All about MephilesTheDark Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 30

big smile
DarkShades879 said …
NICE CLUB MEPH!!! Posted over a year ago
JethroTLClover said …
omggg! theres a spot for you too!? joining! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Thanks! over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Fuck. I need to eat/sleep more. ;_; Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
yes,yes u do ;) over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
You have abused my power, so I'm taking it back! over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
meap. meap. meap. meap meap. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Thinking of moving accounts to maybe:
QueenOfRandom Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
IDK, what do you guys think? over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
OFFF... over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
xD over a year ago
marksmen456 said …
Caboose: Hey Typhoon! I know something that you don't! 8D
Typhoon: Wut? -3-
Caboose: 2+2= 22! 8D
Typhoon: -3-' Oh wow Caboose,that's so smart of you....
Caboose: Yes,I know,wait a minute,your being SARCASTIC are you! DX
Typhoon: Yep. :3
Caboose: At least I can stick around with a bunch of friendly ladies,while you can't :P
Typhoon: W-What?
Caboose: YOUHAVEACRUSHONROUGEBYE! *Runs as fast as he can AWAY from Typhoon*
Typhoon: ............................................. I do? o3o' Posted over a year ago
Princess_Vivi commented…
Rouge: *Behinde Typhoon* Hello Ty... over a year ago
marksmen456 commented…
Typhoon: O_O" over a year ago
Princess_Vivi commented…
Rouge: Whats wrong tough guy? over a year ago
catgirl140 said …
I randomly ended up in this club so..................blah! xD
*scribbles some blinx tards* Posted over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
Oh, she made me close my eyes, randomly move my mouse pointer and end here? xD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Yup! 8D over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Buahahahahaha over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Where do we go? Nobody knows! Its lonely down here! I'll bring the plans, and you bring the parts, LETS BUILD A SPACESHIP! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Heck yeah! Go Phrase! over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
SCHOFERS! *glomp tackle hug and kicks Gir in the head* 8D over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
WHAT THE FU-(explodes) over a year ago
ButtOonz said …
yhur drawings are amaziin ! and ur only 13???? dude !!! u rock !! O.o' Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Thanks. :3 over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
LOLz Thanks. :3 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
np over a year ago
catgirl140 said …

Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
YEY! :D over a year ago
L_U_K_A commented…
lol then mephi will join XD over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
PINGAS! over a year ago
Thirddevision said …
Rabiesssssssss Posted over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
??? over a year ago
Thirddevision commented…
the club icon 030 over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
RABIEZ. over a year ago
catgirl140 said …
Blinx: I think...I see...a...HOLY CRAP! It's a three headed monkey! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Schofield: O.O' Don't tell me they've been messing around with the Gorillas again! *glares at a random Gorilla is armour with an MP-7* over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Schofield: *quickly reads a few Sonic comics to know what the heck they're talking about* ._.' IT'S A TALKIN SQUIRREL!? over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
pingas. over a year ago
catgirl140 said …
Trying to get the word out now I roleplay as Blinx. Yay!
*does the eletric slide* Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
WOOO! XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
huzzah over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
yeah i broke the comment box :D over a year ago
-BlazeTheCat- said …
10 things that have been going on this week:

