My Wall

been so long since i've been active on fanpop and now theres all these new features and shit and an overwhelming atmosphere of pedophilia lol. nosty disgosting Posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
fockung...........................................@ old users that might see this. msg me ur insta . blease ... over n out over a year ago
daydreamer505 commented…
?!? over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
haha hi! 12 months ago
kicksomebut23 gave me props for my images
What the fudge!?! Posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
what???????? omg over a year ago
kicksomebut23 commented…
Your photo of a goat or a camel...XD over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
ye it's a goat om g over a year ago
hetalianstella gave me props for my comments
Merry Christmas~!!! ^ ^ Posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
ahhhh thank !!! you too! ^-^ over a year ago
Tbh BoO felt a lot less intense than I expected, or maybe I really am too old for this series

But Solangelo though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Posted over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
Will Solace is like somebodies fussy mum. over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Agreed over a year ago
Fangirl521 commented…
Yup... over a year ago
is there a reason people keep talking about Will and Nico, did BoO spoilers come out???? I'm.. Posted over a year ago
darange commented…
i think its a rumor over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Yeah it's probably a rumour. But I haven't heard that one over a year ago
olympianglory commented…
was it Leo? cus if it was their right, he DOES die over a year ago

hi Posted over a year ago
BoO comes out next month

IM GONNA Posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
oh wait I'm sorry I forgot that September exists over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
ffffffFRICK over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Well it's still only like two months away, so that's still good over a year ago
it still kinda irks me that these books are thought of as children's books. Like even though it (well, briefly) discusses homosexuality, nearly all the romantic relationships are actually interracial which you don't see a lot tbh, the plot weighs heavily on death and destruction, it can be violent... Like these books have depth and if you think otherwise then you can go swallow a ball of hair, man.
Maybe it's bc of the cartoony book cover art? IDEK Posted over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
homosexuality and interracial relationships being things with stigma's, not legitimate issue of morality. All the monsters turn into convenient pixie dust when slain, leaves out a lot of the rape and what not from the original myths. The best childrens stories are those that don't use their status as a childrens series like a crutch for poor writing. over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
GODDAMNIT Spike you always shoot me down over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Labelled as a children's book like the really heavy stuff. I just finished reading a series called Gone by Micheal Grant. The stuff in that book is the sort of stuff Rick could put if it wasn't children over a year ago
Yooo ok but since when was Nico taller than me jfc (well actually by only one inch but still) Also Percy's around 6' and Annabeth's like 5'9, I'm honestly so overwhelmed.

They grow up so fast. Posted over a year ago
Phoenix_Stone commented…
I know right!? All grown up. :') over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Haha they're all so much taller than me :( how tall is Nico? over a year ago
Persassy123 commented…
im small but thats cool cause i get free piggyback rides :D over a year ago
anyone else hadn't seen the Sea of Monsters movie and doesn't plan to watch it ever? yeah Posted over a year ago
Phoenix_Stone commented…
I saw it with my mother. WORST DECISION EVER. IT DESTROYED ALL HOPE OF FUTURE ACCURATE ADAPTATIONS. Which I kinda should've expected, considering how different the first movie was from the books. BUT THEY SAID THEY WOULD FIX IT AND THEY LIED AND ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
tru tru TRU over a year ago
purple_giraffe commented…
i saw the preveiw and heard from a friend that it was the worst movie she ever saw. i would have to agree. over a year ago