculation.

I just can't wait for Bamon to explode onto our screens...Lol Ima have so much fun watching the haterz implode! :D
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Now Kat is getting bashed because she doesn't say that DB will never happen, she is sweet to all her fans whether it's DE, DB , SE or JB or Luka/Bonnie, she even said that she likes Bonnie/Jeremy/Luka also, she is being professional and sweet to all her fans.But as she was talking about Bamon, fans are bashing her .Seriously...LMAO, it's called professionalism and unbiased to all fans, get it obsessed fans.
posted over a year ago.
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AngelusB said:
Pfft,they can bash away. It's pointless. They're throwing her teasing out of context and hello, who doesn't wanna be with Damon?

People need to get over themselves. I loved her interview! I'm glad that she's at least open to the idea! :P
posted over a year ago.
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^obviously she is sweet to JB, DB, Bonnie/Luka to all fans but now what she can't even give an answer about DB and DB fans question also.
posted over a year ago.
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^Exactly! I mean we don't go psycho-mode over the flood of DE news published nor do we hate on Nina for talkin about DE....and they go insane over the smallest DB mention even when it's in a jokey context? What's wrong with them? *shakes head in pity*

What's even crazier is how they have this arrogant attitude and say Bamon is no threat at all and will never happen, Delena is what keeps the ratings up, this show is doomed,ya hear, doooomed without our fanbase yada yada boring list too long...and lo n behold they exude the most insecurity in the entire fandom!
posted over a year ago.
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jereimy said:
she is so lovely, I love her, she is an awesom actress and professional, she gives us hope and yeah at some point bamon is going to happen it is only time and well de fans thinks they are the owner of TVD, they think they write produce and casting the actors jajajajajaaj ( Not all of them I must say)
posted over a year ago.
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Love Kat she's so down to earth and real....starting to really despise DE fans though. It shouldn't be that way, I should dislike the couple, but it's the FANS that are making me sick to my stomach. Like seriously....And I know I already wasn't into DE as a couple before, but the fans turn me off of them even more, I can only imagine what people outside of the TVD fandom think of them.
posted over a year ago.
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Please this fans are crazy hahaha someone comment like "Nothing could happen between Bonnie and damon cause they don't have "NOTHING" in books" and i was like "hahahaha this girl is so freaking funny!"
Please.. sorry for Kat but i think that she doesn't regret it...

- Oh, I hate you so much, Kiss me lol Kat, you rock!
- He's an incredible actor and he gives me so much to work with and we're actually good friends in life, so he's just fun and we've got good chemistry I know! to all the people who say they don't have.... not true!
- "They could be more than that! I'm just saying," Done! I heard what i needed to hear... I'm so happy... If an actress or actor says that it's not "just saying"... I think/know that Kat is a believer of Bamon... She also ships Beremy and all but since the beggining she leave clear that she likes Bamon.... This sentence left me like... "this could be an spoiler?" the way she said that it was like.... maybe maybe....
Oh and please DE fans.. you got your turn with interviews of DE almost always, so now it's our turn, let us enjoy... *happiness*

Go Bamon Go!
posted over a year ago.
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I think we'll have Bamon moments this season. It's a spoiler, I'm pretty sure.
posted over a year ago.
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nsk said:
^id love that! the delena fans get angry for nothing seriously! i dont even think about a bamon romance now , i just want them to be friends! its not a big deal ! i think they are freaking afraid otherwise they wouldnt react that way!
posted over a year ago.
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Seriously, who could bash Kat ? She's an amazing actress and person, everyone should love her lol. She never says anything bad about any couple, and even if she did, she's allowed to have opinions anyway. So the bashing doesn't make sense ...

Love the interview btw :D
posted over a year ago.
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<3 I just saw it! I loved the part where Kat said 'Oh, I hate you so much, kiss me!' lol. (: I hope they become friends! I'm also glad she thinks Damon & Bonnie could be more than friends.
posted over a year ago.
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OMG. Kat is amazing and a total Bamon fan :D:D
posted over a year ago.
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love kat
my favorite parts were
As for who she'd choose for Bonnie?
"All of them!

I hate you so much, Kiss me
posted over a year ago.
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nansoula said:
"Oh, I hate you so much, Kiss me" <3 <3 <3 I love her!!
thanks for sharing!!
posted over a year ago.
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Hahaha. "I hate you so much, Kiss me" Love it.

As for the crazies,...lmfao they are so afraid. ANYTHING that comes out of Kat's mouth Bamon related, DE fans start shaking. So ridiculous that they are bashing her. Do we tweet Nina and bash her when she talks about Delena?? NO I dont and I wouldnt do that.
posted over a year ago.
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^ They're not shaking, they're QUAKING! Lol
The comments are so pathetic...Jeez! Apparently Kat "desperately" wants to make-out with Ian but NO NO NO, he belongs to Elena & Nina. Lmfao! Classic case of clutching at straws!

We don't bash Nina for talking about Delena cos we differentiate the real from the fiction...but also cos we're not insecure about our ship. Even now when everything is so strongly Delena, nope not phased at all cos I know Bamon will happen and they'll be extraordinary!

You're welcome nansoula <3
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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OMG! i love this interview!
ughh all the stupid bashers should just butt out of this!
i'm pretty sure more than half of the DE fanbase is a damon fan, and just becasue damon likes elena they like DE. i wonder what will happen when damon DOESN'T want elena anymore!
posted over a year ago.
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Awful comments, read the last one and tell me what was that????
posted over a year ago.
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01trugirl said:
I know!! Some of the delena fans are really cruel, so cruel to point you wanna scream "its just a tv show get over it, its not the end of the world."
posted over a year ago.