1. Watching InuYasha, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged and Beyblade.
2. Drawing Anime. :3
3. Fanpop.
4. Obsessing over my anime crushes.
5. YouTubing.
6. Watching Beybattles at school.
7. Music, music MUSIC!
8. Writing and imagining my fantasy world.
9. The need to tell this friend of mine to SHUT. HER. MOUTH.
10. Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Quotage. :D Posted over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
Hey! That was my idea! You're going to another dimesion now! X( PS: I role play as Blinx now. over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
Well you have anime crushes while I have Blinx crushes. That's 2 things. XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Schofield: I haz scars? :D *brick'd by Book II* over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Sorry about not being on in so long... TT_TT I had to re-boot my computer, but I couldn't do it until I was under the local school intranet... Anyway, my netbook is not virus-free! :3 Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
now* XDDDDDDDDDD Major FAIL! over a year ago
-BlazeTheCat- commented…
O-O That isn't a good thing. XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I know... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD over a year ago
catgirl140 said …
10 things that have been going on this week:
1. Drawing Pokemon
2. Going on DA
3. Fanpop stuff
4. WAH TAH!!! (total phase of nonsense I have been saying lately)
5. My crush putting his hand on my shoulder when I was sad the other day. Holy Crap!
6. Getting runned over by guys in my class cause of their wresltling. Arrgh!
8. Winning top ranks in maths and english comps
9. Playing Blinx 2 ^.^
10. "I hate life" is something I have mumbling in my mind sometimes Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
1. YAY! 3. Even MOAR YAYZ! 4. 83 Awesomeness... 5. Good for you! ^^ 6. Was it me? :D 8. MEZ TOOH! 8DDD 9. Naturally. XD 10. WHY!??!?!? over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
School life can be hell with all the dorks their (not my fav teacher) but things have gone better. 11. The elevater is a boring place. Why not do the following things in the acticle. link over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
No. :3 Only 1 level. XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
What Poke'mon do I remind you of? Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I remind me of Snorlax. :3 Lazy and sleepy. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
True. xD over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Aquathehedgehog said …
Aqua:Hello! I would just like to announce that I, Aqua the Hedgehog, am now in LOVE with Ningizzida!
Shadow:Yea, so?
Aqua:Don't make me come over there, boy!
Shadow:So? You ain't my mama!
Aqua:Oh, it's on now!
Silver:Okay! So that's all we have to say for now! Bye! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Ningizzida: ._. I-I have fangirls!? over a year ago
Eilv commented…
Sorry Ningizzida. Can't help that I was born in 1204. over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
IMMORTALITY. it gets boring. over a year ago
BeccaDaHedgehog said …
lolzzzz sheldonnnn cooperrrr.... Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
XDDDD over a year ago
BeccaDaHedgehog commented…
n now a killa seal. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD dats good, man, dats good. ice station inspiration... lol over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
HECK YEAH! Ice Station FTW! over a year ago
Thirddevision said …
SUPER MONKEH BAWLZ 2 Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
OH NOES! <:O over a year ago
Thirddevision commented…
Lol over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
XP over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Feeling depressed once again~
My moodswings are becoming much more frequent, and I feel like I have no control over my emotions anymore, like I'm becoming loose at the seams~
I'm used to such, because of my Schitzophrenia, but this is escalating to something horrid past my description~
I don't want to take drugs for it, but I fear I may have to begin~
Usually, I can get on with life, outside of my curse... But right now, I just want it to end.
WHY can't I just be normal? Urgh... Posted over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
Same here. Suddenly yesterday I was feeling depresed for no reason. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Indeed, the pain of true depression is far past any words... I would not compare myself to one who does, yet as my hallucinations and moodswings are becoming a normalitly to me... I don't want to fall through these cracks that are of my own making... over a year ago
shadowwave commented…
i'm depressed too because i only haz only 5 friends or something D: over a year ago
JayCee-the-Dog said …
*flying* I believe I can fly! *looks at groung coming towards her * No I can't!! *hits ground* Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
suck. XD over a year ago
JayCee-the-Dog commented…
Epic Fail. XD over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
SPLEEN! >:D over a year ago
GangsterGurl said …
Hey Umm Did Yooh Draw The pic.?Yooh no the one on top.with shadow and the gun.?Its really pretty like i love it! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I didn't draw that one, but I'm gonna try to. ^^ over a year ago
GangsterGurl commented…
Well it is really pretty where yooh find it.? over a year ago
GangsterGurl commented…
Do Yooh Still have it tho.? over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
It\s on my USB, and I drew it myself. I'll upload my version here. I found it on over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
Must some get irritated when I use formal speech as of such?
It is but an interesting way to communicate with the others of whom may appear to speak to you...
Is there anything wrong with this? I fail to see how so...
Yet perhaps that is just me... Perhaps my veiwpoint is on another page to the rest of us...
If the latter may be true...
Am I a page ahead or behind? Posted over a year ago
hello222 commented…
Are you sad? :( over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
That's the thing... I'll be sad one second and the next laughing for no reason... T_T My moodswings have become a LOT more frequent and I don't really know how much longer I can last without causing any lasting damage... over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Don't bother trying. It's not like any of you could understand... over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
I seriously considered running away today. Not the 'I hate you! I'm running away!' Thing that's never carried out. I mean I packed a bag and all. But... I dunno. I've been feeling mad at EVERYONE I see. I just want to punch them in the face and tell them to shut the fuck up. I've always nown I have emotional issues. But this is rediculous. I feel guilty for getting mad all the time... I need a therapist or something... So, you guys might not see me much. I'm busy dealing with this. Posted over a year ago
Thirddevision commented…
<:( over a year ago
hello222 commented…
Good for you! :D over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Yus indeed. :D over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
So... fucking... bored... right now... DX Posted over a year ago
Elzyyyy commented…
that was 12 days ago... but im bored too over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
XP 15, Elzyyyy, 15. over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
Necoji is never bored...his face screems out depression. :( over a year ago
segafan said …
@Shadowsonlygirl (reply XP) and Mephiles (gift):

Mephiles i
Mephiles is
Mephiles is a
Mephiles is aw
Mephiles is awe
Mephiles is awes
Mephiles is aweso
Mephiles is awesom
Mephiles is awesome
Mephiles is awesom
Mephiles is aweso
Mephiles is awes
Mephiles is awe
Mephiles is aw
Mephiles is a
Mephiles is
Mephiles i
M Posted over a year ago
segafan commented…
Ooh! Triangle! :3 over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
n_n Naaawwww............. over a year ago
MephilesTheDark said …
My curiosity lingers on an issue of which I cannot seem to get out of my head: Who likes me for me, and not the roleplaying? Posted over a year ago
psyconinja7 commented…
I like you! over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Tank chu. ^-^ *glomp* over a year ago
catgirl140 commented…
I like you. Blinx likes you too :) over a year ago
big smile
shadowsonlygirl said …
Me likes Mephiles
Mephiles is awesome
Me likes Mephiles
M Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Thank you! ^^ over a year ago
segafan commented…
XD over a year ago
SeurisChan said …
I think too he is awesome! :3 He is my friend! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Thanks SeurisChan. ^^ You are good friend to me. over a year ago
SeurisChan commented…
Nyah! :3 thanks zu! *bow* over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
No, thank you. =) over a year ago
big smile
Aimee147 said …
Hey guys =D Just to let you all know that I think Meph is the most amazing guy ever! ^w^ Love you loads hun,keep on smiling <3 Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
=) over a year ago
Aimee147 commented…
^^ over a year ago