Audrey Hepburn Audrey Fans!

nandacavalieri posted on Apr 11, 2009 at 01:46PM
A forum to talk about our idol (or at least she's mine idol *lol*) and random things ;)

Any suggestion for topic title and description let me know

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
-Audrey Hepburn
A forum to talk about our idol (or at least she's mine idol *lol*) and random things ;)


Audrey Hepburn 352 replies

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I am ashamed to admit that, since the last time I logged on here, I watched some of the remake of Sabrina. I only saw about 20 minutes of it (the end), but that was enough to know that it sucked. :P
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
ewwwwww! It was on tv the other day, but nah. I knew it would be two hours of my life that I would never get back
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
haha, yeah, I am very glad I did not see any more than I did. I only watched it because there wasn't anything else on TV for those 20 minutes.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
bumpity bump bump

So, has anyone watched any Audrey movies (or any other good movies) lately? :)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
No... I have only a few of Audrey movies to watch and they are the early ones or the last two (before Always).

I watched a classic yesterday. The Postman Always Rings Twice. Has anyone seen it?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^No, I haven't even heard of it. How was it?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
It was really good. It's noir, one of my favorite genders.
But the love in that movie is a bit disturbed, haha! Have you seen A Place in the Sun? It reminded me a bit of it
I love the meaning behind the title :)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Café Audrey!! I want to go there so badly!
last edited over a year ago
Café Audrey!! I want to go there so badly!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^Me, too! It looks so cute and cozy (for Hollywood, anyway, haha).

Nope, I have not seen A Place in the Sun. I still need to work on seeing more classic films. Is it good?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Awww yes!

Oh it's great! And yes, watch more classics :D my next on the list is Random Harvest :D
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I haven't heard of that one, either!

The last classic I watched was Rebel Without a Cause a few weeks ago. I thought it was good, but a bit underwhelming. I think The Philadelphia Story is next on my list. Either that or Singin in the Rain. :D

It's noir, one of my favorite genders.

I don't know how far you are with Fringe now (or if you even already know this), but there's a noir episode towards the end of season 2. It's pretty awesome. :D
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Well before Random Harvest I have to watch Gia :)

Ohhh! I really want to watch Rebel Without a Cause!
TPS is great! And Singin' in the Rain is one of my favorites <3

I know!! I loved Betty Brown! And I finished Fringe like a week ago :D
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Well before Random Harvest I have to watch Gia :)

As in the movie with Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Mitchell, or something completely different? :P

Wow, you're quick to catch up with shows! What did you think of the season finale?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
As in the movie with Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Mitchell, or something completely different? :P
yes, EM and AJ movie

hahaa I am. When I really love it, I usually get addicted (I think the only exception is SATC).
I really liked it! GAAH! The cliffhanger!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I've never seen Gia... let me know how it is!

ahhh, the cliffhanger scene was awesome, but very creepy! I am so excited for season 3. I really cannot wait to find out what happens with Olivia in the alt universe.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
It's good! But I shouldn't judge, I would think a movie of EM talking to a tree is good...

oh yes! very creepy!
YES!! And also what alt-Olivia will do
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
we died :O

Okay I finally rewatched Casablanca! Damn second time, I like it less now. Maybe third time will be better? For uni we have to choose a sequence to analyze for the semester. I think my group is going to use one from Casablanca <3

I also watched Grand Hotel. Great movie. I love Greta Garbo but I wasn't a big fan of her in this movie. Her acting was overrated :(

and I watched Citizen Kane! Finally! It's so amazing!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
That sounds like a fun, but challenging, project. :) I watched Casablanca for the second time recently, and I think I enjoyed it even more.

I have not seen Citizen Kane yet... I should get on that.

Last night, I watched His Girl Friday. I also watched Bringing Up Baby last week.... such a cute movie! Still, The Philadelphia Story is my favorite film for both Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn that I have seen so far.

Oh, and I finally got around to watching all of The Nun's Story last week. Great movie; loved the ending!
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Maybe the third time I will like it more. I don't think I was in the right mood.
And we decided to use The Sound of Music <3

You should! It's consider the best movie ever by many critics :)

I haven't seen His Girl Friday, who is on it?
Bringing up Baby!! LOVE IT! <3 and I have to rewatch The Philadelphia Story, I wasn't paying much attention when I saw it.

Awwww <3 isn't Audrey amazing on it?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Aw, what scene are you using from The Sound of Music?

His Girl Friday is a comedy starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russel. Cary is, of course, awesome in his role.

