Avatar: The Last Airbender Avatar Couples Elimination Game

weaslyismyking posted on Jul 01, 2010 at 07:47PM
So I got this idea from the Harry Potter spot. It goes like this:
Below is a list of some couples and AU couples from Avatar. Each couple starts with 10 points. Each person can add one point to a couple he or she likes and subtract a point from a couple he or she does not like. When a couple reaches 0, they're out. So let's see who wins!

I'll begin.

+Zuko & Mai
-Aang & Azula

[10] Aang & Katara
[10] Sokka & Suki
[11] Zuko & Mai
[10] Zuko & Katara
[10] Sokka & Toph
[10] Aang & Toph
[10] Sokka & Ty Lee
[10] Zuko & Toph
[10] Sokka & Yue
[10] Zuko & Jin
[10] Zuko & Ty Lee
[09] Aang & Azula
[10] Zuko & June

I know; some of the couples up there are quite odd.. just trying to make sure no one's favourite couple is left out...
last edited on Jul 01, 2010 at 08:09PM

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