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10 Years After The 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Finale, 10 Things We'll Always Love About The Show

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10 Years After The \'Buffy The Vampire Slayer\' Finale, 10 Things We\'ll Always Love About The Show
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" gave viewers a world rich with witty, independent women, fantastic monsters, hellish high school sagas and so much more.
It\'s been 10 years since Joss Whedon\'s TV masterpiece ended -- May 20, 2003 was the last time a new episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" aired -- and we still can\'t get enough of the show. Buffy\'s adventures continued on in comic books written by and executive produced by Whedon, but there\'s still something to say about the world crafted on the series.
In honor of the 10th anniversary of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series finale, here are 10 things we\'ll always love about the show.
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10 Things We\'ll Always Love About \'Buffy\'
On paper, a teenage girl and a middle-aged man should be a recipe for creepiness, but thanks to the stuffy charm of Anthony Stewart Head, pretty much every Buffy fan wanted his or her own encyclopedic British mentor. Whether he was cleaning his glasses in a disapproving fashion, lamenting technology or playing the most hilarious drunkard ever, we all know that Buffy would\'ve been nothing without her loyal Watcher.
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" had many standout episodes, but there are just a few that are universally beloved and simultaneously gut-wrenching. "The Body," which saw the death of Joyce Summers, Buffy\'s mother, featured no music. The performances from the cast were raw -- let\'s not forget Anya\'s speech -- and the imagery stayed with viewers. It was an episode that further proved "Buffy" wasn\'t just a show about a girl fighting monsters.
From "Fire bad, tree pretty" to "If the apocalypse comes, beep me," "Buffy" had wisdom, snark and insults for every occasion. Like most of Joss Whedon\'s writing, "Buffy\'s" one-liners never go out of style, even if beepers and scrunchies have. So the next time one of your friends is acting like they have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone, don\'t forget to say, "Bored now," before you wander off. Image via Delicate Flower on Tumblr.
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has had its fair share of creepy moments and monsters, but The Gentlemen take the cake when it comes to scariest. "Hush" featured the residents of Sunnydale losing their ability to speak and for about 30 minutes there was no dialogue in the episode. The Gentlemen were coming for seven hearts and it was up to Buffy and her friends to stop the murdering monsters and get the town\'s voices back. Joss Whedon was nominated for an Emmy for writing the episode.
While some of "Buffy\'s" big bads were kind of underwhelming, for every Adam, there was a Drusilla, Glory or Mayor Wilkins, each with an intoxicating mix of sassiness and psychosis. "Buffy" created villains you loved to hate, and then, in the case of Spike and Faith, evolved them back into characters you couldn\'t help but love.
Pulling off a musical episode is no easy task for a TV show. But "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" did it. The cast all sang -- albeit some better than others -- and Joss Whedon had a hand in creating all the music. It wasn\'t just a throwaway episode -- "Once More With Feeling" set things up for the rest of the season: Buffy\'s struggles with being back to life, Buffy and Spike, Willow\'s magic abuse and split from Tara, Xander and Anya\'s problems and Giles\' departure. Good luck getting this song out of your head.
Before Bella and Edward, Elena and Stefan/Damon or Sookie and Bill/Eric, there was Buffy and Angel, with a romance that set many teenage hearts aflutter back in the \'90s. Not only did the couple have to contend with a major age difference and an aversion to sunlight, they also couldn\'t hook up without Angel turning into a homicidal monster -- Romeo and Juliet had nothing on these two. David Boreanaz\'s character was layered enough to merit his own equally compelling spinoff, which ran for five seasons from 1999-2004.
"Normal Again," a late entry into the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" collection of stellar episodes, turned the Buffyverse on its head. What if Buffy wasn\'t really the Slayer and just some troubled girl? The episode took place in normal Sunnydale and with Buffy Summers in a mental institution. Which was real: the place with monsters and a Hellmouth or the one with a disturbed girl? Well, the episode ended with viewers asking the very question.
Sure, Willow had a relationship with Oz for a few seasons, but with Tara, the character really came into her own. The two witches brought new life to the series and portrayed a lesbian relationship in a relatively normal and positive light ... until Tara was murdered and Willow turned evil.
While most production company logos are just another name that everyone ignores after the credits, Joss Whedon\'s Mutant Enemy was every bit as quirky and memorable as the show that preceded it -- especially when certain episodes, such as "Becoming" and "Once More With Feeling" offered a variation on the usual "grr, argh" catchphrase.
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