Yes, Audrey was amazing in it! Her performance was really powerful and memorable.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
We don't know yet. We have until next Thursday to choose ;)

Awwww! Cary <3 I think I've heard of it.

yes! <3 I wish she had an Oscar for it.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^I agree! I wish she got more recognition for The Nun's Story, as it is probably her best performance. It's a shame that most people today have never even heard of it.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Well, at least she was nominated *cough*much better than EM and the Emmys*cough*

yes :( the new generation is disappointing
over a year ago etie said…
oh nanda, your project sounds so exciting!

yes :( the new generation is disappointing --> that i agree with... my friends don't even know who gregory peck is (and they only know about audrey because I'm so obsessed with her & talk about her all the time.)
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
"yes :( the new generation is disappointing --> that i agree with... my friends don't even know who gregory peck is"

Most of my friends are the same way. :( They usually refuse to watch films that were made before the '90s. They will occasionally watch '80s movies, but even those are "too old." If the film is in black & white- forget about it; it's not worth trying to persuade them. :\

"Well, at least she was nominated *cough*much better than EM and the Emmys*cough*"

At least EM was nominated this year, and there are still future years as well. Who knows, maybe V will gain lots more recognition over this next year.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago etie said…
If the film is in black & white- forget about it; it's not worth trying to persuade them. :\ --> yep, same with mine.

btw, you watched His Girl Friday, how did you like it? i've been meaning to watch this for ages. In fact, me and my friend who (shockingly) likes old movies have been planning on watching it together so she calls me 'My Girl Friday' (mainly because my surname is slovenian for Friday xD)
over a year ago etie said…
erm... AudreyWin? =D
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I really liked His Girl Friday. It's funny and it has an interesting storyline.

"she calls me 'My Girl Friday' (mainly because my surname is slovenian for Friday xD) "

haha, that's a cute nickname!
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
oh nanda, your project sounds so exciting! --> it sounds exhausting, haha

my friends too :( well, not my new friends from uni of course. But that's totally different.

but EM was nominated for best guest actress, she deserved better. And I really, really doubt V will get any recognition. If even great sci-fi shows don't get, imagine one that is average?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
AudreyWin haha
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
:( I'm reading Emma Thompson interview ( I love her) and she said she doesn't like Audrey Hepburn. My love for her just went down a bit (or a lot?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^Same. I lost a lot of respect for Emma after reading that, but not because she was talking about Audrey. I thought she was better than to bash people in public like that. :\
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I thought she was better than to bash people in public like that. :\
yes, it's big part because of that. Sure, she's allowed to have her opinion but the way she said it... it's just wrong in my point of view.
over a year ago etie said…
:O what did she say about her?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
She's writing the remake of MFL, you know that, right? So...
"I'm not hugely fond of the film. I find Audrey Hepburn fantastically twee ... Twee is whimsy without wit. It is mimsy-mumsy sweetness without any kind of bite. And that's not for me. She can't sing and she can't really act, I'm afraid. I'm sure she was a delightful woman — and perhaps if I had known her I would have enjoyed her acting more, but I don't and I didn't, so that's all there is to it really."
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
From another link published after the first article:

"Not backing down from her earlier opinion, Thompson stressed that ''Audrey Hepburn absolutely was the most wonderful woman and a great humanitarian ... a most delightful woman, but she's not my favorite actress. I'm very particular and very critical when it comes to acting, and in my opinion Audrey's performances were really more about how she looked.''"

If she had originally said something similar to this, I would not have been bothered. In my opinion, her original statements are not good for an upcoming movie, especially a remake of a beloved classic. Filming hasn't even begun yet, and the film is already getting negative press because of this.

P.S. I'm going to watch Love in the Afternoon in a few minutes. I don't know anything about it, but I'm excited! :D
over a year ago Audreyfan101 said…
Audrey Hepburn rules!!!!
over a year ago Audreyfan101 said…
May she rest in eternal peace
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
:O I can't believe I didn't see your post Courtney, sorry.

Yes, that quote is much nicer than the other, or 'less worse'

Ohhh! What did you think of it?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^haha, it's okay. :D I liked it; it's not the best, but it's still enjoyable. Have you seen it yet?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Oh yes, it was one of the first Audrey movies I watched. But it was almost two years ago and I haven't rewatched it yet. I loved the first time I watched, but I don't know now. My taste changed quite a lot.
I bought The Nun's Story on DVD <3 I had never seen it for sale and it was really cheap so I took the opportunity :)
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
This hasn't been updated in a while. :(

That's great that you found The Nun's story. I've never seen it on DVD, either, so it's probably a rare find.

"Audrey Hepburn rules!!!! "

Totally agree with you, Audreyfan101. :P
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
yes... we are definitely not good talking here hahaha
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Happy New Year, Audrey fans!
over a year ago paola1901 said…
Happy New Year everybody!
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Happy New Year!
over a year ago paola1901 said…
Hey! I guess we haven't been here for a while :(

anyway I just wanted to tell you that I'm reading Breakfast at Tiffany's and I can't picture Holly different from Audrey, I mean she IS Holly Golightly for me! well I just wanted to share this with other Audrey fans :)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
The book is very different, isn't it? I plan to read it someday
over a year ago paola1901 said…
It's not as different as I thought it would be, but it is different and is very short, I already finnished it and now I want to watch the movie again! :D
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I read the book a few months ago, and I completely agree with you! Yes, the Holly Capote describes looks like Marilyn Monroe (as Capote wanted), but I could not get the image of Audrey out of my head.

I also agree about the book not being that different. Before I read it, all I heard/read was about how different the movie was, but I noticed more similarities than differences.