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Bones Creator HH Interview!



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TeeFly said:
This interview is exactly what I'd expect out of HH! lol always the air of mystery...of course he has to be that way or else he might spoil the surprise for us all. Regardless, this interview actually made me really excited! They are going to address Brennan being a mom again?! We all know the only one she wanted to have a baby with was Booth so THIS makes me smile! XD

BuddyTV: Will the fans who are in it for the romance be happy or sad by the end of the season? And can you give us any details about why?

Hart Hanson: I would be crazy to answer this question. Not only would I have to be crazy, I'd have to perceive myself as crazy. It's a mystery.

Hart, Hart, Hart...I'm going to take this as a YES, B&B will get together by the end of the season, your little shippery hearts can rejoice. (what? I'm reading wayyy inbetween the lines ;))


Via Twitter, @wellsbones asked: How will Booth be changed by the incident with the sniper? How do you expect fans to react when Booth's actions seem unbecoming to such a hero?

Hart Hanson: Booth's actions are utterly heroic. You may not always see why at first but you will later and I would expect the fans to appreciate that about our Booth.

Hey now, Booth is a hero, I agree with Hart here. Don't pick on him!
posted over a year ago.
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tvfan5 said:
hahaha I got defensive when they said that about Booth too! He is heroic!

posted over a year ago.